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Posts posted by Massageislife

  1. I agree with NYCman when he talks about YMMV as a means of signaling that one’s encounter (as a total experience) probably was not typical for lots of different reasons. I usually have a “sense” about “what’s done unto you may not be what is done unto others” and that is either on my end or the masseurs. Sometimes it’s an off day for me just like it can be an off day for them, or an “on” day for me and same for the masseur.


    However I don’t use YMMV when the masseur was clearly not like the pictures or did not performed the massage as advertised... those elements that are in the ad and fair game for comment. I actually wish more would comment on the masseur’s actual skill level because that is primarily why I go. I’m interested in “worth what paid for.” We all know people and places where we can get what we want for a whole lot less than what some private masseurs charge. So was the masseur and massage as advertised (granted that measure is subjective)? For me, that would not be YMMV.

    I mostly agree except for that last, parenthetical remark. My hope is that we can agree on basics, like a massage advertised as erotic and costing $150-60/hr. has some basic, agreed upon parameters

  2. $160 an hour for a massage in which the masseur is not ready to be naked with me is way too much, sorry!


    Professional therapeutic massage on the next block from where I live costs only $100 an hour.

    And if it's strictly therapeutic why the fuck would I give a fuck :) about whether they are cute or "the chemistry?"

    $120 for an in-call. That's reasonable for an undraped massage by a hot guy. I generally want a combination therapeutic/erotic massage, however, and that rightly costs more.

  3. Maybe it’s an effect of years as a (closeted isn’t exactly the word, maybe ‘not yet in charge of my sexuality’) teenager in the locker room with hot boys: I seem to be able to compartmentalize in a way that previous posters here cannot. So a strictly therapeutic massage by a handsome man is not a situation in which I would ever get hard. Frankly I have a hard time understanding why it’s so difficult for you guys to handle what seems to me to be a normal situation: a non-sexual interaction with a hot guy. Am I alone in this?

    "A non-sexual interaction with a hot guy" when his hands are rubbing my naked body for 90 minutes is not conceivable, but that's considering "sexual" quite broadly. If a masseur is sending me clear vibes that he is not also sexually engaged (is nude, is aroused, is encouraging me to touch him, is stimulating my erotic zones, etc.), I won't get hard, but I'll feel aroused and distracted by sexual thoughts. That's what can be unpleasant about a strictly therapeutic massage from a guy I'm attracted to.

  4. He’s been on my ‘need to try legit list’ based on your taking the plunge (twice!). Thanks. I do love the self-induced sensual feeling during a great massage from a sexy guy. It’s the ultimate in edging.

    EVdude, I hear you! I've gone to George twice, and I'll probably go again, but I'm conflicted. I don't want to spend any time during a therapeutic massage hoping that it will turn erotic. It's hard not to imagine it, however, with such a good-looking guy, pun intended. Unfortunately, although I'm pretty sure that George is gay, there aren't any signs, at least in my interactions with him, that he will move in a more erotic direction. :(


    A deep dig from the hands of someone so attractive--he really is a model--is "erotic," but that edging thing is just torture, if it doesn't pay off in the end. In videos it always does!

  5. A thread on him detailing someone's successful tracking down of George's Instragram account and modeling pages, which offer stunning genuine images of him, pushed me into going for it (although I almost always opt for someone advertising erotic massage on rentmasseur.)


    George has an appealing personality. His massage was deep and skilled. My experiences with him, sadly, are strictly therapeutic. He doesn't even remove his shirt.

  6. Well, how about considering that YMMV will apply when you take in to account what number you are in the rotation of the masseur's schedule that day. I've shared my recent disappointing experience with Ryan West. I was probably #4 or #5 for that day in early evening. He made it clear that he was not done for the day after me. How can his first session of that day be the same as his last? These masseurs are human. They get tired too. Regarding this thread about Rainier who can be compared to Ryan traveling from the west coast to perform as many massages as possible here in NYC and return home with ready $$$, YM Will V. I want to try Rainier but am reluctant after my experience with Ryan.

    Redwine, I get what you say. I just initiated a thread about the term, "YMMV." I think what you're saying is that YMMV may be useful when we get the sense that our experience--good or bad--may be typical, and we want to qualify what we've written.

  7. I tend to use “YMMV” when I know that I had strong

    chemistry (or lack there of) with an individual provider.


    I use it as a shorthand way of communicating that

    my over the top (or disastrous) experience may not

    if fact be a “typical”.


    I understand your point that YMMV applies to every

    encounter and thus it appears superfluous, but I

    disagree. Sometimes you have a strong inclination

    that your experience wasn’t “the norm” and sharing

    that feeling can help others keep their expectations in


    NYCman, thank you for posting on this thread. What you say is really useful, perfect really!

  8. Also,

    I think it also is important to navigate through this fantastic site, with the proper tactics of research....


    When I research, I don’t just research the masseurs, I research the posters... here’s what I mean...


    If there is a poster who has rated a masseur highly, I search his other rated posts, and see what those masseurs all have in common...


    Then I look at factors that the poster may reveal about himself in his profile and his other posts (such as his age, race, height, and build), and then I compare those to my stats..


    That has resulted in me having mind-blowing massages that meet my expectations.


    Here’s an example:


    There was a masseur that got fantastic rating from a poster, who makes excellent posts.. the poster is a 6’2”, white guy in his early 30s.... given that I’m a 5’9”, black dude, at the age of 40....

    I determined that we wouldn’t have the same mileage....


    However, after getting a PM’ed review of a masseur from another poster who has similar stats to mine (which may mean equal mileage), I scheduled a massage and it was fantastic.


    My point is that there’s a science to everything, and a strategic approach to this, actually works!!!

    Very useful reply! I'm just learning that knowing more about my comrades on this site is another way of using it more effectively.

  9. From reading this post (and a few others of yours)I think what you want is an ideal “massage world”, where all masseurs provide the EXACT SAME sensual massages to all of their clients across the board. And if you are requiring whether the masseur is good or not, good reviews will guarantee you’ll get a great sensual massage, without feeling “cheated”...


    Well that’s never going to happen...


    YMMV is a concept that’s built on vibes, energy, attraction and chemistry. And because we are all human, you’ll never ever be able to guarantee that.


    Now, there are masseurs who advertise sensual massages, and then provide absolutely nothing near that to their customers and have no massage skills either.... typically they are exposed (which is usually a reflection of changing their names on advertising sites)


    But the idea of a reviewer stating that they had a mind blowing experience with a masseur that extended far beyond the normal expectation of a sensual massage, and then expecting the exact same experience for yourself is a bit of a stretch.


    In your case, I’d strongly suggest purchasing escorting services, where massage is involved, this way:

    1.) You ccan discuss what your specific wants are

    2.) you can somewhat navigate your own “mileage”, and

    3.) you won’t feel cheated.


    Good luck!!! ??

    Monarchy, thank you for responding to your post. It means a lot to me, coming from you, who is an active and valuable participant in this site. I've been following--struggling not to weigh in on--your discussion on the "good attitude" thread. Race and racism is one of the often brutal dimensions of m4m massage--and every human, including sexual, interaction.


    I also appreciate your putting my post in the context of my others too, but I think you are not reading what I'm saying correctly (I also acknowledge that I may not always be communicating effectively!). I don't believe in an ideal massage world (or any ideal world), and I don't want the same experience from all masseurs (or even the same masseur, if I see him more than once). I am not looking for an escort (although I'm sure I will someday; it sounds fun!). I also don't see this site as a place to direct me to masseurs who give escort-style extras. I find it somewhat distasteful, in fact, when posters seem to be bragging that they got sex for the price of a massage. It's exciting to get more than the basics of an erotic massage, but it's disrespectful to expect or even ask (at least in the initial outreach) for more than masseurs are advertising. And if they give "more," which is delightful, I hope the client tips appropriately (i.e., escort price).


    I guess everyone has some deep desire for the "ideal" massage, but I understand that the ideal is, in its pure form, not possible in this vale of sorrows called life. Before I found this site, however, I hired several masseurs I would never have chosen, once I had started using it. I rarely have massages now that I leave disappointed from, and I owe that, in large part, to my brothers on this site. The couple of threads I've initiated, however, are attempts to be part of making this site even better. Even great things can be better. I think we can help each other understand what to expect generally and from specific masseurs, especially when it comes to what constitutes an erotic massage. We all already know what a "legit," therapeutic massage is.


    What hasn't been helpful in anticipating if a masseur will provide erotic "basics" (I'm not talking about kissing, sucking, rimming, fucking, much less "connection") is when a poster writes, "YMMV." If YMMV means a masseur advertising erotic massage may not disrobe, may keep away from any of my own touching, and may avoid my private parts, I wish the poster would write that instead. That flags false advertising.


    Too often, too, YMMV also seems like an opportunity to boast ("I got extras, but I've got a big dick / I'm young / I'm good looking / I'm irresistible, so YMMV."). We all know our place in the "marketplace of desire," so that use of YMMV can feel a little punishing.


    Finally, I've gotten "extras" many times myself, but if someone PMs me about a masseur who gave them to me, I always try to emphasize that I don't know if that is a standard part of their massage. I don't think it's necessary to add "YMMV," since I think everyone understands what I mean.

  10. Massage4life, you nailed it


    For me I get PM'ed. I don't like getting into details past the massage. Just because a masseur does something "extra" for me does NOT mean it will happen for everyone. I don't like to mention it so that person who asked doesn't come back to me and say hey didn't do that to me.


    Alot of the extra stuff I would say depends on chemistry, personality etc


    Hope that made sense.

    It makes MORE than sense! Thank you for replying to my post!

  11. If I post or PM that a masseur got naked for me and you report back that he did not get naked for you... YMMV applies.

    Evdude, thanks for replying to this post!


    What situation are you describing? Is this hypothetical masseur someone advertising erotic massage? If so, then he is, I think, advertising that he massages in the nude. I don't think adding YMMV is helpful, unless you suspect that he doesn't get naked with others, despite his advertisement. If a therapeutic masseur gets naked for you, I guess it can be helpful to add YMMV, especially if you got the sense that he didn't ordinarily do this. I don't think it's necessary to add this, though, since others shouldn't be expecting someone they've hired (and paid) for therapeutic massage to get naked.

  12. One of my only frustrations with this site, which is otherwise one of the greatest things I've ever run across on-line, is the confusing way that the phrase, "Your mileage may vary" (YMMV), is used.


    I don't use this phrase in my own postings because I'm not sure what it conveys to people, but perhaps a discussion might help clarify it. I welcome your input!


    My own understanding of "YMMV" is that it refers to things, beyond the basic services contracted for, that some clients may experience but others may not. This includes 1) ineffable things that are not possible for a masseur to advertise or guarantee (connection, enthusiasm, etc.) or 2) sexual things beyond what the masseur explicitly advertises: for therapeutic: anything sensual at all; for sensual: anything beyond non-sexual elements that give the body pleasure; for erotic: anything beyond mutual nudity, basic MT, and non-avoidance of the genitals and ass (most of us, I think, also see of HE as part of erotic massage). If we get something beyond what we contract for, perhaps it's appropriate to post something about it, and then, I guess, adding "YMMV" could be additional information. For me, however, there isn't a lot of value in writing "YMMV," since I think all of us understand that our individual interaction with a masseur will be unique in some way. If a therapeutic masseur got naked or an erotic masseur kissed us, I think it's a given that others can't expect the same. (Hope springs eternal though!)


    What YMMV does NOT mean, however, is that a masseur may offer what he advertises to some clients and not others (or to others for an additional charge), and I hope that we won't use the term that way. I go to this site, in part, to find out if masseurs' ads are honest (i.e., that their pictures are accurate and that they follow through on the services they advertise without upcharge). What I want, in this regard, from my brothers on this site is a warning about masseurs whose ads are dishonest; that is, the pictures are dated or not of them and if, specifically, they advertise and charge for erotic massage but don't follow through or attempt to upcharge for any of its elements. When someone has experienced this kind of "false advertising" with a masseur, I appreciate their posts about it. What is frustrating is when I get the sense that posters are covering up or avoiding the mention of such shortcomings by writing "YMMV." When we know that a masseur is not advertising honestly, I hope that we will let each other know.

  13. It's obvious that Rainer is one of those guys for whom the "your mileage may vary" saying applies. Some people claimed he had bad body odor. I hired him twice (many years ago when he was visiting my area) and didn't notice any odor and I am extremely sensitive to things like that. I also didn't find him detached. No, he didn't suggest we go out on a date afterward but he was fully engaged during our time together.

    There seems to be universal agreement that Rainer is sexy (i.e., looks like his pictures) and does offer an erotic experience (nude, MT, genital/anal contact), so I don't think "YMMV" applies here, but maybe I don't understand what many of us mean by that phrase. I'm going to start a thread.

  14. Texted Omar for session. He quoted me $180 for sensual. Above average price for sensual. Is he up charging me?

    That's annoying. His ad lists sensual and erotic massage at a price of $160. I don't know whether he has raised his price and hasn't changed the ad or is upcharging--which is a deal-breaker for me. It's one reason I don't ask, specifically, for a sensual or erotic experience when I make an initial outreach. He's advertising sensual and erotic massage for $160. Any additional charges means false advertising.

  15. I just saw the profile of this delicious boy https://rentmasseur.com/newnew says therapeutic and sensual not erotic, however his private pics show an unequivocal tool of tempting proportions. One review says he is not based in NY and that he did a 4 hands with LeoJacobs. That is a red flag as Leo Jacobs disappeared since January. Any exps? Thanks Harrry

    He's a really cute kid, but Newnew was advertising under a different name (Danger!), and, unfortunately, I don't remember what it was.


    I need to keep better records

  16. This guy is crazy good!


    Seriously awesome. I know lots of people love Pasha and I think he’s great. I’m a huge Aleks fan.


    This guy is up there in my opinion.


    You can PM me if you have questions.



    Looks like this thread isn't dying anytime soon, so I thought I'd pull back up Sean. His personality is quirky to the point of oddness, but the massage is the best in Hell's Kitchen: deep, with some nice hot stone moments. He performs nude, has a beautiful body, allows MT and is spectacularly sensual throughout. HE seems to be on the table too, if you like. Just a great experience overall

  17. I looking for help. I am looking for some muscle and here is possible. Problem is none of these are my usuals.






    https://rentmasseur.com/CarlosAndresNYC (amazing booty shape)




    I am sure there are others that fit the description and I am open to suggestions. I hate the feeling of questioning the choice 10 mins in massage and unfortunately it becoming quite frequent.

    All these guys hav extensive commentary on this site. Have you searched individually?

  18. So it's not ok if someone counters an experience someone else has and says positive things about a masseur, because it is a "defense or advocacy" for said masseur? Right.


    And by definition, what happened to him isn't being stood up. "To fail to meet someone for a date, meeting, or appointment, especially without telling them." So, I was only seeking to clarify that, because I find what he wrote to be misleading; and that is something I am aloud to do. Thanks.

    cpnastro, you're obviously able to do whatever you want. You're continuing to do it.


    There's a difference, however, between posting a positive experience about a masseur and challenging another poster's experience. There is nothing misleading about what Mark wrote. He described it plainly, and you don't contest it. You weren't there, in any case. Your nitpicking the phase, "stand up," a phrase everyone understands the meaning of, is your putative reason for coming to Max's defense, but he does not need your defense. Our role is not to recruit clients for masseurs.

  19. I go according the vibes. I have met masseurs that strictly stated that they provided sensual and/or therapeutic but turned to something better and great. I believe it is a plus that I am not only nicely endowed and just reserved, but I tip great as well and don't expect much and go with the flow.


    Sensual, to me, means massage with some form of light sexual act while erotic is what it is, erotic which can go from frotting to other things, for me.

    Inkdanaija, thanks for posting on this thread!


    I don't generally go for masseurs only advertising therapeutic/sensual because I find myself using too much mental and emotional energy wondering where the massage might go because you're right: it sometimes takes off! I'm okay if an erotic massage doesn't go any further than us both being naked, me being able to touch him throughout, and he doesn't avoid my ass and cock altogether, but it almost always goes farther than that. :)

  20. I don’t get this phobia of stating what you want in a massage from a masseur. If I may, many of you are playing footsie with the masseur in your texts beating around the bush then disappointed when you don’t receive what you secretly hope for. I always say I’m looking for a great massage with both of us nude and a HE and ask if that’s what they offer. Most say yes. Those who don’t answer or who say no then I don’t book. I’m virtually never disappointed. I’m not ashamed to in one sentence say what I’m looking for and ask if that’s what they do.

    LookingAround, I'm not sure which of us you are referring to (I'm sure I'm one of them), but you aren't characterizing the issue correctly. I don't hear anyone describing "playing footsie" or "beating around the bush." We don't "secretly" want erotic massage (i.e., both nude, HE). If we reach out with a text, "Hello, my name is X. I saw your ad on rentmasseur and would like to schedule an appointment." Many of us don't want to write, in our initial outreach, that we want a masseur to be nude and provide HE. (No one is criticizing you for doing so.) There are several, non-paranoid reasons for this. Given the legal precariousness of erotic massage, I don't like putting myself and a stranger in an awkward position in our first communications. I also think that asking a masseur one hasn't met to perform naked and jack one off will chase of masseurs who otherwise might do these things. Meeting completely changes the dynamic.


    Like you, I'm virtually never disappointed, and I use a combination of reading the masseur's ads (he advertises "erotic," he has shirtless or nude photos, and posts an "erotic" rate ($150-160)) and reviewing what my brothers on this site report about their experiences. That is why I'm frustrated by the unusual, defensive/protective treatment of masseurs like the one this thread is devoted to. I'm frankly suspicious that any criticisms of him immediately brings out defenders. People are clearly having mixed experiences with him. I wish we'd leave it at that.

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