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Everything posted by spider

  1. less competition for upgrades. Nope. Actually more seats they can sell for $$$. Not a single one of my upgrades has cleared in years while they sell same day buy ups. I have GPUs and RPUs to burn as they never, never clear.
  2. Now that UA has chosen to gut the program, there’s no point.
  3. spider

    Matt Lauer

    Not worried about high mileage and STDs?
  4. spider

    Matt Lauer

    Not only rape, but to use an old Newlywed Game quote “um, that would be in the butt, Bob.”
  5. nope. Sort of a hermit life although all my nice stuff would come with me as reminders of my past, and I’d need a chef’s kitchen complete with one of those $50K French stoves and A/C as I can’t stand heat and bugs. Well there goes the simple life thing, I guess.
  6. I fantasize about going off the grid. No newspaper, no TV, no social media. Go into town a couple times a month for supplies while averting my eyes from anything unnecessary. No text. Cell phone only so people can check that I’m alive. Porch on the lake. Long walks with the dog... the reality is I’d be bored to tears.
  7. Doesn’t this belong in the Spa board?
  8. Good Friday, I think. The cross symbolizes, well, the cross, and I haven’t researched but the richness may have to do with using up the very last of the goodness before Holy Saturday.
  9. You worked this! I’m sure it was hard work but I’ve always heard a good bit of fun and bonding.
  10. Hot Cross buns are still around. Your best best is to look for small ethnic bakeries, especially Eastern European. They’ll have them. Yeasty, sweet, iced, raisins. What’s not to like?
  11. Back in the day, Nordstrom always decorated for Christmas when they were closed for Thanksgiving - I was told that they staff came in that afternoon and had sort of a party while they decorated. The tag line went something like "At Nordstrom we prefer our holidays the old fashioned way, one at a time."
  12. I’ve got a little egg cooker thing that I adore. Put in the eggs, add measure water, turn it on and when it buzzes you have perfectly cooked eggs every time.
  13. You missed two of my favorites “the waste basket full of used items from the previous sessions” and “a masseur who smells a little stale”.
  14. The price, yes. But I fail to see how more pics makes someone less legit.
  15. I’ve had Geico for at least 35 years and have never had a moment of concern. Perfect.
  16. possibly true, but it sounds a little like one of those Antiques Road Show family legends that turn out to be not quite true. Most people were just glad to escape with their lives, much less with a grand piano!
  17. I doubt that. Used Pianos are the musical equivalent of National Geographics. There's a million of them and no one wants them. In one of my side jobs I get at least two inquiries a week about "do we need a piano". The answer is no. In turn, I regularly advise my own staff to "just burn it" when they try to offload a piano that isn't really playable and has no value. A University will have a handful of true Concert Grand Pianos, that are carefully handpicked and regularly maintained by professionals. In some cases, the person in charge of selection will have flown to NYC or Germany to hand selecte the piano as each is different. They last forever. Then you have the classroom and practice pianos. They are build like trucks and take a beating and are routinely replaced every few years - the University sells them cheap, so they have an outflow of instruments and have no need for someone else's offcasts. The practice rooms, in particular are tiny and have zero space for a grand. And, like I said, they take a beating.
  18. He still gives me the creeps.
  19. Many many reviews were taken down a few years ago in a big sweep. As far as I know there’s no way to find them.
  20. spider

    Stonewall riots

    I wouldn’t call it blackmail in terms of seeking out wealthy individuals who would pay for someone’s silence. It was complicated. From what I’ve read the mob owned many of these sketchy establishments that weren’t on the up and up in many ways. I’m sure the mob paid off the cops to look the other way. But that only goes so, far and there were raids. I’m sure the gay bars were an “easy target”. And we all know what the police thought about gays back then. In any case. Brave people stood up, said enough is enough, and a movement was born.
  21. spider

    Muscly Belgian

    I’ve seen those cows in real life. They are indeed huge and sort of lazy.
  22. At the gaiety the way the system worked was you gave the dancer a decent tip and motioned toward the lounge area. You’d meet up there and make plans for later. The show itself seemed to be mainly advertising the beef.
  23. I chose my realtor for his reputation and on the basis of many references. It was just a bonus when he turned out to be a hunk.
  24. When I said allow personal time I was thinking of a few minutes. Rather than sneaking looks at our phones it just seem much better to suggest a short break to catch up on things. I really don’t need it, but I think it’s polite to just ask “would you like a few minutes to check your mail and texts? I wouldn’t mind doing the same.” Overnight maybe not necessary but certainly for a multi-day meeting. But in that case it’s easier. You can just say “I’m going to go find us some coffee, I’ll be back in a few”. It gives you both a bit of time alone to do such things.
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