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Everything posted by spider

  1. I highly recommend this for Iceland. You can circumnavigate the island and stop in mostly tiny ports. Yours take you to all sorts of interesting things that you’d never see on your own. I wanted to add the the full days at each port sort of give you a preview of many places. Some say the time is too short but I’ve actually gone back to spend more time in some. I’m aching to spend a week in Corsica, a place not in my list before a cruise stop. Ditto Sicily. A great way to discover places. Even in well documented Greece, a day gives you a chance to see the vibe of an island before committing to an entire vacation. Same for Bodrum Turkey. Not on my list before a cruise stop. Off a small ship you don’t stick out the same way 6,000+ pax do.
  2. A small ship is the ticket. Around 150 pax can be a sweet spot. You find itins that mainly go into smaller ports and you cruise at night (LOL) and wake up in a new place in the morning. Generally the time in port is from early morning until late afternoon so plenty of time to get off and see things. The small ships tend to moor right in the middle of the town so attractions and shopping are near at hand. The downside for foodies is that most of meals are on board so I try to eat local at lunch and then do more touring. Back on board in time for cocktails and the dinner. If the weather is hot I’ll tour in the morning, go back on board for a cool down nap and then go back out. A Big plus is not having to pack and repack and haul luggage around with you. Small ships are much less regimented and more laid back. A floating mega hotel shopping mall for me! Never. A small ship, I’m signed up for three upcoming trips right now.
  3. Yes. That helped. Thanks. The whole site seems frought with places to stumble.
  4. Yes. That helped. Thanks. The whole site seems frought with places to stumble.
  5. I can’t search for escorts there to save my life. I successfully log in via my old Gay Romeo credentials. But any search I try gives zero results. The screen is NOT user friendly and has lots of mysterious options. My solutution is to google hunqz.com and the city name, but I just want a list to browse through.
  6. Ferrets. I went to his very small studio in NYC in the east side. It was two of us butt naked surrounded by many cages occupied by ferrets. The guy with two little dogs wandering around was nothing compared to the ferrets. It didn’t hurt that he was really hot.
  7. And he has his travel dates on his website. I trust you all noted the basket in the picture on page 1? It holds a nice present and is fun to unwrap. I’m not sure if this was upthread. His homepage is here: http://www.jonramsey.com/
  8. Not quite an obit, but the NYTimes spent several inches today in the death of Grumpy Cat.
  9. The reviews were thoroughly scrubbed a while back, almost all older reviews were removed. I suspect that Jon mainly sees regular clients and probably just hasn't had reviews. He's real, he's hot and really in shape as of last fall.
  10. Jon continues to be hot, cute, and a total hunk. I saw him a couple months ago and it was as good as ever. I was waiting for him and about 2 minutes before our time he called to say “so sorry I made a wrong turn, I’ll be a few minutes.” 2 minutes later he came walking up to the door. He can be very active, but also when we spent some time cuddling and engaged in light play he was absolutely purring. He may have been around awhile but don’t let that stop you!
  11. I seriously doubt this. If anything they’d pay him off to get him out and move on. He seems unstoppable, but he did actually come close to losing a few days ago. I also find him a little creepy, but no more than others I know who are similarly focused on one thing. In his case sports betting which I’m guessing consumes his life.
  12. Just pointing out that for many the shower is also utilized as a urinal. Now. As to those Japanese toilets. Yes yes yes. I want one. Squeaky clean bottom every time.
  13. Just pointing out that for many the shower is also utilized as a urinal. Now. As to those Japanese toilets. Yes yes yes. I want one. Squeaky clean bottom every time.
  14. Just pointing out that for many the shower is also utilized as a urinal. Now. As to those Japanese toilets. Yes yes yes. I want one. Squeaky clean bottom every time.
  15. Back to the original question. Anyone who’s flipping the bird at me in the pics gets an instant pass.
  16. Back to the original question. Anyone who’s flipping the bird at me in the pics gets an instant pass.
  17. Back to the original question. Anyone who’s flipping the bird at me in the pics gets an instant pass.
  18. classic crossword clue. Anything clued with “head” in the clue often means something related to the first letter of a word (ditto foot).
  19. classic crossword clue. Anything clued with “head” in the clue often means something related to the first letter of a word (ditto foot).
  20. classic crossword clue. Anything clued with “head” in the clue often means something related to the first letter of a word (ditto foot).
  21. I thought models didn’t go to McDonalds.
  22. LOL. I liked the part with the waving dollar bills. On the other hand it seems to have worked since we’re all talking about it.
  23. That would be totally cool. I wonder if one can rent a CTA bus?
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