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Everything posted by Epigonos

  1. A word about Ivan, he was present the last time I attended the Adonis Nude Party. He is drop dead gorgeous. He is very tall, he is very well built and what’s between his legs is very much in proportion to the rest of him. He also appears, even with his limited English, to be a very nice guy. My ONE caveat is that for $500 he would, at least for me, have to do a lot more than simply allow muscle worship.
  2. I assume you mean Puerto Vallarta. If so go to the club Wet Dreams, Ave. Lazaro Cardenas 312 located in the Old Town/Zona Romantica. Things don't really get going until after 10 p.m. The guys perform nude in a shower enclosure behind the bar and after their performance they come out and mix with the crowd. Some are straight, some are gay for pay and some are gay. Pick a guy who appeals to you and go for it. They do private shows in some back rooms but I have never done one. I have, however, hired a couple of very hot guys from the club. You might also cruise the bar at the top of the Blue Chairs Hotel around 4 or 5 in the afternoon. They have guys who dance on a slightly raised stage. The dancers wear speedos but they frequently mix with the crowd and you can touch and talk with them. I hired a Cuban guy from there a couple of years ago who was hotter than hell. You might also try Club Anthropology which has been around for years. The place used to be lots of fun but I have found it a waste recently. If you need any additional information feel free to PM me.
  3. Guys I have attended two of these nude parties and haven't found them to be the horror scenes some have presented here. I never saw family members entering or leaving the facility and I certainly never heard of or witnessed neighbors peeking over a fence to check out the lap dance area. Now for my personal reaction. Lap dances do absolutely NOTHING for me thus I haven't participated. As for the private room I haven't participated there either. I simply do NOT see the point of spending that amount money considering the limitations of the situation. I will save my money, thank you, and hire an escort to play with at either my place or his. Now why have I gone twice you might ask. Two reasons: 1.) the eye candy is damn nice and 2.) to make contact with some guy(s) I might want to hire for a more involved get together. Frankly I have found the entire experience enjoyable and I will likely go again!!!!!
  4. Granted he is handsome and has a gorgeous body, HOWEVER, he doesn't list being into kissing and oral. Without kissing and oral I'm not interested -- too bad.
  5. Marylander1940 we are about the same age. I will be 77 the 24th of this month. You actually started hiring at an earlier age than I. I was 61 1/2 when I hired my first escort. Additionally there are posters on this site who are older than we are. They will go unnamed by me and will have to speak for themselves.
  6. Good Grief I can certainly understand that someone might decide that the Palm Springs Weekend is not for them. Everyone has that choice BUT why do you insist on beating to death the fact that you have decided not to attend? You have decided not to attend -- so be it. Now shut the fuck up about it and move on!!!!!
  7. I have ALWAYS believed that our own Tristan Baldwin (25 and 95) ALWAYS looks best on his knees
  8. My dad and I weren't terribly close but god bless him he tried. It wasn't the most successful conversation we ever had and he ended it by say "be sure to wear something". I was 22 at the time and found the entire conversation more amusing than informative. I simply smiled and thanked him -- he seemed much relieved.
  9. Somehow it seems that this thread has evolved in a way that might make the Palm Springs Weekend appear, to those who have never attended, to be a sex party. It has NEVER been and I don’t believe EVER will be a sex party. It has always been and I believe always will be a gathering of a group of guys who share a common hobby and enjoy getting together and spending some time together socially. Yes there have been some sexual encounters at the party. Yes some of the attendees have gotten together professionally in order to enjoy each other’s company. However the actual sex encounters are separate from the Weekend formal events and aren’t a part of the planned events. Please guys don’t scare off some possible attendees by making the event appear something it isn’t. Let’s get this thread back on track
  10. BabyBoomer after I read some of SuperJunior's concerns I decided to PM him with some comments regarding the Weekend. You read my mind. If there are any other posters here who have concerns or questions regarding the Palm Springs Weekend please DO NOT hesitate to contact me either openly here or PM me. If you PM me and want to talk I am more than open to providing you with my telephone numbers and we can talk about what goes on in Palm Springs as long as you wish.
  11. Has attended the last couple of Palm Springs Weekends and is a super nice guy. He is highly adventurous and lots of fun. He has a very large cock which he knows how to use AND is also a ravenous bottom.
  12. At age 55 I decided I wanted to cut way back on by bodybuilding regime. I was 6' tall and at the time and I weighed 217 lbs. with a 32 inch waist. I cut back my workouts, eliminated the use of steroids and I made major changes to my diet. Two years latter I weighed 187 and have tried to maintain that weight every since. The entire issue here is one of self discipline. At 35 I had the self discipline to go from 147 to 217 lifting weights, using steroids and changing my diet. Later at 55 I had the self discipline to go from 217 to 187 eliminating the use of steroids, changing my workouts and changing my diet. As I have said elsewhere, as I look back on my life about the only change I would make regarding my bodybuilding phase is that if I had it to do all over again I would have started the entire process 5 or 6 years earlier. Like all else we do in life everything has a time to start and a time to stop.
  13. Testosterone and steroids are NOT the same. In my far off youth I did several cycles of steroids. At that time I was working out six day a week, a minimum of four hours a day. I reached a couple of plateaus and used the steroids to break through to the next period of weight and size gain. I was extremely happy with the results and as I'm about to be 77 they obviously didn't kill me. Would I do it all over again -- ABSOLUTELY
  14. I emailed him asking if he ever visited Southern California and requested that if he does, in the future, to notify me. His very quick response was "I will let you know". Damn a complete sentence and he didn't even use the contraction "I'll". I am impressed
  15. Damn he is mighty fine. Would love to hear from someone who as actually spent some "quality" time with him.
  16. Epigonos


    He is cute but I really wonder what his thing is. In the "I Am Into" section he has edited out about everything that is sexual. He doesn't list anal, kissing, or oral. Now I can do without the anal but if he isn't into kissing or oral I'm NOT remotely interested.
  17. Glad to hear you are feeling better and hopefully getting ready to rock and roll again soon. I had the procedure done about ten years ago. Not much pain but much embarrassment as the two attending female nurses were in their early 20's. I definitely remember that the first pee was the most unpleasant. If I remember correctly I was back in action in about a week.
  18. Now are you guys ready to be appalled about how retarded my entry into gay sex was. I first had sex with another man when I was 61 years of age. I flew to San Francisco, stayed at the Stanford Court hotel and got together with --- now are you ready --- STEVEN KESSLAR.
  19. Attempted to text him but his rentmen ad must have expired as there is no telephone number available for him on the site. Oh well on to other fish in the pond.
  20. Saw him a number of years ago. Super nice guy. Had a great time.
  21. I would like to live as long as I am physically and mentally able to have fun and enjoy life and not be a burden to myself or anyone else.
  22. Anyone have any experience with this guy. It seems to me that he as been discussed here before but I can't seem to find anything https://rentmen.eu/aidanalistar
  23. In fifteen years of attending these weekend events I think this is the first time a question has come up about what name attendees use. I have always introduced myself using my real first name. I don't recall anyone ever asking me my last name but if someone did I would probably give them my real one.
  24. Damn Benjamin I'm impressed. It would be interested to know just how many posters around here know who Dorothy Parker was let alone know to what your post referred. Nice job!
  25. Unlike ArVaGuy I am NOT a "conservationist" type. When I'm in a conservation and someone who happily state that they are green I equally happily reply that I am totally brown -- their reaction is wonderful to see. Now like ArVaGuy I saw this coming and went to my local Walmart and bought out their entire supply of 100 watt bulbs. I probably have enough to last me the rest of my life.
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