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Everything posted by KeepItReal

  1. I am quite fond of "Doing Time on Maple Drive". Not very well known, but there is a raw honesty to it that appealed to me when I came across it the first time.
  2. I respectfully disagree. That may be the intention, but in reality that is not what I am seeing. when I pull up NYC. One of the gentlemen at the top of the page for New York City has a note that states "Last online: 2 months ago". The other two in that row are listed as last online 12 days ago. If I scroll down I see guys that are "Available Now" or "Last online: 21 hours"... I do agree that Haydenn is active - noted as online 1 day ago.
  3. So he doesn't pitch or catch? I'm sorry, but if I am going to spend time with a hot pornstar, he's going to have to be willing to "go all the way". I'd rather hang out with https://rent.men/DAN_stud Same attributes, great kisser, sweet, funny and easy to be around.
  4. I assume that you mean by hand, not just connecting the teats to a milking machine? Oh yes. It is not a lost art - to this day, when a cow comes down with a bad case of Mastitis, she has to be milked by hand.
  5. Curious if anybody has experience with this guy? https://friendboy.pro/boys/LatinfantasyXL
  6. You're asking for a friend, right? Well, tell your friend he has quite a few options, some already noted above. He can also consider a desensitizing topical cream (I believe there is one called Promescent - my man Alpha M keep stalking about on youtube) that will help you last longer. Or perhaps go with the "There's something about Mary" solution and jerk off before hand so you don't go into the session fully loaded, if you know what I mean.
  7. In other news, the US Department of Agriculture recently concluded a 3 year study and concluded that water is wet! Come on fellas!! Dick size? Of course it is a thing for guys - part of our cro magnon brain. I can't help it, I was born this way! (Said that great philosopher, Lady Gaga) I couldn't find a similar chart for the rest of the world, but I am working on it! Goes without saying: this is cm.
  8. Not sure it is exactly helpful, but I have Windows 10 and use both Chrome and Firefox. Not seeing what you are seeing... Font is black in all respects, except for the signatures as @Kevin Slater indicated.
  9. I read his ad as somebody looking for a voyeur that will be willing to pay to watch him have sex. Voyeurism is a fetish, so I concur with @FrankR
  10. Appears to have switched back to his old rentmen profile: https://rent.men/SteveHolt
  11. I am not sure there is such a thing as ageing with dignity. "Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day."
  12. Some good advice here. Casio and Citizen will get it done with no fuss. So will a Swatch. Movado if you are looking for something a little more expensive and stylish.
  13. I am pretty sure Jeff Session still hasn't recovered!!!
  14. Good luck!! Hehe! I may have been overthinking things, but clearly you have a lot to think about!!!
  15. I would like your thoughts on a rather unexpected event... A very hot, nice guy I hired while traveling texted me when he was in my home city and asked if I would be interested in seeing him. I was and I did. Fast forward a month later when the same thing happened. Again, we met and it was great (like really, really great, just like our first meet). Then he surprised me by suggesting that when he moved to my city in a few months, we should become fuck buddies. I was aware that we had *great* chemistry, but did not see that coming. I wasn't sure how to react - so told him I would consider it, to let me know when he had settled in. I also said I would help he move in if he needed an extra pair of hands (perhaps here I crossed a line??) My questions to our resident experts: 1) have you ever suggested to a client to change the relationship from professional to something more casual? 2) how did the client handle it? 3) turning the situation around - has a client ever approached you with the same type of request?
  16. After about 3 beers, sure!
  17. Your sense of smell is a very powerful memory trigger - I enjoy the smell of freshly brewed coffee because it reminds me of cold winter mornings, spent with my grandparents, around the table, being warmed by a wood burning stove. I don't drink coffee, nor do I like products flavored in that way, but the smell delights me. Coffee breath, on the other hand, is a big no-no.
  18. This masseur? https://rentmasseur.com/Fit_Daniel In what respect did he not meet your expectations?
  19. One of the variables to consider...is the date (time of month). No I'm not kidding. When a guy has a reputation for being difficult to reach or doesn't respond, wait until the end of the month or first few days of the next month before you contact him. The need to make rent is an awesome motivator!! Same applies for world travelers - the last few days in town are the best to reach them and if they have had a slow visit, they are looking to make up for it; that hotel bill needs to be paid... I won't call it a rule, but it is just my experience.
  20. Really liked his pictures, but it was so difficult to communicate with him via text, I finally gave up. Couldn't get him to confirm his rate after asking multiple times...
  21. Yes, his tattoos are very distinctive. Met him once in Brooklyn, seemed like a friendly guy.
  22. So if my math is right, that means he started when he was 16? Or is he taking liberties with his stated age (27)?
  23. Looks to me like Rusty is also on rentmen... https://rent.men/KevinSlave/ Some of the photos on rentmasseur are exactly the same as rentmen. He has a kinky side...well, at least if you read his RM profile. No sex, just abuse.
  24. Agreed, he is a great find. I've seen him twice since @EVdude recommended him back in February. I am overdue for another visits.
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