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Posts posted by Ajac

  1. Mike I was just responding with humor... although I have to admit these old underwear I have on have lost there waist band elasticity and are kinda bunching up. Maybe be Santa will bring me some new ones. Oh and a dictionary LMFAO sometimes I make myself laugh if no one else. A big Mwah! :^* and Merry Christmas Mike and all the forum members.

  2. I have been a regular of Nick's for almost 3 years, and agree he is a very good masseur, sensual+. Having just seen him last week, his look has changed from what you see in the video posted previously. Sunken eyes with circles underneath, pallor and facial scruff.

    I hope this is only from partying too much.

    I hope so this town can use up and spit out some very nice people with big dreams.

  3. OK sometimes I feel like if I am really attracted to a masseur it can take longer almost to the point where I feel I have to appologize. Then some of the masseurs that are just OK I can come super fast. I am not sure what it is, maybe I take longer when I just don't want it to end. I also feel I am a very visual person and need the right view to truly get things flowing.

  4. Like snowflakes every massage experience is unique. I tell you it is the little things that have always left an impression. A continuation of the massage after HE is amazing, even just a gentle rub of the temples. Attention to hands, feet or even earlobes can make all the difference. A"OK you have done your business now get out" will not get a repeat out of me. Up-sell sucks when it is in the middle of the massage. You can negotiate that before hand if you are going for the extra buck. There should be a class not only in the mechanics of a good technical massage but something akin to Geisha training where hospitality is stressed. Environment, Massage, Hospitality. Master these and quality clients will return again and again. Snatch the pebble from my hand... A wise man once said.... ( Oh sorry my inner fortune cookie has overtaken me.)

  5. Tom AKA Hank Eddelman of He photography. There is no longer a site for his photography and many searches on the internet and inquiries on this forum have yielded no results. I fondly remember Jack the "Hung"Garian from his time in LA.

    Angel in Van Nuys though towards the end he was doing his massages in the pitch dark which was weird but the first few massages were outstanding.

    Vin who use to start his massage with giving you a warm bath.

    One of my first really interactive massages was a slim swede named Nils if I remember correctly. He lived in an apartment on Hollywood Blvd that apparently Hitchcock lived in at some point. These were all great guys that have disappeared I hope that they are all healthy and happy and are getting as much pleasure as they provided me.

  6. I was getting a massage from @BunnyBixler, and the lotion bottle rolled off the table, and when Bunny moved forward to apply extra pressure, he stepped right on the the lotion bottle. Squashed it to bits. He went to his supply cabinet to get more lotion, and it was locked.


    Can you imagine? We had to call the massage off! Well, it was ghastly. Well, it was just ghastly!

    That is hysterical. The whole thing was made bearable by downing a few Upson Daquiris ......Huuunnney.

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