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Everything posted by OCClient

  1. Has anyone tried Alex? https://rentmasseur.com/OCHealingHands https://media.rentmasseur.com/public/photos/main/13/128362_1610498601_8wksyze98x.jpg Appearance Age:22 Ethnicity:Latin Body Type:Athletic Height:5'8" - 170 cm Weight:145lbs - 58 kg Style:Muscle Guy Body Hair:Naturally Smooth Pressure:Wide Range Statistics Masseur Experience:4 years Profile Visits:21568 Last Online:Sep 13, 18:25 Member Since:Aug 05, 2020
  2. What platform is this film on?
  3. Thank you Ryan. No it wasn't Lucky Bastard. There is Strapped and Mysterious Skin, but I don't think it was either of those either.
  4. I believe it came out about 10 years ago. The hustler was gay-for-pay. His friend was straight and not comfortable around the John It was an indie flick. I'll share more if i can remember anything. Much more recent than My Own Private Idaho, and not as well known perhaps.
  5. Trying to think of the name of a gay movie I saw years ago. A lead character is a hustler. There is a scene where the John hires this hustler to have sex with the hustler's friend while the John watches. They have sex on a couch in front of him. Anyone recall what movie that is?
  6. Remember being heartbroken over a guy, still pining for him?
  7. Has anyone tried PatchPorto recently? https://rentmasseur.com/Patchporto
  8. Has anyone tried Diegohh. Can anyone recommend him? Advertising on Rentmasseur in Huntington Beach.
  9. Texted him recently. Sounds like he is popular. Was booked up.
  10. Enormously expensive? Where are you getting that?
  11. My first dog was black and tan. I had no idea how unpopular black dogs are. Was my good fortune. Still miss her.
  12. A local improv group Arroyo Working Theater has moved to Zoom and does a worthy job. Next show is Saturday evening 6pm. Here is a link to register. Free. https://www.facebook.com/arroyoworkingtheatre
  13. First 2 dogs, I kept their names. They were good names. Last dog, didn't care for his name. I changed it after spending a little time with him. For a girl, how about Summer?
  14. THAT is the question many ask. I recall a provider in PS with poor communication, sometimes none. In the end, one never knows why and can only guess. Sooner or later I write them off and move on.
  15. But there is still a lot to unpack.
  16. Many reviews call this imagining of Emily Dickinson a comedy. It does poke fun at the times she lived in and how she may have been mildly quirky along with being a remarkable poet. I love how the movie is constructed and how Molly Shannon played Dickinson. I watched on DVD. Available in digital: Vimeo, Amazon Prime, etc. The Lesbian Review
  17. Watched the Audrey Hepburn documentary on Netflix. I knew she was an icon, but so much I didn't know. Remarkable life. Audrey Hepburn in Funny Face (Stanley Donen, 1957) wearing a gown by Givenchy from the Tumblr blog WeHadFacesThen width=377pxhttps://64.media.tumblr.com/d4c54f416c04c6dc2c7a3b931075faba/6f10fec8c3568c43-71/s640x960/4e76dbaa92018d3585f30747f7c24d88e6105164.gifv[/img]
  18. Matt Baume streams a live Vlog. Today he's sharing a short he created about Friends, specifically Chandler's gay vibe. Starts in 15 minutes!! Love Matt.
  19. The NY Times reported After Snatching One Crown, Mrs. World Gives Up Her Own comparing the fracas to Kanye rushing the stage at the 2009 VMA's and grabbing the microphone from Taylor Swift. To me, it brought to mind similar pageant bust ups. ?
  20. He eats guys like you for breakfast. width=283pxhttps://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2Fd215042afd6853342cdeaa17b59154ab%2Ftenor.gif&f=1&nofb=1[/img]
  21. Heartbreaking loss. One of the best tournament games ever. Gonzaga 93 UCLA 90 (OT)
  22. Heartbreaking loss. One of the best tournament games ever. Gonzaga 93 UCLA 90 (OT)
  23. Nothing but kudos Bruins. Good luck Monday Zags!
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