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Everything posted by spider

  1. The OP asked us “what should I do...any advice?” and now I’m being criticized for doing exactly that? Jeez.
  2. Sure. It began when some thought that monthly assessments were artificially high and unjustifiable - I remember one use of a the word scam - without a basic understanding that the money didn’t going to some fat cat when in fact it’s going to a HOA that you have a voice in, and that every penny of it is going to maintain and run your property, paying for many things. Also that everything in the big city costs a fortune.
  3. My pattern is more or less: Meet at about 7. Have some wine and wild monkey sex. Go out for dinner at a nice place. Or if we’re really mellow just order in a pizza or something. A bit of personal time to check email and messages. Second round of fun - slower, more mellow. Sleepy time. Often, middle of the night round, usually just oral. This is often impromptu. I get up to pee, slip back into bed put an arm around him and start to play a little bit. He begins to respond and it goes from there. Morning. One more round often starting in the shower. Maybe followed by breakfast, maybe not. I actually prefer a longer daytime session: Meet in the afternoon and have that wild monkey sex as above. Go out and do something together - museum or whatever. Sometimes he just shows me around town. Back to hotel for drinks and sex and cleanup for dinner out somewhere. Back to hotel for the last round of just great low key sex. He’s out the door by about midnight and I get a good night’s sleep.
  4. Condo fees vary for many reasons but a couple typical ones include; Age of the building. The older the building the more things break and at a certain point major things need replacing. An old developer trick is to under set the HOA dies after they’ve cheaped out on construction. When a certain percentage of units are work an actual owners association takes over, the developer is gone, and the HOA realizes that the dues can’t cover ongoing expenses so they go up and the a double whammy can be at after a couple years major flaws begin to appear. I know one new building that had to replace all the balconies as they were falling off. You can sue the developer but often they’re no longer around, having closed shop and resumed business as a different entity. Amenities. Door staff adds a lot, do you pools and elaborate exercise rooms and dog runs and common deck space with grills and who knows what. A movie room. A party space complete with kitchen. They all add up. Level of maintenance. You can cheap out and pay for a minimal staff or have a multi-person maintenance staff cleaning and polishing all the time.
  5. But I’d guess the bouncer wasn’t trained on that. When I get stopped for a traffic violation - seldom - they take away the license and from that point you’re “driving on a ticket.” Most places know what it is but not all. You get it back when you’ve gone to court or traffic school.
  6. I was thinking he was looking for a babe with a huge clit?? But he's fishing in the wrong pond for that. OP - Masseur=male, Masseuse=female.
  7. Of course one should examine the issue of the fees being well- spent. Every owner receives a copy of the budget every year, with a line by line breakdown, there isn't much if any fat, and when I have the stomach to attend a board meeting (they tend to turn me to drink) options for everything that rises to any level of expense beyond minor is thoroughly discussed. Sometimes our manager points out that in some cases a slightly more expensive option means working with a known top quality contractor and the result will be much longer-lasting, other times he says "it doesn't really matter, take the low bid on this one." There is no waste and certainly no scamming. Everything is accounted for and we receive an end of the year line by line accounting of the actual expenses. But, stuff pops up, when the garage door breaks in the up position in the middle of the night you need an emergency repair and overnight security since the entire building is now open to the world - not a good thing in the big city. A few of those a year add up. I think I live in a well managed building. My monthly HOA fees when I moved did add up to less than the expenses of living in the house. To get there I did need to add in the then much lower city property taxes, but adding it all up - garbage, water, utilities are much less - partially because basic cable and internet are in the HOA dues, no lawn care service, fewer miles driven every day, etc. I know some of those savings aren't directly related to the housing unit, but they are all part of my monthly outlay. Now, my taxes have risen steeply, so that probably changes the numbers a fair bit, but I'm settled for what I hope is life, I'm paying the bills and have money extra every month, and so no future that includes living under an expressway, so life it good and I don't think about it. The mortgage will be paid off in a couple years, and that's when life will REALLY be good. The best part is that except for things between my walls - the exact phrase is that I own everything from the inside of the drywall - everything is taken care of by the building and when I close my door to leave on a trip no one knows I'm gone.Those things are worth a lot of money for people who don't have the time or interest in puttering all the time.
  8. If you want to call running a balanced budget “keeping out the riff raff” go right ahead. The fact is that every penny is spent to maintain the building to keep up the value of the building to ensure downstream sales and to supply the amenities and service we were promised when we bought, with anything left going into the reserve. There is no “anti riff raff” line. Sorry.
  9. I’m guessing the largest is the management company fees. Then payments into the reserves (especially older buildings since everything costs a fortune). The maybe door staff, then annual maintenance/janitorial etc, then maybe taxes for the building , various permits, insurance isn’t cheap. (Taxes and insurance on a condo are for the parts of the building not inside a unit - common property.) in a big city don’t forget money to oil the wheels of government. Aka bribes - I kid you not. Landscaping - even in the city you likely have planters and they cost more than you can imagine. My building has an attorney on retainer. To the reserves. A recent roof and facade work cost my 60 unit building $1.5M. Thank God for the reserves!! Based on my HOA fee I’m guessing my 60 unit building budget is about $60K a month. I could look it up but I’m too lazy right now.
  10. In whatever city I’m traveling in??
  11. They tend to not just “show up”. There’s a place to book such a room when you reserve. Not the same as a bathroom stall stall at all.
  12. If they aren’t booked, of course. I’ve scored big time by accepting an accessible SUITE that had no takers rather than the regular room I’d booked. I also get these randomly without comment all the time. I check in, go to the assigned room and start to notice - hmmm. The bathroom is really big and the door opens out. The shower has no lip. There are garb bars everywhere. The terlet is high. Oh. This is an accessible room. No prob.
  13. James has a life beyond escorting and sort of comes and goes. I’ll out myself as a bit of a chub and say that I had an amazing couple hours with him. Catch him when you can.
  14. Or increasingly WhatsApp. If I want to say more I text saying “I’m in town this weekend and would love to meet up Saturday evening if your available, I’m sending an email with details”. Texts are read and emails are often overlooked so the combo is a trigger for them to work.
  15. I have friends who bought a Peugeot. The thing kept stopping mysteriously, Peugeuot claimed a fault with the anti theft system that required a factory reset and parts that took weeks to come from France. Each time it cost thousands of dollars and weeks of using rental cars and cabs. I had a Pinto. I got one of the good engines but it was otherwise a rust bucket. Toward the end I could sit in the driver seat, look down and see the pavement. I also had a Fiero that liked up to its name by burning to a cinder on the toll road one day.
  16. How do you order chow via an app when the driver can’t text you when he’s close? Oh. Those who don’t text also don’t use apps? I don’t know how I’d survive without texting. Most of my friends and work colleagues don’t even read email. It’s all texts. As in “hey dude, I’m at the corner bar, want a drink?” The text is seen instantly. An email, days later if ever. Or “I just landed and am on my way to door 3, meet me there.”
  17. The other way I’ve heard this expressed is that you could tell what they were having for dinner.
  18. I just watched the 15 second vid. There's nothing wrong with those glutes.
  19. To be truly real they’d need to be able to say “I’m not into that”. Also. They all look fake.
  20. spider

    Life Post Life

    I should clarify that I wasn’t making any statements about the possibility of an afterlife one way or the other. No one knows, and the people who were called back to life who saw lights and so on were experiencing what happens as the brain dies. I was talking about the scammers who claim to be able and see in. They’re very good and pick up on clues you drop and everything is vague because they’re making it up as they go.
  21. spider

    Life Post Life

    Fake news. All fake. Fake, fake, fake.
  22. I was chosen to go through my mother’s purse. Really hard.
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