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Posts posted by Ajac

  1. I remember finding the massage scene in Living Out Loud, a 1998 movie in which Holly Hunter’s character gets an erotic massage from Eddie Cibrian, one of the hottest things ever. I think it was what prompted me to get my very first one. This says it’s the full clip but I don’t think the real thing cuts off there:



    Man oh man Cibrian was hot in that clip. Not sure why he waisted himself on Leanne Rhymes. This clip is majorly sexy. The music, Holly's sexy slightly inebriated demeanor. I wonder what his rate would have been at that time. Top dollar I am sure.

  2. Nicholas Massa died three weeks ago at age 29....never heard of him, but that fact showed up when googling the name via @Tarte Gogo 's information....strange.....I sent Davido a RM message noting that event

    Very sad, I am a bit curious about the circumstances surrounding his death, it always makes me so sad when someone dies so young. This is why I stress to everyone I know to try and enjoy life to the fullest because you never know when it is going to be the last day.

  3. I use to see him every time he came to LA. Prior to the heart attack comment, I have to say the photos put me off. He use to have a perfectly proportioned body.Now he looks off balanced. Can't imagine why he needed to mess around with his face. I am sorry but most plastic surgery should be used to correct flaws. Not chasing youth. I am sure he would have looked better without it. That being said I wasn't happy with him judging me so I guess I shouldn't judge him. Long as he is happy and can still pull in clients.

  4. I was a child of the sixties and was always aware of music, movies and television of the past. Our family would watch silent movies at Shakeys. Listen to a wide variety of music. Little Rascals, Stooges, Marx Brothers were as much a staple as the cartoons of the era. Expose kids to some of the classics and you will be surprised how they may react. Hell I have even been revisiting TV from my child hood via Youtube. The Chuckles the clown episode of Mary Tyler Moore still holds up today, As do many of the Carol Burnett skits. There is value in the past, and yes somethings never change. I feel about Rap and Hip Hop the way my father may have felt about the Rolling Stones or his father about Glen Miller.

  5. I entered the forums section this morning through a link via email because there seemed to no longer be a way to enter through Daddy's main page. Is that something that will remain? Did I just miss where I should now enter?

  6. Well it is definitely a matter of mood. I have one that is more therapeutic. One extremely passionate when the massage aspects are done. One that I could actually be satisfied just hanging out with. Scheduling and budget are also issues. One of my favorites I did not see for over a year because schedules just didn't line up. But was amazing when we finally got together.

    The worst is when a favorite retires, moves or gets into a serious relationship and everything changes.

  7. Saw Mario years ago, Amazing body, found him to be very detached no connection. Don't recall any specifics on the massage itself so I guess I would say it was not that memorable. That being said this was years ago things may have changed for the better.

    Would like to hear anyone's experience with Adam as well.

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