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Posts posted by MidwestCoastal

  1. You mentioned trust, so I’ll ask. What does trust have to do with a virus that is caught through asymptomatic transmission?


    The rest of your post seems based on false comparison. I would speculate that the large number of Likes mean others want to excuse irresponsible behavior.


    What's 'irresponsible' is personal opinion and decision. I'm seeing a provider who has only seen 3-4 other regular clients since the pandemic started, gets everything delivered, rarely leaves his apartment, gets regular COVID tests, and wears a mask religiously. He is also living in a state where they are opening schools in the fall because of the low transmission rates. I also match much of the same behavior. So yes, I TRUST him and he TRUSTS me.


    There is no false comparison. A variety of STIs have impacts on people differently - some severe, some not. Do you use a condom for oral sex? Some people do, most don't because they are willing to accept that risk. In rare cases, providers have turned out to engage in criminal theft or violence, also a risk, albeit considered rare by almost all of us here. Should 'essential workers' who leave the house everyday and mingle with the populace stop having sex with their partners? Exposure to the many is worse than exposure to a few.


    Life is risk @harey. We are here, on a discussion forum, sharing information about activities that a large portion of our fellow Americans would consider 'risky' and 'irresponsible'. Hell, in most parts of the world, its considered illegal. I noticed that hasn't stopped you from engaging in those activities in the past?


    Looking at your past posts, I notice your distaste for guys who PNP; an opinion we share. But on this trusting someone I have known for 4+ years, I respectfully disagree.


    From my favorite Felicia:



    Oh, for goodness sakes, get down off that crucifix. Someone needs the wood.

  2. Taking this line of thought to the extreme.... Why are you even having sex, ever? I would assume it is because you have calculated your acceptable risk threshold and are willing to participate in some level of activity that you feel comfortable with.


    Has COVID changed my behavior? Absolutely. Are there people that I trust enough to still engage in sexual activity even during a pandemic? Yes, very few, but yes.


    COVID could be with us... FOREVER. New norms and risk equations are being redefined. Let's let people make up their own minds with no unfair judgements, OK?

  3. Any thoughts on a 'all-day' rate w/ no overnight? Arrive around lunch, leave after dinner? Guess just use multi-hour logic....


    I live in Philly and like to have guys down from NYC.... I tend to have one regular down for a weekend, but looking to branch out a bit.

  4. Hard to find the words about my emotional state over the last 5 months. I'm very lucky in the practical regard, but definitely suffering from some flavor of depression.


    I still have my great paying job where I can almost work from anywhere, a little bit of job security for the next 6 to 18 months, savings in the banks, family that I can quarantine with, and I'm in generally good health. The flip side is that my social and dating life have totally disappeared. I was living in Philly and wasn't hugely connected to 'the scene' but I had a small group of straight and gay friends that I saw on a semi-regular basis, mostly couples to have dinner with, movies, day trips to NYC, game nights... more homebodies than 'bar/club friends'. I had just started dating again and found a couple guys that I thought 'could go somewhere'.....then... BOOM.... Corona-virus hits. After spending a month in my apartment relatively alone, I decamped to live with my 75 year old Mom in the rural south. She's in good health, we're super tight, but we were both getting very lonely so we decided to become roomies for both our mental and physical health.`


    My in-person social group has dissolved. Almost all my city friends headed for the suburbs or even rural enclaves. Some, with SF and NYC emptying out and rents dropping, pursued their dream to try living in 'the big city'. A few even headed to foreign destinations for a year. We have tried to keep up with video chatting, texts, and the like, but to your point, there isn't much to talk about other than what you're binge watching, how work life has changed, and sharing experiences about what life is like when you do choose to 'venture out' of your home bunker. One of the guys I was dating went back to his ex-boyfriend, another headed to Canada, and the last wasn't interested in a long distance relationship (I wasn't really either) so we're now just online gaming buddies.


    I'm 47 years old, single, and I am feeling totally disconnected from the world. The 'being single' is what is really hitting me hard. I feel like my dating life is over. I'm trying to think about this chapter in my life as a chance to reinvent myself and challenge myself to really understand 'what will make me happy' or more likely, figure out 'what really doesn't make me happy'. I'm just not there yet....


    On a more positive note, the quarantine helped me discover I like being 'mostly vegan', I have figured out how to be healthier and more active after two surgeries last year and this year made working out almost impossible - but I've lost almost 20 pounds since quarantining, and I am saving a ton of money, but damn, I miss my friends, I miss sex, and I'm tired of wearing comfy, casual clothes all the time! But I also fully acknowledge, my so-called problems others would likely trade me for in a microsecond.


    We're not alone! Thanks for the thread and letting me share.

  5. That‘s not fashion.


    It‘s a B-grade drag show with slightly above average Go-go boys.


    Left to their own devices, 90% of the drag queens in that show could have done better on their own.


    When you don’t have talent, sell sex.


    All bow down to the fashion royalty in out midst!


    Did I comment on the 'fashion'? No.... I commented on the men. RELAX. And we all have different tastes.... For example, I dislike bitchy men with nothing better to do than be negative.


    Of course those that can't do for themselves, often criticize others. What label do you work for again? Design house?


    Moving on.

  6. Nice. Thanks for sharing!


    I noticed Boomer Banks (~13:00) strutting down the runway.... Are any of the others porn stars and/or providers?


    Google is a wonderful thing.....



    Models in order of appearance: Yanis marshall, matt ames, sasha velour, keith reliford, mimi tao, ivan medina, vander von odd, alejandro valero, kylie, juanfer de la torre, gia gunn, will wikle j, laganja estranja, mikayla, iulian solomon, maddelyn hatter, anthony varrecchia, jason wimberly, bradley miller, detox, mark ciccarelli, domi, boomer banks, claudia, joey putignano, milk bebe, zahara benet, amanda lepore.

  7. One of my colleagues had a vegan diet. Even though he wasn't overweight, he developed diabetes, which resolved by adding poultry and seafood to his diet. I have a strictly vegan friend (I had to find a vegan cake for her birthday) who's obese, diabetic, and in poor health.


    Mmmm.... this seems highly suspect to me. Two examples a trend does not make. Inferring that health problems are simply caused by being vegan is a sweeping argument not based in reality and scientific fact. (How many cakes does she eat? How much sugar is in his diet? How much exercise did they get? Family history of diabetes? Genetic factors? Were they already obese when they 'became vegan'?) Any diet that is out of balance can be unhealthy!


    Don't get me wrong, being vegan isn't a magic bullet, but the overwhelming evidence supports vegans are healthier, have less sickness, cancer, and disease, and live longer. The food industry has marketed a relatively unhealthy diet for decades and they have made us become disconnected from our food. Vegans usually have to be more mindful of grocery shopping, how they prepare meals, what they eat, and do more of their own cooking.


    My suggestion - JUST TRY BEING MORE VEGAN FOR AT LEAST A MONTH! If you slip and have a burger, not the end of the world, but you won't know how you like it/what impact it can have on your health and life until you try it for at least 4 weeks (or more).

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