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Posts posted by Gar1eth

  1. I usually avoided guys without face pictures. Of course he may have some in his privates. But they are locked.



    If you hadn't hired him in the past would you pass on this guy now? :)






    I'm assuming you are postulating a parallel dimension where he hasn't done porn and where you can find out what he looks like fairly easily. So my answer is maybe although he does have a half-face picture which is very attractive. And I'm betting his privates show a face picture. I was mainly talking about guys that won't even reveal their face once you have arranged to hire them. I don't know if there are any around now. But there were a few in the olden days.



  2. In my chat this afternoon with him, he chose what to answer and what not to from my comments and questions. I still might hire him but only based on his good reviews and the fact than now I feel pretty confident I'd be getting a Moroccan or similar North African which I've had a couple hot experiences with in the past. The look can be attractive as I've witnessed in France where their are many. But without the feedback from members prior experiences with him, based on his elusiveness and conflicting information I see as red flags, I would have avoided him. After all I'd be paying for it. It's not like he'd be a trick or hook-up from a dating app!


    I usually avoided guys without face pictures. Of course he may have some in his privates. But they are locked.



  3. Exactly -- earlier in this thread, I was writing from the perspective that he must have read my requests but not understood them. Now I'm thinking that he did read them but didn't care, or that he didn't really read them.


    It might be that, or he just didn't remember considering the number of texts/emails he gets. Unfortunately I'll bet there are a lot of providers that go at this half-assed, shall we say. He may be a good guy, but doesn't go the extra step to review what each client wants prior to meeting with him like the best escorts most likely do-thinking of people like @Benjamin_Nicholas, @Rod Hagen, @Mikegaite, @Lance_Navarro, and multiple others probably do. I always tried to remind the guy right before or at the time of the meeting what I was interested in. That might not work for guys wanting a detailed fantasy. But I'm pretty simple in my wants-kissing, body contact, oral, and whoop-ti-do.



  4. You open a restaurant selling pancakes. You closed it down.


    You open a new one selling tacos. Customer asks for pancakes because he remembers you used to sell pancakes..... But you don't have a menu for pancakes, you don't have the tools or desire to make them. Why would you sell him pancakes?


    Now I'm hungry.



  5. I say he's already stated his preference by


    1. Removing his Rentmen ad.

    2. Advertising on a male for female site

    3. Answering in the NEGATIVE a direct question you put to him about whether he still meets with males.


    This would be very comparable to me persistently trying to hire a top only escort who had made it very clear to me that he wouldn't ever consider bottoming.


    I know how tempting it is. But in cases like this it's usually best to let the big head overrule the little one.



  6. On reflection, and after reading others' accounts, I'm thinking that some of my comments here derive from a false premise -- my assumption that he did read everything I messaged him; since some of those things very definitely did not occur despite his "agreement," I was inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt on linguistic grounds.


    That's a long-winded way of saying . . . maybe for me, at any rate, he agreed to deliver things that he had no intention of delivering. So proceed with caution in that regard.


    I'm sorry the visit didn't go as your expected.


    Is there a "not" missing in the above post? It would seem to make more sense to me if it read, "...my assumption that he didn't read everything I messaged him...."


    If you thought there was a language barrier, then possibly you'd think he didn't read the messages due to his inability with English. Or did you mean you thought he had read the requests but didn't understand them due to problems with English?



  7. I've seen him twice. Didn't have the language issue though. Although the first time was just for massage, the 2nd time for more. I ultimately enjoyed both times, but the 2nd time I was expecting a bit more of an experience.


    So you thought he was fluent in English?



  8. "I know we've only known each other four weeks and three days, but to me it seems like nine weeks and five days. The first day seemed like a week and the second day seemed like five days. And the third day seemed like a week again and the fourth day seemed like eight days. And the fifth day you went to see your mother and that seemed just like a day, and then you came back and later on the sixth day, in the evening, when we saw each other, that started seeming like two days, so in the evening it seemed like two days spilling over into the next day and that started seeming like four days, so at the end of the sixth day on into the seventh day, it seemed like a total of five days. And the sixth day seemed like a week and a half..." due to the pandemic.



  9. "Second star to the right and straight on 'til morn"... due to the pandemic.




    "Almira Gulch, just because you own half the county doesn't mean that you have the power to run the rest of us. For 23 years, I've been dying to tell you what I thought of you, and now... well, being a Christian woman, I can't say it" ... due to the pandemic.



  10. In answer to the thread title, "No we don't." I hope that puts your mind at ease.


    Sgt. Smith


    Homeland Security Domestic Spying Office

    ? ?

  11. Take your favorite line from a movie and add at the end "due to the pandemic!!" I'll start...


    1. Carl Spackler:

    This place gotta pool?


    Ty Webb:

    Pool and a pond... Pond be good for you... due to the pandemic.


    2. "Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit_____" ... due to the pandemic


    3."Flounder, you can't spend your whole life worrying about your mistakes! You f'ed up - you trusted us" ... due to the pandemic.


    4."Shaken, not stirred"... due to the pandemic.



  12. I had another profile name I cannot remember.


    Fashion/runway models are thin but have muscles as well. It seems they manage to keep the overall physique slim even with muscles. They are my favourites. :)


    It was less than a year ago. How could you forget? You are obviously europeanman You say the same things. If by some phenomenal odds you aren't him, you might as well be. Different people like different things. The muscles on the guys you like barely even show. Not usually to my taste at all.



  13. He's cute. But I want to buy him some muscle milk and a gym membership for a month with a personal trainer.



    He is cute as is. Why beef him up? There are plenty of fat/muscled escorts.

    I am from Europe and I used to be a member years ago. I could not remember my username and made a new one. No guise or disguise.


    I do not like muscled guys. Fit and defined yes, bodybuilders absolutely no. I often read in profiles muscled and I see fat. You are right that this may be a European thing. If you browse Hungz listings across Europe there are more lean profiles.


    Were you "europeanman"? If you were, I had recently wondered where you had gone.


    As for muscle equaling fat, it probably is European as when I think of European styled clothes they are cut extremely thin. I know we as a country (and myself as a good example) are overweight compared to a lot of people in Europe. But I look at a lot of European models and while handsome, I really do want to feed some of them-food people.



    Some guys that you have mentioned in the past, if you are Europeanman, were just too skinny. And obviously not everyone in Europe agrees with you or Arnold Schwarzenegger or Franco Columbu would never have been popular.



  14. He's cute. But I want to buy him some muscle milk and a gym membership for a month with a personal trainer.



    He is cute as is. Why beef him up? There are plenty of fat/muscled escorts.


    Muscle isn't equivalent to fat. And there are lots of skinny guys advertising too. I prefer more muscle mass on guys.


    If you keep making statements like that, (not that there's anything particularly wrong with it), we are going to wonder if you are a former member from Europe in a new guise. He only liked guys who many of us thought were too asthenic.



  15. Is the concern about touching the eggs right now because of COVID? I thought the CDC and WHO have said surface transmission is unlikely. They are going the airborne and aerosol transmission route now. Hence the fuss about masks.


    Unlikely isn't impossible. That's why they tell you to put take-out food into your own dishes and wash your hands thoroughly before eating.



  16. Eggs are usually good for a couple of weeks past the date on the carton.


    I'd say they are good for a long time. There's a trick to check for freshness. Obviously if they smell bad, they are bad. But if they don't smell bad, and you need to check-get a bottle big enough that you could float an egg in-I used to use, if I'm remembering correctly, a large plastic apple juice bottle or V-8 that I had cut off the top 3rd. You fill it with water and drop the egg in it.


    The test is from this article







    "To perform the float test, gently set your egg into a bowl or bucket of water. If the egg sinks, it is fresh. If it tilts upwards or even floats, it is old. This is because as an egg ages, the small air pocket inside it grows larger as water is released and replaced by air."



  17. He's cute. But I want to buy him some muscle milk and a gym membership for a month with a personal trainer.



    it takes more than a 1 month membership to put on muscle but gaining weight is easier.


    Not ever having had any muscle (but having had lots of weight), I didn't know.



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