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Posts posted by RealAvalon

  1. Let’s see:


    -Slept with Kim Catrell. Well, she slept behind me on flight to Paris in biz class


    -Bob Balban, had a nice chat at Staples. He shared a bit of gossip about Julian Fellowes. Bob is part of the Christopher Guest series.


    - Richard Kind. An Upper West Side fixture.


    Wait for it....


    -Mason Reese driving a 2 seat old folks buggy with his porn star girlfriend/wife? On the back texting showing off her orange legs, bust and face. This wasn’t so much a sighting, but more of a PTSD event. To make matters worse, I was eating lunch at a sidewalk cafe. He looks exactly as unfortunate as you remember. But older and worse

    I had to look up Mason Reese.


    Robin Williams. Briefly, on a film set.

  2. The average American has 16 friends: three extremely close friends, five people they like and would spend time with one-on-one, and eight that they consider friends but would not seek out.

  3. I've always found it strange that so many gay bars look like windowless shacks. They're relics from the days of us needing to hide out, I suppose.


    Gay clubs aren't really 'gay' anymore thanks to social acclimation, bachelorette parties and RuPaul having made drag a very normal, TV-friendly thing.


    Decades ago we fought hard for this and now we have it. We're just like everyone else.

    Some of us are, some of us aren't. But I have a whole theory on how gay oppression has a uniqueness from other forms of oppression, racism, misogyny, classism. We can be everywhere.

  4. I’m not sure I understand their “5000 mcg” labeling? The fine print at bottom shows 59 1-ml doses in the bottle. 1ml is about 1000mcg? Or I’m figuring something incorrectly?

    Do you mean micrograms, or why they used micrograms instead of milligrams?

    There are 1000 micro grams in a milligram. I.e. 5000mcg = 5mg

    Marketing I expect

    Vitamin B is water soluble (as is Vitamin C), so I think you'd probably need to be taken massive doses to cause a problem. You are peeing away the excess. Maybe @EZEtoGRU has an educated medical opinion about that though.

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