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Posts posted by RealAvalon

  1. Interesting thought and thanks for that Aussie weather link. Storms are distinct weather events that cause visual damage. El Niño is general term for a warming phase within a larger weather pattern. Do you think specific naming of heat waves would catch on?

    The article you linked to contained the link I was looking for but couldn't find, on the Extreme Heat Resilience Alliance. A number of cities that have to deal with extreme heat events too regularly are members.



  2. A few years back they started to name winter storms. There was debate amongst meteorologists about whether to do it, what impact it might have and how to rank them.


    Is it time to start naming heat waves? With climate change there will be more and more of them, more intense and longer. They are the direct cause of massive destruction (increase in frequency and intensity of forest fires for example) and loss of life (both human and non-human, both directly and indirectly). Not only the fires, but the smoke that fills the sky are all impacting on health in a mass way.


    Severe weather warnings go out now. Would naming them help get people in the mind set to prepare for them, as happens now with tropical storms? And recognize them as possibly needing a federal response, rather than only a local or state response.



  3. I'm so excited! Got these 2 at the supermarket: 1 American, 1 Canadian.

    The Canadian product has a 50/50 approach, probably created for not-so-radical palates like mine.



    I hope you enjoy them. When it gets too close to a beef taste and feel ... I can't do it. I did cook some fish last night to add to a salad.

  4. I looked at this photo last week and made a comment about 'all you can eat'. Now I'm back, and I want a great big 'second helping.' @marylander1940 can you please arrange to have him arrive at my house ... thanks

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