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Posts posted by loremipsum

  1. T. S. Eliot, "The Waste Land."


    "April is the cruelest month, breeding

    Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing

    Memory and desire, stirring

    Dull roots with spring rain."


    I used to be able to quote a lot more of it, but it goes on for another 400 some lines.


    "Shantih. Shantih. Shantih."


    I’m digging the enjambment.

  2. A few months ago at a bar I approached a guy and asked if I could sit down. He said point-blank: “I have a boyfriend but you wanna stay and chat?” I was like “yeah okay” and we talked for a bit and then his friend abruptly rushed up and exclaimed to him, dramatically and in earnest, “your boyfriend’s here!” I look and about ten feet behind him is a guy staring at me and approaching slowly. I calmly (but immediately) got up and walked back to my friends and took a seat with my back to the scene. My friend said that they kept looking over at me. In retrospect, I think that my wordlessly getting up and walking off may have actually worsened the optics of that tableau. Perhaps I should have stayed and introduced myself to the boyfriend, all sweetness and light.

    At any rate, I found out that they’re not together anymore, so I shouldn’t have the same problem next time.

  3. Maybe but my family members have always been pragmatic..


    He was being ironic by way of referencing another member’s views (with which I do not necessarily disagree)

  4. Perhaps that might apply to searching to buy a house in Beverly Hills too.


    He does have friends IRL with whom he can talk about looking into acquiring real estate in specific locales, but why should that mean that he cannot discuss it here—especially as it is to be a retirement residence, and the topic of retirement is relevant to plenty here in a big and imminent way as is seen plainly in many a thread—too?

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