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Everything posted by Epigonos

  1. Hey jawjateck great to hear from you. Right now my dance card is quite full. Additionally I'm waiting until he has a place for in calls. When that happens I just might take one for the team.
  2. I cannot testify to the validity or lack of validity of Micah Brandt's review, that's Daddy's job and frankly I think he does a damn good job. I can, however, testify to the fact that when I contacted him he came across extremely well. We only communicated through email and texting and he was polite, pleasant, and informative. I only make appointments that include lunch or dinner and a couple of hours of play time and his fee was, for that type of arrangement, definitely in my price range. The ONLY reason I didn’t set up an appointment was, at that time, he was only available of out calls.
  3. In the California public universities there is a vast difference in the meaning of publish or perish between the University of California system and the California State University system. In the University of California system, “publish or perish” has a much tighter definition than it does in the California State University system. In the University of California system the time between required publications is much shorter than it is in the California State University system. Additionally where one publishes and what one publishes are defined very differently in the two systems. At the University of California one must publish “significant” articles in major publications or publish “major” books or textbooks. At the California State Universities one may publish articles in just about any journal or magazine available and at rather infrequent intervals. Up until about fifteen or twenty years ago the California State Universities were known as California State Colleges. The California State (Collages) Universities did not and generally still do not offer PhD programs. Their main emphasis was on teaching NOT research. Over the last few years this difference has blurred somewhat and the two systems have begun to work together on PhD programs. As is sometimes currently the case the hands on research is done at a specific California State University and the academic text work is done at a neighboring University of California which also grants the PhD in the name of the University of California.
  4. It amazing how the meaning changes when you omit a word and then don't do a good job proof reading. Sorry about that it should have read "high school" as you well know purplekow
  5. As I see it Ivy League Schools are not the major problem. Many, if not most, of those school have huge endowments, some even into the billions of dollars, and thus many of their students have some form of student aid. Ivy League Schools aren't dependent of state and federal dollars even though some of their programs receive federal research grants. The real problem is the state universities and colleges. Schools in the California State University system and the University of California system are collapsing under the weight of administrators. The number of non-teaching deans at these school is overwhelming. I taught high for over thirty years and my teaching load required me to teach five classes a day five days a week for a total of twenty five hours. My nephew just took a tenure tack position at one of the California State University Schools. His starting salary will be $65,000.00, he will received a subsidized, on campus, one bedroom apartment. He will be required to teach nine hours a week, spend three hours a week sitting in his office supposedly available to students and six hours a week doing research for a total of eighteen hours total. He is unhappy with the amount of time he will be required to teach because, to his way of thinking, it takes time away from his research time. He is a member of a science department so research is an important part of his job but what amount of research is required for professors in the social sciences -- not a lot and they have the same teaching load and the same starting salary.
  6. Damn purplekow I am in TOTAL agreement with EVERYTHING in your last post.
  7. Generalizations are exceedingly dangerous especially when it comes to hiring escorts. What floats ones guys boat does absolutely nothing for the next guy. In reality that is fortunate because it would be an absolute bitch if we were all chasing the same type of guys. Now do our tastes in who we hire evolve – for some, certainly for others, maybe not so much? Again it is whatever floats your boat. I hired my first escort in the fall of 2002. Not only was he the first escort I had ever hired, he was also the first man with whom I had ever had sex. That escort was Steven Kesslar and I’m still seeing him professionally today and we are now certainly BOTH older. A few weeks ago I hired a well-built young stud in his mid-20’s – he was lots of fun. I have my regulars, who have aged along with me, but I throw in a new young stud now and then to add variety to my life. Did I start out doing that, certainly NOT but I do now. Does this behavior indicate an evolution in my hiring; I don’t know and I really don’t care – all I’m looking for is a good time and that is exactly what I’m having and I feel NO need what-so-ever to explain it to myself or for that matter to anyone.
  8. I have watched Stu on Sean Cody since he first appeared on the site. He has always been cute, Cute, CUTE but over time he as also developed one hell of a great body. He is exactly the type of porn model that one expects to see topping yet for my money it is far more fun to see him bottom.
  9. Josh Weston was one of the nicest, sweetest guys you could ever meet. We got together in San Francisco for dinner and a couple of hour of play time at my hotel. At that time he was still dancing at the Nob Hill and had just completed his first video for Falcon. He had a gorgeous gymnast type body with very pale skin. During our encounter he kept inquiring if I was have a good time – I certainly was. Unfortunately he was the type of guy who was unable to survive in the porn world and it devoured him – such a pity.
  10. An extended period of quality time with 6 should be great fun.
  11. It certainly could be quoththeraven but I doubt it. To the best of my knowledge Nureyev did only one professional nude photo shoot. In the fourth shot the dancer is wearing a dance belt which wouldn't have been Nureyev's style -- with him it was usually all or nothing. Years ago a frontal nude of him was making the rounds with dance fan -- all I can remember about it was that true to the rumors at the time he was hung like a horse. I have both the famous Richard Avedon nude of Nureyev and the frontal nude. You guys are going to laugh at me but unfortunately I don't have a clue how to post them.
  12. I wrote dance reviews for an on line magazine for a number of years thus ballet is close to my heart. I love the third shot. Just in case anyone is interested the sixth shot is a very famous photograph of Rudolf Nureyev. Please don’t make me feel old by asking who the hell was Rudolf Nureyev.
  13. Don't much care for the tattoo but the rest is so outstanding that I could easily ignore it. So who is this guy?
  14. I lived two year in Guatemala in the early sixties. Native American Guatemalan women thought nothing of removing their blouses when doing laundry in a river and continued doing their washing nude from the waist up. They would, however, NEVER have raised their skirts and expose their knees as that would have been considered indecent behavior. Now the fact that speedos are not commonly worm by older men in the U.S but are in Europe does not make one behavior correct and the other one incorrect. It is simply a different cultural outlook. The fact that women will appear on a beach in Europe topless but won’t in the U.S. does not make one behavior correct and the other incorrect. It is simply a different cultural outlook. Both sets of behaviors are correct in their cultural contexts. The one thing we should all be cautious about doing is judging one cultural behavior by the standards of another culture. I realize that some find it hard to believe but that are some basic cultural differences between U.S and European societies.
  15. You might want to contact Dane Scott in Palm Springs. Inform him of the situation up front and he will let you know if he is willing to make the drive and if he is able to meet your friends needs.
  16. Let me apologize for this dissertation (diatribe, rant) right up front. My only excuse is that I’m a former art history teacher. The history of artistic representations of Christ crucified is interesting to say the least. The Romans used crucifixion as a form of execution only for the lowest criminals. Those individuals to be crucified were stripped naked (an importation point later) and either nailed or tied to a cross and left to die. An important point to remember about Christ is that he was a carpenter and had thus performed hard physical labor during the first thirty years of his life. That type of work would have created the body of a man not that of a twelve year old boy or a eunuch. During the first centuries in which Christianity was spreading throughout the Roman Empire Christ was NOT portrayed on a cross because of the criminal association with that form of execution. He was portrayed as the Good Sheppard fully clothed standing amongst a flock of sheep. By the time of the fall of Rome and the descent of Western Europe into the Middle Ages the stigma a representing Christ crucified had dissipated, HOWEVER, the very thought of representing him naked had become unthinkable. It was also during this period that Christ’s body segued into that of a twelve year old boy or a eunuch wearing a loin cloth. Male nude sculpture came back into vogue during the Italian Renaissance; however, the representation of a fully nude Christ was still highly controversial. The only Renaissance sculptor willing to portray a fully nude Christ on the cross was Michelangelo – surprise. That statue still exists and can be seen not in the Vatican collection but rather on the altar of the Church of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva in Rome near the Pantheon. Unfortunately Christ is no longer nude. Long after Michelangelo’s death the prudes in the Vatican were offended by the portrayal of Christ’s genitals and a bronze loin cloth was added. I have a born again religious nut of a nephew who absolutely loved the Mel Gibson film The Passion of Christ. On day I became weary of hearing him expound on how historical correct the film was. He was shocked when I asked him if, Jim Caviezel, the actor portraying Christ was circumcised. He immediately wanted to know why I asked and how he could possibly know if Caviezel was circumcised or not. I smugly informed that Christ was a Jew and would thus have been circumcised and that if the film was really historically accurate he would have been naked on the cross. He sputtered for a moment and then answered that Caviezel wore of loin cloth at which point I smiled sweetly and said well then the film wasn’t historically correct was it. I apologize again for the diatribe.
  17. There was a time when I wore Speedos and looked good in them. Unfortunately that time is L-O-N-G gone. How do I know that time is L-O-N-G gone? My mirror doesn't lie!!!!!
  18. Hey guys I was born and raised here in Southern California and thought there are a multitude of things I don't currently like about California one of them is definitely NOT the weather. It was 74 here in Orange County today.
  19. Scorpio here and love it to the point that, many years ago, I had a small scorpion tattooed on my right shoulder. Supposedly each sign is ruled by a different part of the body. Scorpios are ruled by their sex organs -- now what more, just ask me, could a gay man ask for.
  20. Friendofsheila have you EVER seen a porn film which claimed to have a plot where that “plot” wasn’t silly and/or preposterous? I certainly haven't!!!!!
  21. The MacDonald’s sugar in the buns comment brings to mind a story a friend told me many years ago. He and his wife were visiting Budapest, Hungary for the first and decided that they needed a MacDonald fix. While eat their burgers a very well dressed gentleman approached an introduced himself as the MacDonald’s Vice-President for European operations. He simply wanted to inquire if they found the Budapest food the same as at home. As they talked he told them that hardest part of the MacDonald burger to duplicate abroad was the bun. When they first started operations in Great Britain they went to an established bakery and gave the baker their recipe for the buns. He immediately complained that there was too much sugar in the recipe. The MacDonald people said never mind that was how they wanted it. For several months things went along fine but then people began to complain about the bun. When the baker was asked if he had changed the recipe he readily admitted that he had cut the amount of sugar in the dough. They requested that he return to their recipe which he did but again after several months the same problem arose. MacDonald ended up terminating their contract with the baker and decided that they would have to set up someone, who was NOT a baker, in business to produce their bun and that is exactly what they did.
  22. I’m convinced that as a child I was what clinicians today would call A.D.D. (Attention Deficit Disorder). When I was in elementary school my mother would rap me on the back of the head, tell be to sit down, settle down, shut up, and do my homework. Now to the relief of many of parents A.D.D. has been determined to be a disease. Thus working parents are relieved from the responsibility of disciplining, and overseeing major aspects of their child’s upbringing. Their child has a disease and therefore society and the schools are required to accept responsibility for addressing the child’s problem. After having successfully taught high school for thirty six wonderful years I’m convinced that many of the diseases discovered during the last fifty years have been the creative product of the active minds of PhD. psychology candidates. We now have a virtual alphabet soup of new and exciting diseases. The unfortunate result of these discoveries is that parents are assuming less and less responsibility for their children’s upbringing and are transferring those responsibilities to the schools and other government institutions. The results are not pretty. A good number of public school children are over medicated and out of control. I really don’t understand why parents should be relieved from the responsibility of bringing up their own children. Now as regards obesity I feel much the same way. Many complain that their obesity is not caused by poor personal choices but rather by the fact that they have a disease. Once it is determined that they have a disease and are ill personal responsibility for their actions is eliminated. It isn’t their fault that they are obese – they are ill and society MUST take responsibility for curing them. Thus we see Mayor Bloomberg in New York attempting to regulate the size of sugary drinks people may buy. We hear dietary activists attempting to have the government force fast food purveyors eliminate supersizing. One elementary school principal in Los Angeles Unified School Districts attempted to ban home lunches. She claimed that school lunches were healthier and thus the children should be forced to eat them. Fortunately she lost that battle. We hear these same arguments when it comes to alcoholism and drug addiction. Now I’m going to say some things that will undoubtedly send some of you ballistic so get ready to come and get me. This entire line of thinking is pure BULL SHIT. People need to take responsibility for their own choices and actions and not expect society to take care of them. I know the term “Nanny State has been overworked but I am terrified by the idea that that is exactly what the U.S. is becoming and what the long term results will be.
  23. You might want to contact Steven Kesslar. He currently lives in Palm Springs and you might be able to work something out. You couldn't find a better guy to work with in this area. Besides which he is one hell of a nice guy and great fun to spend time with both in and out of bed.
  24. I have, in the last twenty-four hours, received two very nice emails from Jaydon/Trey. Yes they are one and the same. He now lives in New York City and has returned to escorting. In the past he preferred overnight or weekend get togethers and he still does. He is open to traveling to clients for longer appointments. I don't usually fly escorts to me and I never do overnights with escorts I haven't spent time with first. Now if a couple of you other guys, in the L.A. area, are interested it just might be possible to set-up something with him. If any of you are, indeed, interested private me and I'll see what I can do.
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