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Everything posted by spider

  1. Oh. Brace yourselves for more increases. The new tariffs have increased the cost of newsprint. Much of it, like all forestry products comes from Canada. Expect new home prices to also rise.
  2. I have friends who have four papers delivered each morning. The WSJ for business stuff, the [failed] NYTimes for international and national news and true long form journalism, the Chicago Trib for local news, and the Sun Times for the sports.
  3. spider


    I’ll make an exception for Peter who is indeed HUNGarian, a truly nice guy, and hot as fuck.
  4. spider


    Does anyone else have issues with someone who uses "hung" as part of their name and then doesn't have a pic to prove it?
  5. Not to mention the sexy pink lips. I wonder if (s)he would bite.
  6. No. He’s too busy trying to figure out how to blame Obama and lying Hillary.
  7. As others have said I’d never just call someone for the same night after maybe 9pm. But I tend to plan ahead. I’ve scheduled all sorts of crazy times, as early as 6am (with a regular when it was the only time we could find) and late night, but always with preplaning and with me starting with “I know this is late, but would you do a late session...”. They’re free to say no and that’s fine.
  8. Note that he’s holding it so the measure starts at One. Take off an inch
  9. Wait. He has one pic? Neon warning signs.
  10. By doing so you’re training the dog to pee inside. Not the best idea in the world.
  11. So you discriminate against the unhung?
  12. On RM the browser bar just shows rent.men. I always just key the address into any message.
  13. Those are 50 year old elbows on Levi.
  14. I was just going to ask about Levi. Claims to be new to Chicago. http://Https://rent.men/levitucker
  15. You'd think someone who's looking for a billionaire would stop the link about style and presentation a little and TAKE OFF the f-ing caps lock. I also wonder how he's counting? Total net work? Anyone with a decent income and good retirement planning likely has more than a million in their retirement funds alone.
  16. Where do you think much of our water already comes from? It goes down the drain, through the sewers and to a reclamation plant, from there it's back into the pipes and out of our faucets.
  17. He’s on a trip through the South. I can’t find much on him, at least not by that name. http://Http://Rent.men/Trevor_bennett
  18. This and checks to charity. Annual check to the tax guy and then a check to the feds or state if I owe something. That's about it. Most of the checks I formerly wrote are now either directly payments from the bank or in some cases they do still send a paper check.
  19. In this case I’m with Germany where they have an extensive list you can choose from. Back to the land of the free and absurd. Among my favorites are: LaTrina VelVeeta La’Dasha (the ‘ is silent) All true. Probably not true. Family name King. Baby name Nosmo. Last thing mom saw being wheeled in was a No Smoking sign. Hence NoSmo king. I truly hope this isn’t true.
  20. Amsterdam. Hot weather. No AC in the hotel. Windows open. All night in the room next door. Knock in on the door. Couple clearly fucking for 45 minutes or so. 15 minutes later another knock. Lather, rinse, repeat.
  21. True this. I once asked an escort why Orlando, being such a family oriented place, didn’t crack down on escorts. The answer was “better than having it go on in the bushes.” Makes sense to me.
  22. Hence the joke; Mickey and Minnie would up in divorce court. Long trial, judge gets more and more frustrated. Finally the judge says “Mickey, stop and listen. In Florida insanity isn’t an acceptable reason for divorce.” Mickey, equally frustrated, said (assume Mickey voice here) “but, your honor, I didn’t say she was insane, I said she was fucking Goofey.” Insert rim shot.
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