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Posts posted by fresh

  1. Exchanged some messages, easy communication but did not connect. Definitely smoking hot body but the pricing! Obviously proud of his body and to play you gotta pay.

  2. Thoughts from first time visitor so take with a grain of salt. I arrived on Thursday and planed to visit Stock and  Campus on Thursday and Friday night.

    First  a quick observation about the Village. The streets and bars were busy on Thursday evening. There were a significant number of unhoused and or impaired individuals on the streets. My reaction to their presence was sadness for their situation. I never felt threatened or harassed. My hope is to find a solution to help these individuals.

    While the restaurants and streets were busy on Thursday night the clubs were not. I visited Stock first and what a disappointment. Only two dancers who were attractive and few customers. Stayed around for a while hoping it would get better. It did not so moved on to Campus.. totally different vibe. More dancers, customers etc. 

    There was a steady rain on Friday night so the streets were less crowded but the clubs were much busier. I wanted to give Stock another chance but sadly nothing changed. On to Campus….wow! Beautiful men! The variety was unbelievable. I was approached many times for privates but after a courteous refusal they moved on. I did have a  three song private with a muscled dancer. He was very generous and I left with a smile on my face. 

    I’ve visited many clubs over the years and Campus stacks up well. Hopefully, Stock will improve because options are nice.



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