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  1. Like
    GTMike reacted to Tonyko in Landon Mycles aka Marcus Mojo   
    LOL what is it 'bout this guy??? NOT the best looking NOT the best bod definitely NOT the biggest dick, YET there's not a PART of him you don't wanna lick and eat
  2. Like
    GTMike reacted to + Keith30309 in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Possibilities that come to mind:
    1) he had good intentions when he accepted the offer but got cold feet at the prospect of flying somewhere and snipped all the connections to you
    2) he saw an easy mark and intended to scam you from the outset. He walked away with the value of the ticket, presumably free and clear with no expenses.
    3) he's a flake who doesn't know what he's going from one moment to the next and something shiny caught his attention.
    4) something happened and he was willing but unable to get on the plane.
  3. Like
    GTMike reacted to + PapaTony in Seeking arrangements success!   
    37 year difference between my fella and me. No question he likes older men!!!
  4. Like
    GTMike reacted to + José Soplanucas in Seeking arrangements success!   
    We had our first conflict with my Texan Boy. And last night we had make up sex. The debate about whether or not there are young guys into older men (I am talking about 33 years of difference) is over for me.
  5. Like
    GTMike reacted to MscleLovr in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I'm not sure that's an insightful observation. The clue is in the name: lots of men seem to be interested in an "arrangement". I know I was before I met my current boyfriend, and I used the apps and all the usual sites to find a guy who met my ideals and needs. For my part, I never really enjoyed "one-off" sex. I prefer to have a connection with a guy and for me, that develops over several dates and longer duration encounters. When I hired, that meant multiple-hour/overnight sessions; with regular dates, it meant dinner and activities leading to weekend trips and vacations together.
    I guess this thread has elicited such various responses because so many of us are looking for some combination of company, friendship, emotional support, affection and sex. I take the view that there's nothing wrong about any arrangement (or hiring) where two adults freely consent to spend time together: if a young man offers his energy and physical beauty to please an older man while, in turn, the older man picks up restaurant checks, organises theatre and concert tickets and arranges vacation trips to please the younger man.
  6. Like
    GTMike reacted to + José Soplanucas in Seeking arrangements success!   
    You know my physical type, I think. He is very cute, has a big dick, and worships my dick. Besides he is very smart, and goal driven. My place is not a palace, but his commute would be only 15', he would be fucking with a daddy he likes, and this daddy is not possessive and does not care if he fucks with half of dc. His part of the deal is not that bad either.

  7. Like
    GTMike reacted to + Keith30309 in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I've never used any other site or app but, based on what I read in the Forum about things like Grindr, yes.
    I'd say that there's one twist with SA that has been bothering me more lately - there can be an undercurrent of coerciveness in some of these engagements. Most of the guys are 18-25 and in need of money, some desperately so. There can be a subtle disparity of power at the beginning of an "arrangement" that likely makes some feel compelled to stray from their values.
    This really hit home with me a couple of days ago. Last year I was traveling constantly to another city on business and met a really sweet guy. We hit it off fantastically and it was a great time for both of us while it lasted. I'm not traveling there now but we still text or talk several times a day and I've sent him a small bit of money for tuition. We had talked about his finding someone else on SA and I encouraged him to look. Tuesday he sent me 2 photos of a guy he met on SA who is flying in to meet him this weekend. My immediate reaction was "sleazeball" and began to worry about what my somewhat-naive friend might be getting into because of his financial situation. Of course 12 months ago I was the sleazeball.
    The coin looks very different when viewed from the other side.
  8. Like
    GTMike reacted to + quoththeraven in Seeking arrangements success!   
    In that respect it's like every other site for meeting people with the hope of forming a relationship or connection.
  9. Like
    GTMike reacted to + Keith30309 in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I think that for most people it's something that you will either you grow comfortable with or will drive you bonkers.
    - About 2 hours ago I received this from a deranged twink:

    Hello, i'm xxx. I'm 18 years, do you like to get fuck? We can do this... Kisses.
    I can't wait to show you my talent and culture... Now i want make sex with someone or my hormones will kill me kkkkkkkk Kisses in the middle of this strong legs
    - Two weeks ago I met a really hot 23-year old Abercrombie-model type who had messaged me out of the blue.. we met a second time earlier this week and had some bedroom fun and are meeting again in a couple of days.
    You never know what you're going to get when you open the box of chocolates.
  10. Like
    GTMike reacted to pubic_assistance in Seeking arrangements success!   
    For my "Arrangement", my young friend is getting to live for free in one of the best neighborhoods in New York City. If he were sharing an apartment here with a room mate it would cost him at minimum $1,500 a month for his half of the rent on a one bedroom apartment and one of them would be sleeping in the Living Room not in his own bedroom. He is dining with us every night. ( helping to prepare meals three to four times a week). Food costs of at least $ 100 per week is another $ 400 of value he is getting. Plus we dine out a few times a week and invite him along. So the value he is getting here is a minimum $ 2000 a month. I have also handed over the credit card for reasonable shopping trips to H&M and Zara and helped fill a gap in College Tuition. I find all these costs perfectly comfortable in return for a valued friendship that I hope will last long past his exit from my home. There ARE some real people in real need on the site....but like everything you have to spend time and filter out the riff-raff.
  11. Like
    GTMike reacted to + PapaTony in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Don't pay attention to the naysayers. So many jaded, negative people raining on other's parades.
    I have had a long-standing "relationship" with a beautiful young man from SA who does NOT want "payments".
    He enjoys my company, nice dinners at restaurants he could not otherwise afford, a weekend get-away, another planned soon. I've offered to help him financially but he refuses. He's a college graduate, works full-time, is level headed with career goals clearly laid out. He prefers feeling like he's making it on his own for the most part and appreciates that I respect him for that.
    Enjoy what you've found. Continued success to you!
  12. Like
    GTMike reacted to gp0560 in Age Of Clients?   
    At age 79, I could hardly be anything other than older than my escorts.
  13. Like
    GTMike got a reaction from SuperJunior in 411 Grayson Danielz   
    Though he's not my type at all. Completely irrespective of his Ad stating or i should say hinting at his "political and religious" views as I wonder what he means by stating he is "a Christian". I think we all probably get the "gist" of what he meants by that, but I'd be curious how much he thinks being a "Christian" by his definition includes helping the "needy" and helping to "feed the poor". (Never mind, snarky comment). I wouldn't have commented on this thread or about this gentlemen except one thing that he said that i am somewhat curious about.
    He states, "I am more Conservative than most of the other models. I am a Christian, and I am Pro-American. So if you don't like that then we probably are not a good match."

    I may be "reading too much into it" but he seems to potentially link political "Conservatisim", Christianity and being "pro-American" kind of being one comprehensive package of consistent attributes and beliefs. My only real problem (if i were to ever meet him which won't happen for other reasons) would be if he sub-consciously or consciously equates being politically Conservative and Christian as a litmus test of being truly "Pro-American", whereas a politically moderate Muslim, a liberal Jew, a black lesbian Atheist or a gay "Mexican-American" Buddhist most likely really can't be.
  14. Like
    GTMike reacted to cooldemo03 in Pornstar escorts I have hired   
    Marcus is one of my all time favorites. Tried to PM you but couldnt.
  15. Like
    GTMike reacted to Poincare in Pornstar escorts I have hired   
    I have two more add from my original post starting this thread
    First Ivan Grgeory. I forgot to include him before. I met him Halloween night 2014. Picked him up in a really bad neighborhood in Philly and brought him home for the night. Made out for a long time and he topped me really well. He has an incredible body and I love his South African accent, which make up for a face that does not do it for me.
    Marcus Mono/Landon Mycles: In NYC . He advertise in rentboy. So fxxxxing amazing in every way. He is fun, funny, chatty, adorable, in super shape, smooth, nice, sexy. We spent 2,5 hrs together. Talked for an hour. He is super clever and lived in interesting life already at the tender age of 28 years old. Then made out and kisses are perfection, then we he'd great sex. I was not up for intercourse, and will spare the details, but it was just heavenly.
    Such an authentic meeting. I told him that so many escorts can be douches and he said its job to get return clients. Have no idea why he is not reported on more. The best and you can from my first post that I have been around the block. I am going to sleep well tonight.
  16. Like
    GTMike reacted to + José Soplanucas in foot fetish gallery   
  17. Like
    GTMike reacted to + José Soplanucas in foot fetish gallery   
  18. Like
    GTMike reacted to needbodywork in Any recent info on BryceJordan?   
    Used to be "Brock." I don't think anyone's ever posted negative about him. He has a great body and face. And he works well with all types.
  19. Like
    GTMike reacted to Jeremy0000 in 411 Mikefit -L.A.   
    Hey Denorth, I PM'd you this morning. Interested in hearing about your experience!
  20. Like
    GTMike reacted to Denorth in 411 Mikefit -L.A.   
    I just had a meeting with him 2 hours ago. I am not allowed to review here. PM if you have questions.
  21. Like
    GTMike got a reaction from + José Soplanucas in Offended by vetting   
    I haven't read all of the comments in this thread in their entirety but get the major points and counterpoints and find them fascinating as maybe we're fishing in some different waters, haha (just an observation, not trying to boast or anything like that) because over the past 20 months or so, when i started exploring and hanging with escorts, out of the 10 i've met, when i politely introduced myself and then paused and gave them a friendly inquisitive look of "... and what should i call you? , 8 of them without hesitation gave me their real names.
    One claimed that the Ad was actually his real name, (which i have no basis to verify or refute) and one i actually don't recall what he said because i wasn't gonna ever see him again and didn't care.
    The others i know are their real names because after the fact i did do some "diligence" and found lots of corrobation but more importantly, i'm friendly (repeats, semi-regulars) with all of them in some sort of varying capacities but i stick to things that they have told me that relates to their "personal, private" life.
    I will say though, i would hold off of any comments alluding to anything in their "real or personal life" until it flows naturally in conversation potentially. Like someone mentioned above i also did tell one gentlemen how i knew about him and how i find out his info but again it came naturally and he "freaked out" about it a bit as to how easy it was, but was incredible appreciative of not only that i told him but how and when i told him.
  22. Like
    GTMike got a reaction from big-n-tall in Offended by vetting   
    I haven't read all of the comments in this thread in their entirety but get the major points and counterpoints and find them fascinating as maybe we're fishing in some different waters, haha (just an observation, not trying to boast or anything like that) because over the past 20 months or so, when i started exploring and hanging with escorts, out of the 10 i've met, when i politely introduced myself and then paused and gave them a friendly inquisitive look of "... and what should i call you? , 8 of them without hesitation gave me their real names.
    One claimed that the Ad was actually his real name, (which i have no basis to verify or refute) and one i actually don't recall what he said because i wasn't gonna ever see him again and didn't care.
    The others i know are their real names because after the fact i did do some "diligence" and found lots of corrobation but more importantly, i'm friendly (repeats, semi-regulars) with all of them in some sort of varying capacities but i stick to things that they have told me that relates to their "personal, private" life.
    I will say though, i would hold off of any comments alluding to anything in their "real or personal life" until it flows naturally in conversation potentially. Like someone mentioned above i also did tell one gentlemen how i knew about him and how i find out his info but again it came naturally and he "freaked out" about it a bit as to how easy it was, but was incredible appreciative of not only that i told him but how and when i told him.
  23. Like
    GTMike got a reaction from + oldNbusted in Offended by vetting   
    I haven't read all of the comments in this thread in their entirety but get the major points and counterpoints and find them fascinating as maybe we're fishing in some different waters, haha (just an observation, not trying to boast or anything like that) because over the past 20 months or so, when i started exploring and hanging with escorts, out of the 10 i've met, when i politely introduced myself and then paused and gave them a friendly inquisitive look of "... and what should i call you? , 8 of them without hesitation gave me their real names.
    One claimed that the Ad was actually his real name, (which i have no basis to verify or refute) and one i actually don't recall what he said because i wasn't gonna ever see him again and didn't care.
    The others i know are their real names because after the fact i did do some "diligence" and found lots of corrobation but more importantly, i'm friendly (repeats, semi-regulars) with all of them in some sort of varying capacities but i stick to things that they have told me that relates to their "personal, private" life.
    I will say though, i would hold off of any comments alluding to anything in their "real or personal life" until it flows naturally in conversation potentially. Like someone mentioned above i also did tell one gentlemen how i knew about him and how i find out his info but again it came naturally and he "freaked out" about it a bit as to how easy it was, but was incredible appreciative of not only that i told him but how and when i told him.
  24. Like
    GTMike reacted to NJmusclelover in 411 JamesX - NYC   
    Hit him up he will send a face pic
    Actually his face is even more gorgeous than the body
  25. Like
    GTMike reacted to + José Soplanucas in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Guys, you have to be patient like fishermen if you do not have a fat bank account. Being not wealthy has written me out of most of the contacts I have received. Out of my full first month of membership I got one good find, my Texas boy. Right now I am in the second week of my second month, and I am talking to three guys. I am possibly meeting one tonight.
    Something that is saving me a lot of time is I am direct and straight forward with the kind of arrangement I am looking for, making clear it involves none or very little cash. I am been able to focus and work better the few ones who pass that initial filter. I will keep posting my successes and frustrations.
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