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Posts posted by loremipsum

  1. A woman is sitting at her deceased husband’s funeral. A man leans in to her and asks, “Do you mind if I say a word?"

    “No, go right ahead,” the widow replies.

    The man stands, clears his throat, says “Plethora,” and sits back down.

    “Thanks,” she says, “that means a lot."

    Another man asks: "Mind if I say a word too?" She says: "Please do." The man proceeds to say: “Water pit.” The widow replies: "Thanks. I know you mean well."

    Another man comes up and asks if he also could say a couple of words. The widow says that would be nice. The man clears his throat and says: "Being alive." The widow says, "Thank you. He would have liked that."

  2. That’s soooooo cute!


    He thinks Donna Summer’s “Last Dance”....is from The 80’s.


    That was 1978 baby.....a completely different era.


    Oops... I think I may have known that it was seventies, but it was in this “eighties” thread, so... And on that clueless note I recall conflating Donna Summer and Gloria Gaynor when I was a kid. At least I think I ascribed “I Will Survive” to the former.

  3. Maybe millennials don’t know the magic of experiencing it all firsthand, but we definitely know about this stuff, boys; there is a lot of nostalgia for the 80s even among people who didn’t live through those years. It’s considered pretty hip to like 80s music — I’d venture that if you asked a millennial what decade he’d want to live through given the choice, a majority would say the 80s. :)


    This song in particular is the last song played at Mickys in West Hollywood. Every. Single. Night. Subliminally exhorting us to hurry up and find someone to take home if we haven’t already.

  4. instagram.com/brianbuzzini


    Appears to be the same guy, and if it is, he’s taken extremely good care of himself (he has many current pics and videos interspersed among the throwbacks)

  5. I had a teenager (19) once. He was sweet during our time together. However after that first rendezvous he called me several times telling me that he wanted to see me but that he didn’t have the donation. During that first time he also told me that he had a yacht, so I didn’t know what to think.

  6. I’m now reminded of a peculiar scam — ultimately I suppose that we were robbed of only our time — but it was very odd. There are two specific cons people try to pull on me on a weekly basis, but this one was unique. Incidentally, GF might be interested to know that Armond R., who lives in my city, was like me the victim of this scam a couple of years ago. Armond ended up exposing the man by posting the his phone number to his public Twitter account. The man contacted boys all over the country asking if we wanted to take part in regular strip shows at Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut. He said that there was a large, covert room somewhere and that gentlemen would go in and watch. There were to be no cameras at all which was a draw for the same reason that I turn down offers to do porn. He’d text and call us multiple times and have lengthy conversations and ask for our respective jock sizes, D-size, etc. Asked us what we’d be willing to do. When we were on the phone I could tell that he was actually writing this all down. Made us look at underwear catalogs online and told us to tell him exactly what we’d wear. I grew weary of it all and increasingly skeptical and said I could wear whatever and he said “no you have to be picky.” He’d also tell us the names of other boys/send us their links and asked which guys we’d be willing to put on shows with.

    It must have been so exceedingly time-consuming for him that I don’t understand why he’d even do it. When I spoke to Armond about it he told me that the man obviously just wanted to talk to cute boys. Sigh.

  7. The "Froot Loops" vs "Fruit Loops" example in that article: I remember reading long ago that the cereal was, originally, Fruit Loops. Then someone brought up that there was really no fruit in the cereal (perhaps they brought it up via a lawsuit?) and Kellogg's changed the name. This is an old, old, memory and perhaps itself an example of the Mandela Effect. :)


    Happens to be one of my favorite sugary, roof-of-the-mouth-destroying cereals.


    Personally, the “Hello, Clarice” factoid tripped me up.

  8. She should have died hereafter;

    There would have been a time for such a word.

    — To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,

    Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,

    To the last syllable of recorded time;

    And all our yesterdays have lighted fools

    The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!

    Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player

    That struts and frets his hour upon the stage

    And then is heard no more. It is a tale

    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury

    Signifying nothing.



    — Macbeth (Act 5, Scene 5, lines 17-28)

  9. Speaking of interesting phenomena: In that other thread I posted the quote “I can’t deny the fact that you like me. Right now, you like me!” It’s what Sally Field actually said in her Oscar acceptance speech, not “You like me! You really like me!” Most people think that she said the latter, for whatever reason, which is an example of the Mandela Effect:


    I wonder how this even occurred to her to say.


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