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    Deadlift1 reacted to Juan Vancouver in Would you rather overweight clients inform you about their expectations before meeting?   
    Every time.
    It's not whether I am a saint or not or whether a good escort should like everyone. It's not that I need to be "warned", I just need all necessary information.
    When I say yes attraction has nothing to do with my answer. Yes, you should always share your expectations before meeting and yes, you should always share information about you that might hinder the fulfillment of those expectations.
    There's tons of wonderfully fun things one can do with a lover who is even morbidly obese and clean, but because of simple physics there are things that are just not possible.
    I was once hired by a guy who weighed possibly two and a half times my weight. He was really handsome and I thought the session was going well. At some point, after adjusting heights and angles, finally I was able to fuck him. As soon as I was inside him, he jerked at my arms frantically demanding that I lifted him with my dick and fucked him against the wall the way he had seen in a porn movie.
    This is not an exaggeration. And as much as this case was extreme, it is quite common for people not in touch with their bodies to demand things are -because of the size and condition of their bodies- simply impossible.
    You are three hundred pounds and you want me to lift you like you were a tiny young man? I am sorry, it sounds as if I am not the man for you. I don't think I can fulfill your expectation.
    I will not go see someone who I think I might disappoint. If someone wants something that I am not confident I can provide, I will be clear about it and will suggest I am not the right man for the job. I will explain my point and I will offer options, but I will be very happy not to have brought into a situation where the only outcome is failure.
    Now... let's not talk about me. Let's not talk about those other escorts who will be thrilled about seeing anyone. Let's talk about the other ones...
    If I am insecure about the way I look, whether it is justified or not, if I feel ashamed that I am fat, for example and I show up at an escort's door just to have that escort close the door on my face because I am fat, or worse, have the escort take my money while he does absolutely nothing for me... that would make me so much unhappier and more insecure.
    Why not give the escort every chance to reject me beforehand to avoid the much harsher possibility of being rejected in person or being taken for a ride?
    ALWAYS GIVE THE NECESSARY INFORMATION. Not for your escort. For yourself.
    You deserve to be treated well. You deserve to be treated with respect, and you deserve to have someone who understands your expectations clearly.
  2. Like
    Deadlift1 reacted to OneFinger in Would you rather overweight clients inform you about their expectations before meeting?   
    This is not an escort response but one from a client. I was obese for a long time and then lost 130 lbs in 2010. Before I lost the weight I would always tell the escort of my size so that wouldn't be surprised. Since the weight loss I always warn the escort that I've got serious sagging since I haven't had skin reduction surgery. I believe it best to be totally honest with the escort before booking an appointment.
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    Deadlift1 reacted to BaronArtz in Would you rather overweight clients inform you about their expectations before meeting?   
    'warn' implies that it is a negative ... I would rather 'inform' than 'warn'.
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    Deadlift1 reacted to seaboy4hire in Would you rather overweight clients inform you about their expectations before meeting?   
    Weight doesn't bother me. But if there is a limit on what can be done say because of back issues then please give me a heads up.
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    Deadlift1 got a reaction from Nebost in Do you reveal your race to your masseurs/escorts?   
    I always tell them my race age height and weight. I think it takes away some of the anxiety the provider may have since they are inviting a stranger in their house. I am currently dating an asian man which started as a hook up. When i met him i thought he was italian. Either way was fine by me. He did tell me that there is a pecking order within the asian community with the Japanese at the top of the list and so on. so not only are they discriminated in the gay community they too discriminate against other asian cultures.
  6. Like
    Deadlift1 reacted to OCClient in "Beach Rats" Anybody see it? Harris Dickinson is beautiful.   
    Saw it at OutFest. Harris Dickinson earned his pay. He owned that role. How a young actor does that well is really something.
    Looking forward to his upcoming role. I'd like to see the movie again. It is good. However, it may not suit everyone.
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    Deadlift1 got a reaction from TruHart1 in "Beach Rats" Anybody see it? Harris Dickinson is beautiful.   
    That guy will go far.
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    Deadlift1 reacted to + Autumnal in Making a Connection? Or Just Getting Sweaty   
    As a client this is exactly what I want - no more, no less. Thank you for putting my desires into words.
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    Deadlift1 reacted to + Keith30309 in Making a Connection? Or Just Getting Sweaty   
    After thumbing thru a bunch of Forum posts and RM profiles like my gum-popping mom sitting under a beauty shop hairdryer reading The Inquirer, I stumbled across a jolting, refreshing set of observations by Tylerthebadwolf. It’s something that really struck a nerve because it seems so obvious yet elusive:

    "For all of the hardcore, bareback, fuck-me-in-the-ass porn that exists in all the mansex world, it seems that what men want (without realizing that they want it) is to be connected. Connected to another human; another man."
    If your thing is ejaculating into a wet hole or being ejaculated into then more power to you and have at it with sweaty gusto. I’ll even hold the flashlight.
    But the game seems lopsided.
    I read RM profiles by "heavy shooters" with close-up, bareback videos that look like Soviet-era industrial safety films and read discussions here about who didn't get hard and who didn't cum and wonder if I'm missing something.
    What I want to do is make a brief connection with someone... to freely give and receive affection, holding eye contact and happy simply for the moment of the shared experience. Most profiles & videos I see tell me something about someone's anatomy but what I really want to see is something about who they really are and how capable they are of making a connection with me.
    I'm not trying to change anyone's mind about what they should enjoy - to each their own. Please enjoy.
    What I would like to do is give a word of encouragement to the escorts who are genuinely interested in creating a connection with their clients. It's so rewarding to find a guy who understands and values this and, I think, it's more rewarding for those escort too.

    "...what you’re sharing with that other man is intensely personal and very often private. Something about which they may have all sorts of conflicted feelings: shame, guilt, fear, sadness, elation. You can’t do anything about their feelings, but you can be open and receptive and those are the keys to connected sexual interaction. You can be excited and you can let their expressions of pleasure enhance your own...:"

    Tyler gets the trophy for "Most Insightful Observation Of The Day".
    (please don't sue me for copyright infringement)
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    Deadlift1 reacted to + VeryHappyCustomer in "Beach Rats" Anybody see it? Harris Dickinson is beautiful.   
    Saw it. He's a skilled actor, not just a hot young thing. You see his vulnerability up (very) close. Memorable film.
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    Deadlift1 got a reaction from marylander1940 in Like a phoenix rising from the ashes   
    I like it better than rentmen. at least they show the cost.
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    Deadlift1 reacted to imrthr in Picking up Day Labor   
    Right on!!!!!!!
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    Deadlift1 reacted to bigguyinpasadena in Picking up Day Labor   
    Again we have Miss Trixie giving out her ideas on ways to become a statistic(murder/hate crime victim)
    Girl,what is your"t"are you so in love with the razors edge that you want to encourage others to play in your fucked up game.
    Cruising day laborers,or for that matter trade in general,is not what it used to be.I think it is a far more dangerous game nowadays and best left to those who really know what they are doing-or have a deathwish.
    We are not talking sailors in pershing square/dupont park here,these fellas are not out to hustle,they are out trying to make a days wage doing legit work.
    Now,were you not going to Russia?Best of luck in your travels
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    Deadlift1 reacted to Bearofdistinction in Philadelphia   
    JAYCEEKY -- To bad you did not stick around to be part of the renaissance - I moved back to Philly from Florida in the mid-90's and Mayor Rendell was turning the City around including openly supporting the Gayborhood and the Gay community and asking us publicly to keep our homes and businesses here and promising us a seat at the table and a voice at the table as the City revitalized and laws to protect our rights - and he kept his word. And when he ran successfully for Governor he bragged about his support for the LGBT Community in places referred to as Pennsyiltucky. and told those voters I will work for your community just like I did for that community and keep my word to you just as I did to communities in Philly. He won in two consecutive landslides.
    In addition to my full-time job I remodeled and renovated multi-unit homes and commercial space in different Center City neighborhoods and continued to do so until 2015 when my health restricted my activities. As such I have a lot of experience with HUD/PFHA/Philly L&I/Housing Authority/Neighborhood Associations and the Zoning Board.
    And WILLIAMM if you have specific questions about admission to Anderson House I suggest you contact them directly -- I included the link
    I have friends from NYC and SF and Florida who were original founders and workers in the LGBT movement who were living in squalor having been priced out of the neighborhoods they helped make possible --- who are now living in the Anderson House Apartments with the quality, dignity and respect they and we all deserve.
    Some of the other tenants only came out after they moved in - being free of fear of losing jobs/family/etc for the first time in their lives.
    Their are excellent articles in The New York Times and The Philadelphia Gay News archives on the original tenants.
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    Deadlift1 got a reaction from Gvtire in For Those Who Like Bears ;-)))   
    best looking bear ive ever seen.
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    Deadlift1 reacted to wooly in 411 on ProFitAthlete in NYC   
    I'm sure he was 26 at one time but not recently.
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    Deadlift1 got a reaction from biggerbilly in Personal trainer sites?   
    i have had good luck on craigslist believe it or not.
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    Deadlift1 reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in "Only Fans". Am I the Only One Not Joining?   
    Same feeling.
    Much like guys who are pushy with their Amazon Wish Lists, it all feels a little too much to me. Escorts who feel the need to monetize everything about themselves will soon realize that stepping over dollar bills to get at nickels is a bad business model.
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    Deadlift1 got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in Barcelona - Sauna Thermas - It only got better!   
    Why can't we have a place like this in the states?
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    Deadlift1 reacted to Kippy in If you could hire...   
    James Norton of PBS "Grantchester" and soon to be released remake of "Flatliners", Yummy!
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    Deadlift1 got a reaction from + Hoover42 in Istanbul is paradise for m4m massage   
    How did you know that they would not scam you?
  24. Like
    Deadlift1 got a reaction from + Hoover42 in Barcelona - Sauna Thermas - It only got better!   
    Why can't we have a place like this in the states?
  25. Like
    Deadlift1 got a reaction from nynakedtop in Barcelona - Sauna Thermas - It only got better!   
    Why can't we have a place like this in the states?
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