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Everything posted by GregM

  1. Happy bday Ms. Fluff!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤ Hugs, Greg
  2. I got a text message from them a couple days ago. So the general mood is that theyre a scam? Hugs, Greg
  3. I've had words (very nice ones) with one of the guys who run the site. I don't feel that there's monkey business going on. I think it's legit. It's new, so there's gonna be some bumps and not everything is going to be perfect out of the gate. Give the site time and a chance. Hugs, Greg
  4. Wish that storm was hitting Chicago. I want snow up to my ass damn it! Maybe in a few years I can move to Michigan or up in the mountains. Hugs, Greg
  5. No kissy no sucky no swallow. Hugs, Greg
  6. Have emails been sent? Hugs, Greg
  7. Idk, I've never been a fan of such places. I can be a dirty lil whore but I prefer to do such activities in my bedroom, hotel or occasional empty office bathroom. Hugs, Greg
  8. When I bottom and the dick is good, I have no issues with begging for his load or encouraging him to bust a nut inside. And if I top I don't pull out. Well unless it's to stuff his other hole and coat the back of his throat. Hugs, Greg
  9. It's gonna be in the 30s and I think 40s next weekend. I'm looking forward to the warmth. Hugs, Greg
  10. No, I think folk in Mn, and South and North Dakota's are prob tougher. They get twice the snow and much colder temps. My grandpa used to go to the Dakota's for work. He would have to plug his cars engine in to keep it from freezing. Hugs, Greg
  11. GregM


    Good Drs that honestly care are super hard to find. I've really lucked out. Both my primary and onocoligist are fucking awesome ass chicks! Oh I hope that wasn't sexist calling them chicks. Fuck it! During a 9 day stint at the hospital (a fight I knew I couldn't win) my primary called to check up on me and told me to call her if I needed anything. And my onocoligist saw as I was getting weaker greeted me with big hugs and did what she could to keep me out of the hospital. She heard through the grapevine I am an unpleasent and strongly independent hospital guest lol. I feel comfortable with each Dr that I can be frank and honest about how I am feeling without being judged and feel they have my best interest at heart. Hugs, Greg
  12. It's 14 degrees with wind chill in DC right now. In chicago it's 14 below zero with the wind chill. Now please tell me how cold it is in DC again. Hugs, Greg
  13. I like to come back with the following: Are you fucking me? Are you feeding me? Are you paying my bills? No? Then your opinion matters none. Bye! Hugs, Greg
  14. So glad I moved from Seattle in 2010 before rents really went crazy. Y'all can keep those shit hole apartments. Hugs, Greg
  15. This is a small sample of clients here who post. Over the years I've come across many who are not aware there was a message board or review site. And that's no fault of Daddy's. He has enough issues with hackers and what not and the lower we fly the less likely we attract the attn of LEO. So silence about someone most likely means no one's eaten at the table. Take one for the team and do a review. Hugs, Greg
  16. Can someone tell me why the NSA visitors center is labeled as lodging on the Googles? This is near BWI. I was going to get a room near the airport if it's super cold on the 15th but this kinda freaks me out. Hugs, Greg
  17. That picture above. That's everything. That was most likely her win for the day. Her big FUCK YOU to Cancer. Imma need a tissue. Hugs, Greg
  18. A coworker shared this with me. http://savingroomforcats.tumblr.com Hugs, Greg
  19. I sometimes snore but it's usually not bad. My sleep issue is that I sometimes will kick in my sleep. I've been told its like I'm running. As far as I know I haven't woken up because of it but have woken others Hugs, Greg
  20. When ever I travel I never bring anything of value like jewelry, high label clothes or my laptop. Take my wallet. I don't care. My ID isnt in it nor is my plastic. Oh and my phone, good luck finding it. If you do let me know cause chances are I've misplaced it LOL Hugs, Greg
  21. One can still dominate and take control as a bottom. At least a good bottom can. Hugs Greg
  22. It seems a shift from targeting hookers to John's is happening in larger markets. Hookers are still being targeted but not as hard and that's because if the whole human trafficking. I long for the day when I can smoke my weed (I don't really smoke), pay for a bj, have my "assult" riffal, 10 husbands and collect rain water. Hugs, Greg
  23. Young man, Mr. Peter has been at this game for a while. In fact, there are a few of us on the board that have been at this game a long while. It would do you some good if you ssshhh quiet, listened and learned. We're not here to be condescending but to help. And Peter is trying to help by his many years of experience. Hugs, Greg
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