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Posts posted by MassageAdam


    Charlize Theron has a played mom, sure – rather memorably in "Tully."


    Of course, she's also a mom of two adopted children. But the role of Wonder Woman's mom?


    At 43, she's nine years older than "Wonder Woman" star Gal Gadot, 34. Someone obviously got the math wrong when she revealed on

    this week that she was offered the role of Wonder Woman's mother.


    "This is a great example of how Hollywood like slaps you in the face when you start aging," she said.


    I must say she already played the witch in a new version of Snow White.


    But on Paradise Island they are thousands of years old. So they age well. I don't see how her being 9 years older in real life is that big of a deal.


    Have you been with Mraestheticlife or rezzzv before? I've been wanting to hire them, but not sure how to approach them.

  3. The only problem is I contacted him via text and not through RentMasseur. They won't post reviews if the don't see contact via their website. I tried leaving positive feedback for a guy in San Diego last month and they wouldn't post it. I even asked if I could send the text messages as proof I saw him and they wouldn't accept it. I just noticed you can't email him on rent masseur either so no one will ever be able to write a review.

  4. I couldn't agree more with your post. Just to add to this while one may think with many guys lusting over your body you may be happy, it's actually the opposite. As an escort many guys don't even try to get to know me, they see my body, they see the end result and then they are off. The job can actually be quite lonely.

    I wouldn't think most escorts would want clients to get to know them. I've tried to be friendly and ask questions of the ones I have hired and they seem to be turned off that I'm asking... and I was just being friendly. To be honest, in general, I have found attractive people to not be the friendliest people (in San Diego and on gay cruises), unless you look like a model yourself. I'm not ugly by any means, but I'm not a model.. just a nice looking fellow.

  5. One other weird thing with PrEp to watch out for is to not take Truvada (or really any medication) at the same time you are taking anything with psyllium husk, such as Pure for Men or Metamucil or many very common fiber supplements. This is because psyllium husk creates a gel in your digestive system that could actually prevent medications from being properly digested and absorbed into your system. Obviously, a lot of guys who bottom like to take things like Pure for Men to make their bowel movements thicker for easier clean up before sex. And you can still take the medication, just make sure it is a few hours after you take your Truvada so it has enough time to absorb in your system.


    I found this video to be pretty explanatory: https://isprepforme.com/dont-take-prep-with-metamucil/


    I have gone to many many many drug rep dinners (over 20) on PREP and other HIV medications. I am a RN and have also worked in infectious disease... I'm sorry, but I haven't not heard of that once mentioned. With other medications and vitamins, yes, it's true. I would caution making a blanket statement like that from some guy on youtube. I have taken fiber every day for years and I eventually got on PREP after going to many presentations on the research behind it. It definitely would have rang some alarms in my head about he fiber and Prep interaction. My Roomate is a HIV doctor and knows I take prep and fiber and has never said a word to me about it either. There definitely isn't any harm in taking the two medications several hours apart though.

  6. Absolutely:









    Also, ask any heterosexual male if his doctor has recommended PrEP for him. Then ask any gay male the same question. I can guarantee you the straight guy probably has no clue as to what PrEP even is.


    Also, take a peek at any gay themed magazine (Out, the Advicate, etc. ) they are loaded with Truvada ads.


    Magazines targeting wider audiences have no such advertisements.


    I’m not saying this is good or bad, but just stating that the homosexual male is the marketing target for the PrEP program.

    Maybe because that's where the highest risk is of contacting HIV....

  7. Not a real massage therapist, our session turned to a date real quick and I was not looking for a date. Nice guy, attractive and all... but not if you are looking for a massage. I don't understand why things go that way, when all you want is an amazing massage from a gay guy who doesn't make it awkward to get a massage... and then they make it awkward... so frustrating! Maybe there was a connection or maybe that is the normal service menu... I can not say, but sadly I ended it quickly. YMMV but "a.s.k." more questions up front to make sure you get what you are looking for. Hope this helps - xx

    Can't you just speak up and say "I really want a massage" instead of letting it turn into a date?

  8. Wow thanks super sleuth!! Haha. Really appreciate it. I did get a little bit of communication back but it was related to confirming geography. Anyone down in San Diego have any confirmatory info or info to the contrary if he's real. But for sure all of the pic's, video etc.. is consistent with the same person, it just a matter if the same guy put his profile up on MintBoys.

    I second that, I'm I San Diego and would love to meet him, but it seems a little shady....

  9. Doctors go to school and residency for many years. Particularly since the 80s, they have seen a lot and learned to react with almost everyone. As everyone has said above, you would be doing yourself a grave disservice if you do not tell your internist if you are gay. If you are in a big or bigger city that will give him/her info he will be glad to have, particularly if you want to have blood test taken so that you can be informed about your HIV status. Ideally if you are sexually active and on PrEP you should be having blood tests. At any rate I think it will get you and your doctor off to a nice start if you are totally honest with him/her. And I think he/she will feel good that you can be honest with them.

    I'm a RN and work in health care. I go to a lot of drug rep dinners on PREP. I've actually been told by the drug reps that there are many doctors out there that don't even know PREP is out there and they basically have given them the impression they don't want to deal with it. If I were you, have the conversation with his office before you even go to him. I live in a large metropolitan area in SOCAL, where you think most doctors would be pretty open to everybody. It's just not the case.

  10. Just got back from Trenton Ducati's dreadful Porn Disco party at Ccbc in PS. However, I can confirm there are gogo boys at Chill Bar and Hunters down the street on Saturday night. Chill bar was full with gogo's in the main bar and the back room. Hunter's had boys in the main bar but it was so full of bachelorette parties, the experience was blah. Ccbc's Runaway has gogo boys on Wednesday night but they seem to be more into each other tbh.

    Why was it so dreadful, just curious. I had wanted to go, but now glad I didn't.

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