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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. A triathlon for the rest of us. http://triathlonhumor.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/ironman.jpg Gman
  2. Finally, a department store that understands me. Gman
  3. I don't know whether this is funny or scary spooky. http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j12/itsallos/Mobile%20Uploads/2016-02/B56431A9-E6A8-4674-A5F1-441995B635C2_zpsn7x62vvk.jpg Gman
  4. http://45.media.tumblr.com/49aa004eabade74ca47f98457e1a8bb7/tumblr_mxgtgxfh8D1ryvq99o1_500.gif Gman
  5. http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j12/itsallos/BAD7B019-8CC0-406E-9C1F-F47B4792848A_zpsthtqwxni.jpg Gman
  6. This place is located just next to the Golden Shower Restaurant. http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j12/itsallos/Mobile%20Uploads/2016-02/7187D3ED-B52A-438F-973B-A6EF68A60253_zpscebbyzyj.jpg Gman
  7. I'm pretty much a philistine when it comes to Art Museums although I have visited the Louvre in France and the Kimbell in Fort Worth in the past. I also enjoyed a local Norman Rockwell Exhibit about two years ago. Within the last 18 months, I toured the Museum of Glass in Tacoma. However my forte and interests correlate more with science and history museums. Gman
  8. I hope you weren't going to use the fees to buy a cabin cruiser. Over time I've learned that publicists like you and me on the Forum make bupkis. Gman
  9. Normally it bothers me. But I met Andrew Justice years ago in spite of his smoking. He was very considerate, and really he had only a trace of smoke. Now he vapes and there is no smoke odor at all (as of the last time I saw him several years ago.). Gman
  10. In his old ads-haven't looked for a while-he used to list he was a smoker as opposed to being SMOKIN'. For those of us sensitive to smoke, can you tell us how noticeable it was? Gman
  11. But Tru, Spelling Bees don't give contractions as words to spell. Gman
  12. http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j12/itsallos/Mobile%20Uploads/2016-01/1F800A1C-8FD1-4806-B323-0969BD75D856_zpszuh8c1ln.jpg Gman
  13. I'm assuming by gigantic tallywacker you mean girth and not length as I'm not aware of any non surgical lengthening treatments? Would an aesthetician be allowed to inject silicone into a tallywacker? Although Brazil might have different laws than here regarding such practices. Gman
  14. Who is Jason King? I googled but the first Jason to come up was an orthopedic surgeon. Gman
  15. Two things- 1st Thing-I think I asked this before. But what is Periscope? 2nd Thing-and I think I speak for many of us-YUCK!!! Gman
  16. I don't know Billy or Seth. I've heard Billy is not a nice person from the scuttlebutt around here. Possibly I've heard Seth isn't that nice either. But aside from personality-You think Seth is handsomer. I think the reverse. That's all I was trying to say we have different opinions on which is handsomer. But if personality affects your opinions on looks, I'm betting you wouldn't think Trey was that attractive either. In case people don't know who Trey is, here are a few pictures. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_rUOnT-66hGU/SBIAN9ovOlI/AAAAAAAAGwU/9hahVhIZWKk/s320/Trey+Rexx+e3wsdefrg.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_rUOnT-66hGU/SBIAONovOmI/AAAAAAAAGwc/2hXPr7nfSrQ/s320/Trey+Rexx+nbh.jpg Gman
  17. Ahh we are having another one of those frequent De gustibus non est disputandum moments. I can't quite remember what Seth-isn't that his name-looks like right at this moment. But I remember that when I did take a peak-I thought Billy was a lot handsomer. There wasn't even a question in my mind about it. You know I can see it both ways. A guy being a t(allywacker)-head because he's always been 'beautiful' or someone who wasn't, then becomes beautiful and can't handle it. He tried to make up for it. That of course is what happened to me. Now that I'm beautiful... And then others don't need any special circumstances to be t-heads. They just are. I can't remember if he gave me oral. This was back in 2005 or so. He probably did. However if you were expecting to see his stiffy-you would have been disappointed. As I remember, poor Trey had partied too hard with Trimix or cocaine or something. He had to have his tallywacker decompressed (ie blood drained from his tallywacker to treat priapism) right before I met him. He wasn't able to get a stiffy during our weekend. And I can't remember if he let me top him. But sometimes junior doesn't cooperate. So I'm not sure I can blame that all on him. Gman
  18. I wonder if what's wrong with Billy is he is too good looking. If he has always looked like that-then he's probably had his pick of guys. I'm not saying being eternally sought after makes everyone a tallywacker head. But I could see how it might have that effect. I met Trey Rexx years ago-even though it was in his 'declining years'. It was still a beautiful package. I remember our waitress at Le Peep (it's a brunch restaurant not anything porn related) couldn't take her eyes off of him. If you were subjected to that kind of adoration constantly, I think it could lead to a deficient personality. Most of what Trey wanted to talk about was how hot he was and how hot the guys he had been with recently were. Not exactly what an early middle-aged fat client wanted to hear. Gman
  19. Gem, I understand entirely how you feel. Not only is my glass impossible to fill due to a hole in the bottom (please cf. poor Liza and Henry's bucket), but there is also a hole in the rim of the glass so that if I ever could get a drink out of it before the liquid runs out of the bottom, I would dribble it all over my face and shirt. Feel better soon!! Gman
  20. Talvin reportedly retired from the Armed Forces which he continued to be a member of while he escorted. I would have liked to have hired him. But like Rod Hagen, Brandan Steele, and a few others over the years, he was a total top. Gman
  21. GasBuddy has $2.29 for me in the South Puget Sound Area. Washington state usually has high prices too. Gman
  22. I've been on trains with escorts 4 times. It can be very difficult to have sex because of the lack of space even in an Amtrak Deluxe two person room and because of the swaying. It can be done. But partially it depends on how 'able' the escort is. I was with a well-known escort years ago-he's now retired. But he couldn't quite relax due to the swaying motion for intercourse. His butt remained quite clenched. It was very pretty that way. But it was not conducive to intercourse at all. Another 2 escorts (different trips) had no problems I don't think (It was all a long time ago). The 4th escort proved not to be that great a companion, and I was the one not interested. I'm betting 'traditional' male/female relations would be easier for average sized people on a train. For someone endowed larger than I am it most likely would have been easier too. Gman
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