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Everything posted by GregM

  1. GregM


    As crazy as Chicago can be thats so true. Although I'm really looking forward to the naughtiness that hopefully awaits in May. Hugs, Greg
  2. Any naughty song by Madonna. Justify My Love, Erotica and S.E.X. come to mind lol Hugs, Greg
  3. GregM


    Cross check done about to push back. Sweet home Chicago here I come. Hugs, Greg
  4. So long as one is 18 years old it doesn't matter to me. I'm no spring chicken myself. But there is something about an older gentleman that just makes me want to...... If I could of had my way at the forum get together I would been a kid in a candy store. Hugs, Greg
  5. GregM


    No, it's an all female FA crew They are from the south so maybe they'll let me tease out their hair. Hugs, Greg
  6. GregM


    I hope the crew is getting paid for this delay. I know they don't get paid till doors are shut. Hugs, Greg
  7. GregM


    Text alerts from SWA says 7pm take off now. This feels like an eternity. It's a good thing I have mixed nuts and pork rinds with me for snackies. Hugs, Greg
  8. By all means yes. The vault runs deep and can hold a lot. Hugs, Greg
  9. GregM


    I'm afraid imma be stuck in Baltimore. Plane pushed from the gate, a light came on and had to push back to the gate so maintenance can hopefully fix the issue Hugs, Greg
  10. I don't care. Just don't withdrawal when making the deposit. Hugs, Greg
  11. I'm 41, I am reaching daddy age. Hugs, Greg
  12. You better be at next year's event! Your on my list of members I want to meet at an event. Hugs, Greg
  13. LOL your not too far from me mister! Don't make me get off this plane and spank your bottom! Hugs, Greg
  14. Awwwe Rudy I'm sorry for your loss. Cancer is a cunty bitch but it's worse when it happens to our fur babies. There's an Instagram kitty named White Coffee Cat who went through chemo summer of 2016. Hes a cutie pie and glad he beat Cancer. It doesn't sound like chemo would have done much for your baby. Hugs, Greg
  15. For me yes, there's been a few guys that I have been candid with about my personal life and now know personal stuff about me and vice versa. Although yes sexy time does happen theres often an emotional connection that developes over time. And with that comes trust. It's going to happen for those of us that have been in this game long enough. And I am a ok with that. Having that trust connection with a guy I feel makes our time more special and intimate and that I think makes the sexy time even better for both of us. For any relationship to grow and be genuine you got to have trust. Hugs, Greg
  16. I've been in this biz for quite a while. I've also been asked to do what some would consider crazy things. Some of these things I have done. Some of these things I've had to decline because it was something I wasn't familiar with or was beyond my comfort. I can't think of one hooker that would say no to your request. Heck, I would jump on your request because it's one of my favorite things to do. Hugs, Greg
  17. Bnb for hookers could be good biz. Hugs, Greg
  18. @ArVaGuy and @nate_sf thank you for putting on a great event! As someone who is shy and an introvert (I know, in this biz?) I had an absolute blast! I can't wait for next year!!!!! It was awesome meeting some fellow hookers, seeing familiar faces and meeting the clients. To anyone who is a bit shy and not sure about attending such events step outside your box. We're a friendly bunch. Till next year hookers! Hugs, Greg
  19. I'm partial to Ms. Reba Hugs, Greg
  20. I don't know about other working guys but I know Lance and I have posted in the travel forum. Hugs, Greg
  21. I would have no issues with taking pics together. Hugs, Greg
  22. This is where communication comes into play. A week notice is plenty of time I think for most to clear the day. Good luck! Hugs, Greg
  23. Since my recovery and getting older (41) and reevaluating whats important I've recently decided I am perfectly flawed and I am ok with that. So long as I make myself happy and love myself first before anything else everything else will fall into place and all will be right in my world. I'm done with the thought of living for others and pleasing them. It's all about me. Sound selfish? Maybe. Maybe not. Hugs, Greg
  24. WHAT?!?! $540 A MONTH?!?!?! That's about half my rent. Hugs, Greg
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