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Everything posted by GregM

  1. I would think that these companies feel there is value in BC https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@steemitguide/2017-top-list-of-big-companies-that-accept-bitcoin-and-cryptocurrencies Hugs, Greg
  2. Word on the street BC is going to fork soon. Hugs, Greg
  3. Dsl. It's better to kiss and bite on. My lips are on the thick side and sometimes it feels odd if the other guys aren't on the thick side too. Hugs, Greg
  4. I really couldn't imagine sharing my sexy time romps with a parent. We aren't close by any means. And it's been years since I've talked to either one. Hugs, Greg
  5. It took many years to get my ex to not use Miracle Whip. I never liked the sweet tangy taste. Make me wanna hurl. Now its mayo all the way. I wonder if Miracle Whip is a Midwest thing? I don't recall any friends on the west using it. Hugs, Greg
  6. Yes I use Coinbase. I'll check out GDAX. Thanks for the tip. Hugs, Greg
  7. I tried buying (small) BCH but it is still stopped. Maybe after Xmas it'll reopen? Hugs, Greg
  8. First test drive him on a couple multi hour appointments then try for an over night and then a weekend. Never jump right into traveling. Too much can go wrong. Hugs, Greg
  9. Don't freak out. Personally I'm hoping for a HUGE drop after 1230am so I can buy more at a low price. Of course I want it to go back up after I purchase. I'm holding for the long game. Hugs, Greg
  10. If you still know him tell him thank you for me. That takes balls. Hugs, Greg
  11. For me, the proper answer is they're all sexy in their own way. The naughty answer for me would be, drop troue and let's do what cums naturally. As I mature I care less more and more on masculinity. Don'tget me wrong, if a hot masc daddy with a cigar walks in the room I'm going down. Hugs, Greg
  12. I'm 41 and can pass for mid 30s. Why would I waste my money on that? Thank goodness for good DNA and protein. Hugs, Greg
  13. Guess those loose fitting pants came in handy back in the day lol. Hugs, Greg
  14. I am now at a day job where we are closed holidays so I will be available Xmas and New Years day. Hugs, Greg
  15. Ay que rico!!!!!! Ricky Ricardo was sooo hot! Hugs, Greg
  16. I only do butter. Don't even come at me with that fake shit! Seriously! If we can help it, non fat, low fat and fake butter is never allowed in my house. Hugs, Greg
  17. Am I failing to see something? So, he likes dudes? Now if he saved a life, rescued a kitten from a tree or found a cure for the cold I could see mentioning him. Hugs, Greg
  18. I very much would. I want to buy some land on the western half of Michigan near the lake and build a tiny house, prob no bigger than 600 square feet and shipping containers I think would do great. Hugs, Greg
  19. I've heard her sing online and I was shocked, girl got some vocals. OK I'll get tickets next week. Hugs, Greg
  20. I noticed she is doing a lil tour. She isnt coming to Chicago but will be in Milwaukee. I'm consideri g seeing her and maybe doing the VIP meet and great. Is she worth seeing? Hugs, Greg
  21. My lips are wired to other parts of my body. I looooove to kiss. I've had clients who dont kiss and it really bummed me out. Hugs, Greg
  22. He lives not too far from me. I've interacted with him at my day job and observed how he acts in public. Don't let his appearance fool you, he seems like he'd be a cool guy. I'm glad you connected with him. Hugs, Greg
  23. It's been ages since I've seen a check. But wasn't the persons acct number on the bottom of the check along with the routing number? Hugs, Greg
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