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Everything posted by Epigonos

  1. I have a question for any posters who regularly attend the L.A. Adonis Nude Party. I just attended my first one with a friend and was much taken by all the eye candy present. Now my question: Do many (any) of the "dancers" escort on the side. I slipped three of the guys a twenty with my phone number attached and told them I was interested in getting together privately. Thus far I haven't heard from any of them and its been a week so I'm not expecting to hear.
  2. Very HOT -- send him out to Southern California and I might be able to provide an answer to your question.
  3. I prefer young guys well trimmed but NOT shaved because if they do then they tend to look like little boys and I have never been interested in little boy -- have always preferred MEN. The shaved down look, in my eyes, can look sexy as hell on older WELL built MEN.
  4. The contrast between the body of the guy in 16 and his purple socks makes for a fun playful photograph.
  5. The response to this question is totally dependent, of course, on personal preference. I would agree, hands down, with the above mentioned article -- THE HACIENDA. I have stayed at both the East Canyon and the Ocotillo and though both are nice they don't, in my opinion, hold a candle to The Hacienda.
  6. I taught photography for years and always found this use of gauze cloth in nude photography W-A-Y to artsy fartsy for my taste.
  7. The text of his ad is a bit much to say the least!!!!!
  8. Over the the last fourteen years, here in Southern California, I have, on a regular basis, tried to locate some (any) Asian escorts and haven't had much luck. Maybe one here or one there but definitely not a selection.
  9. As a former high school teacher (36 years) it is wonderful to see a parent who appears to have done it RIGHT. My sincere congratulations. P.S. Would love to meet you and hope you might consider attending the Palm Springs Weekend.
  10. During my years of hiring escorts I have hired many porn actors (stars) but only four have left an enduring imprint on me. Aaron Mark - I flew to Las Vegas several times to get together with him. Drop dead gorgeous face, body and cock. He was probably the only escort I ever hired who was so into sex that once through the door of the room we frequently didn't even manage to get to the bed. Our first round usually took place on the floor just inside the room. I'm not really into anal sex but on one over night he managed to turn me into a raging top and a slut bottom -- damn he was hot. AJ Irons - We got together only once and that was several years ago before he became so well known. Beautiful, tight, well built body and a cute face. He was tons of fun. I don't know why I haven't gotten together with him recently but I need to in the not too distant future. Josh Weston - We got together years ago, only once, just after his first Falcon video was released. Absolutely gorgeous body and totally into the sex. We had dinner together prior to going to my room and he actually came off as rather shy and vulnerable. Unfortunately he stayed in the porn industry too long and eventually the drugs, steroids and bare backing took their toll and he died way too young. Tristan Baldwin - A fun, fun playful puppy. He has a great body and he certainly knows how to use that body sexually with another man. He kisses like a dream. He visits Southern California with some regularity and I will DEFINITELY continue to see him as long as he does.
  11. Damn the guys in 22 are HOT. Anybody know the origin of the photo?
  12. Just in case there is abybody of this site who isn't familiar with our own Ace Banner, which I doubt, take a LONG look at # 39
  13. Please guys follow the rule regarding NOT openly posting photographs of guys with hardons. On the previous page the eighth photo from the bottom is a clear violation of that rule. Will the poster PLEASE remove it!
  14. JJ you might well be a better judge than I regarding free pickups -- they have never really been my thing. I just imagined that in those instances there needs to be a "mutual" attraction and an attempt to fulfill "mutual" sexual interests. With an escort that isn't really necessary -- the client wants his kind of sex and the escort want his fee.
  15. Oaktown the reason you pay an escort to leave is the following: You and an escort get together at either his place or yours and fuck around like bunnies for a period of time and then he leaves. You have no long term relationship with the guy and he is there essentially to meet your needs NOT his. After he leaves he is out of your life and you don't have to make any comprises as one has to do when dealing with a partner in a relationship or for that matter even with a non-paid one night stand pick-up.
  16. I always react negatively to escorts who call themselves anaconda something. To me it just seems pretentious.
  17. I'm just bumping this back up front so it won't be so difficult to find when I meet the guy during the first or second week of January
  18. Well here is my background with this guy. About a week ago while visiting Rentmen his photograph popped up on the sites cover page. He looked interesting so I went to his ad. Shortly thereafter I received an email from him asking me to please keep him in mind if I was ever in his area. I liked his approach so I emailed him. After a couple of email I gave him my cell number and we began texting. He not only comes across as bright and articulate but appears to have a nice sense of humor. In one of his texts he let me know that he would be visiting Southern California in January. Also during our texting it became clear that he was comfortable with my age (76) and my requirements of lots of mutual body contact, lots of mutual French kissing and lots of mutual oral without condoms. He lists himself as a top but that isn’t a problem as I’m not really into anal sex. Unless I hear something VERY negative from someone, on this site, I will definitely be getting together with him in January. He likes the idea of coming to my place for dinner and a couple of hours of play time because in his words he would never turn down “a home cooked dinner” – that certainly works for me. Once he decides on definite dates for his visit we will get down to specifics. Unless he objects I will definitely write a review. So there it is, now you guys know just about as much as I do.
  19. Really! Nobody but BeHappy has been in contact with this guy -- I'm suprised
  20. If he is trying to make a living as an escort and he lives in Billings, MT he'd have to travel a lot. I've been in Billings, in fact I have family in Billings, and it is just about the end of the fucking earth.
  21. Does anybody have any information about this guy. He is located in New York City but will be out here in Southern California in January. We have been texting and he comes across as a nice guy and we have tentative plans to get together. https://rentmen.com/Thoran/
  22. Everything about this guy interests me but I going to want some specific information regarding him before I make the plunge. Anybody -- Anything
  23. I realize there is another thread requesting information on this guy but it didn't result in an real information. He is now advertising in both Palm Springs and L.A. Surely somebody around here has taken him for a test run. Any "first hand" information would be appreciated. https://rentmen.com/EricBlaze
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