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Posts posted by MassageAdam

  1. I just know he is expensive, $400 and I asked why and he said it was because he is new to the scene and everyone should want him. I told him I have done famous porn stars that have lots of good reviews for $200 and he just said they were old and have been around for awhile. He was nice to email me back and forth several times, but I ain't risking a $400 experience on someone who isn't reviewed.

  2. An absolutely reasonable approach.


    Marketing 101 teaches RFM. Recency, Frequency, and Monetary value of customers/clients. We value are regulars because they are recent, frequent, and provide a steady predicable (for the most part) revenue stream.

    So would it be reasonable for a client to dump a masseur last minute for one who might be visiting in town for a couple days? Is that reasonable? Would you defend that practice, or is it just ok for the masseur to dump a client?

  3. Does there need to be a point? I come here to share my experiences. Not sure I see a problem here?


    Well, we fall for it because we want it to be true. And it's not just grown men falling for hookers. It's women who fall for fuckboy shenanigans. It's gays who fall for player's manipulations. It's innocent people who walk wide-eyed into con-men's schemes.

    We fall for it because we hope that "this one will be different".

    People want to be fooled, to a certain degree, because why would we even want to hire in the first place?


    Such colorful responses. I was under the impression we could share our experiences here, even if there is no practical purpose to the sharing itself. Perhaps others have different views on this. Well, it makes the world go round. :rolleyes:

    I understand what you are saying, been there. I don't get why people need to give asshole responses after you share your story. I haven't done it with hookers, but with a trainer, with a guy I had a crush on, and a lover. All happened in one year, but all had money problems and I helped them out to be kind (with a little bit of hoping they liked me back), but I also put out the expectation they would pay me back if I lent them money. Never got a cent back from any of them. One of them even keeps trying, and won't take no for an answer. I'm sorry for your experience, it sucks.

  4. There's been recent threads here in the Deli about specific escorts who use "borrowed" photos in their RM ad. People have attempted to justify this practice by saying that the escort needs to protect his identity. They rationalize using borrowed photos by saying that the pics closely resemble the escort. Or they say that the escort is even hotter than the borrowed photos, so it's okay. I completely understand that some escorts need to protect their identity and I truly respect this need. Maybe some hot young stud wants to try escorting for a while without giving the internet a picture of the one-of-a-kind tattoo on his shoulder. I'd say, more power too him. We want him!


    But is there a way for the escort to protect his identity without deliberately deceiving prospective clients ? Of course the obvious is, don't post a face pic (in spite the squawking from some people). I'd also suggest the judicious use of a photo editor. This is NOT to exaggerate the size of his wanker or ass. Someone with a bit of experience with a photo editor could easily remove (or alter) a unique tattoo or birthmark or something else that uniquely identifies them. They can do this without substantially changing the escorts appearance.


    Any other ideas that you would consider acceptable?


    PS (edit): Maybe it's okay to use borrowed pictures as long as the escort tells a prospective client, very early in their communications, that the RM pictures are not him and gives an honest explanation. I'd say 'No' to this. This will likely alienate most clients (IMO).

    Why would it be ok to "Out" someone else as an escort that is not an escort by using the fake pics of someone of IG. If you, yourself don't want to be outed as an escort, then maybe you shouldn't be one.

  5. RIGHT....WHEN you take it EXACTLY as prescribed you have a 10% chance of STILL catching HIV.

    However MOST people do NO take it as prescribed, and therefore the statistics raise your chance to 12% of catching HIV if you "mostly" take it as prescribed.

    In the general population, efficacy rates can drop as low as 40%.

    So, one needs to learn to READ the research, not just listen to drug companies who want to sell drugs.

    Where did you get your stats? Like I've said I have gone to many presentations given my Infectious disease doctors and I don't think you are correct. I've been given information that is quite differing from yours. You are correct that people should learn for themselves, but I do have to say, what you are saying isn't 100% truthful. It actually has more protection than you are probably aware of and they don't broadcast it because they don't want people missing doses.

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