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Everything posted by prof

  1. True, but now I see a little bit of shrubbery to complement the woodland scene.
  2. Interesting how the motif of the tattoo picks up the bear from the CA flag.
  3. They could put both the bang and the kok/cock in Bangkok!
  4. I have been in any number of conversations & situations over the years involving scrotum play. I have had partners who blast if I gave the slightest attention there, and others who were less sensitive but clearly enjoyed it. Alas, when a guy touches, licks, sucks or otherwise attends to my balls, it does virtually nothing--as with my nipples, I seem to have little sensitivity there. *Sigh* I am the original numbnuts.
  5. Judging by the helmet, I think he's the only dude allowed to ride with the Valkyries.
  6. This, just this, and I'd be happy, even with the messy garage.
  7. That lizard is heading in the same direction I'd choose.
  8. Whitman--Your postings in a wide variety of threads makes me wonder if your curated collection rivals the Library of Congress. I especially enjoy the vintage stuff. Many thanks!
  9. He's a great looking guy, but what won my heart was the quotation from Robert Frost on his right pec.
  10. Good thing I got the Costco-sized container of lube.
  11. A topographical map should come with this picture.
  12. Love the ambience at this barber shop. I'll bet he has a nice barber pole, too.
  13. Done. Took me a little while because I got distracted all over again.?
  14. Cupid, when he got a little older.
  15. Thanks for the researching, and for the heartfelt cock framing.
  16. easygoingpal--could you please tell us where this is from?
  17. Protein supplement? Yes please!
  18. I was not speaking exclusively or literally because I have had similar pleasant & unanticipated encounters, despite not being "gym dandy."
  19. I'll bet lots of guys would like a turn at bat.
  20. The fact that you're a "gymguy" probably helps!
  21. Mmmm breakfast is about to be serviced! um, I mean, served!
  22. You could run so much faster without the heavy denim and buckle--let me help you out of them.
  23. prof


    Just how long a flight is it, that you kill time by stripping and selfie-ing?!
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