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Populist Fury

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Everything posted by Populist Fury

  1. HBD!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 & happy primary election day as well
  2. I said it wasn't just about racism, don't twist my words because you disagree with what I said. ABC knew about all of her past racist/anti-semetic/islamophobic/crazy tweets for months & never did anything about it until she went after 2 people close to powerful members of the establishment on the same day. In fact, a similar incident happened 3 years ago where a Univision host made basically the same racist "joke" about Michelle Obama. He apologized, had many of his colleagues defend him & everything... then MO's people got in contact with Univision/Disney execs & they immediately fired him despite being one their rising stars on the channel. The former “Sal Y Pimienta” host also said his dismissal was a direct result of a complaint by the first lady’s office to the network and that Univision publicly humiliated him. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/6859434 The Clintons also have a long history of getting people critical of them & their corrupt neoliberal policies fired from TV. David Schuster (another rising star on TV at the time) said something negative about Chelsea during the '08 campaign & NBC immediately punished him, eventually fired him. We later found out that the Clintons had asked NBC execs to fire him. I mean, the Clintons got Ed Shultz fired simply for supporting Hillary's opponent in the '16 campaign lol
  3. That's what I've been saying, girl needs help for her mental issues. People need to quit wanting to lynch her/make an example out of her just because of her political affiliation. Especially when liberal darlings like Bill Maher, Joy Reid, & others have said racist, homophobic, islamophobic shit before & got a free pass from the media & their supporters. #Hypocrisy
  4. She was pro-Palentine for years, called Jews Nazis... then switched to being pro-Israel, began to call Palestinians Nazis. Similarly, she was extreme left for a long time, then went extreme right all of the sudden. No one knows exactly why, but it's clear to anyone paying attention, that she's mentally unbalanced.
  5. Girl hasn't stopped tweeting after saying she was leaving twitter early in the day lol, very amusing to see just how defiant & unhinged she really is... I'm still not sure how I feel about all of this... I am NOT ok with them pulling the original show's re-runs off the air, why punish us, the viewers, for her racist tweet & the overreaction to it?????? She had said a bunch of racist, zionist, & anti-semetic things for years, & all of the sudden, the hammer came down on her today?????? This clearly wasn't just about racism, it was about her going after Chelsea Clinton & Valerie Jarret, two people close to the Clintons & the Obamas.
  6. Welp, this was bound to happen eventually... Ro had gone off the deep end lately, completely embracing rightwing extremists on Twitter, etc. I just wish liberals & corporate media were as outraged by the genocide taking place in Yemen right now, & by the disastrous effects of Hillary's interventionist foreign policy decisions, as they are by a racist tweet from someone in need of mental help. Thousands of people of color are actually dying over in those countries, Valerie Jarret is doing fine collecting millions these days.
  7. Yeah, I've ran into high school & junior high crushes before & most look like shit now compared to how they used to look back in school. Straight men usually let themselves go once they enter their 30's or as soon as they enter marriage. It's sad, but ngl, it always leaves me feeling good about myself lol
  8. #FakeNews Just tried, & I'm still able to read reviews on both rent.men & rentmen.eu from my phone, which VPN service are you on???????
  9. Thanks for those links guys <3 Not sure how recent his pics are, but he appears to be in great shape for someone who was in his 20s 12 years ago.
  10. Someone post a link for those of us on our phone! I'd like to be able to judge him myself, ty. Usually don't mind age shavers if they can pull off representing the age they describe... what bothers me is when I see guys looking way older than me (37) & they're trying to claim that they're 28 or 29
  11. Same here. I also can't go to bed at night if there are any dirty dishes in the sink, etc. I like to wake up & walk into a perfectly clean kitchen in the morning.
  12. Sounds like she's going to be getting even more political next season... i like to do TV episodes about REAL ISSUES & REAL PEOPLE. That's what I do. Next season will be even more current events-I will challenge every sacred cow in USA. #YouGoGirl I haven't watched in several weeks, will try to catch up online one of these weekends. I do agree that the acting is shit compared to the original run. Goodman & Metcalf have appeared in critically acclaimed films since then, probably just feeling uninspired being back on TV again. Hopefully, they'll all turn up the acting level for season 2 now that they know the show is a hit with the audience.
  13. Populist Fury

    VPN Anyone

    I've used several, ExpressVPN works great for my laptop & especially my phone. Easy to change location, doesn't really slow down video streaming much, almost never drops a connection. $12.95 a month or $99 for a year plan. I like doing month to month.
  14. To me, it's the equivalent of a do not disturb sign. They're either busy or wanting time for themselves away from escorting. I wouldn't contact them at all until the Not Available status is turned off.
  15. Lol, of course, Saudi Arabia is the most oppressive regime in the world besides North Korea.
  16. Brock Lesnar is the only real star they have left now that all the great ones have either retired or died. John Cena is a fruity pebbles bitch, a walking talking cartoon for the kids (with a great ass tho, I'll give him that <3), he's apparently going into the movies now. Rasslin quit being interesting the minute it went from TV14 to PG. They also hired a bunch of mindless Hollywood writers with no idea how to develop entertaining storylines that went beyond a couple weeks. I don't watch now, haven't in years, other than the occasional WM here & there. I remember the first house show I went to as a kid was televised for Superstars, the day Randy Savage proposed to Miss Elizabeth inside the ring back in 1991 <3
  17. Hi, thanks for being so nice <3 And don't worry, I completely understand. I wouldn't want unexpected guests showing up @ my house either. I'll RSVP & let y'all know if I'm bringing a guest & what he's like as soon as I know for certain if I'm going or not. Probs won't be until later in the year tho. I'm here in Cali, so it'd just be a couple hours drive, easy stuff.
  18. I'd like to give this event a try next year if I can get a friend to go with me. Is that allowed, or is it strictly for board members only?????
  19. I'm currently in love with Kyle Kulinski from Secular Talk <3 He's real, badass, & covers the issues that corporate media goons get paid to avoid.
  20. https://rent.men/Adrianjose Love everything I see, can't wait to hire him next time I visit NYC...
  21. Love the bowtie in you avi <3 Post ads on Rent.men, Mintboys.com, & Rentboy.pro... CL is gone for good, you'll need to move on to other platforms. GL!
  22. God, I really hate Heitkamp, always have since day 1! Democrats can eat shit if they think I'm ever going to support awful oppressive lunatics like her just because there's a (D) next to their name. People need to stop voting based on the letter next to someone's name & start electing civil libertarians, they are the only ones sane enough to not violate our rights using lies about child sex for their own political gain.
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