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Posts posted by MassageDrew

  1. @FTM Zachary Prince Can you give a general rundown of the kinds of operational expenses you have? I didn’t realize there was much of this.


    I’m curious as well. A friend of mine hired an escort for a weekend and decided to cover all expenses - flights, hotel, meals/drinks, in-town transportation, and others like tickets to a ball game. The only thing the escort had to pay for was pay his transportation to get to the airport and come to see my friend. So I’d be curious what these operating expenses include.

  2. Absolutely. I don’t think anyone should cut corners when it comes to your body. It’s one thing to the buy the knockoff for a $1500 pair of shoes but you shouldn’t want anything less than a certified or licensed establishment for your body. You may even be able to get a referral from your doctor’s office for some specialist that performs it. I’d rather see an actual doctor and pay the price than go somewhere sketchy and end up paying a lot more $$ to repair the mistake.

  3. I keep seeing the commercials fir cool sculpting on TV. I’m sure it’s not a one size fits all concept. Some may take longer than others to see results.


    I think the easier and less expensive alternative is to just make little changes to your lifestyle especially your diet. The problem with most people is that they want drastic results. They give up too easily. Introduce healthier options. You don’t even have to stop eating the bad ones. You just have to cut the portion. It really is about portion control. And stop or at least limit the amount of food you eat in between meals. Seriously, people can spend months trying to freeze the fat off yet they can’t spend months on eating healthier? It doesn’t make sense to me.

  4. The OMNI is hands down my favorite hotel in the Golden Square Mile of downtown Montreal's business district. I always bring my old-school shower head and a wrench. I ask to stay in a corner room on the 21st floor (2102, 2115). Beautiful views, great A/C and strong shower pressure (when you bring your own shower head) in a very safe and comfortable area. I once stayed on the top floor ( 29 and 30) and the water pressure was abysmal. That's why I insist on 21st floor. Also, no issues with bringing "guests" to your room. The metro is 2 minutes away.


    I usually manage to get the "Premium" room at the OMNI on TripAdvisor for around $200 USD per night (which includes all the crazy 19% Canadian hotel taxes). Very good deal during the peak season May - October. Obviously the hotel is much cheaper off season. Plus, the 30% exchange rate helps too, and I always click thru EBATES to get additional cash back!


    Highly recommend the 4-star OMNI Mont Royal hotel in downtown Montreal.


    I usually don’t ask for the floor but I do ask that it has a view. Overall it is a very nice hotel. Friends of mine stayed at another hotel nearby mine and they had nothing good to say about it. I was surprised to hear their comments about a well-established hotel brand. Just cannot remember which one of the big hotel chains.

  5. Chances are you’ll get varying answers as @KeepItReal indicated. Tips are subjective. You paid for his time, travels, and possibly meals/drinks among other things. Is it one day of the weekend or the whole weekend? I have a pretty good feeling he’s already built in some tip into the fee you agreed to pay in the first place. I suggest to make your decision at the end so you can better decide what you think is appropriate. Did he fulfill the fantasy as promised? Or, were you underwhelmed? Once all is said and done you can decide what you think is a fair tip, if you’re gonna give any at all.

  6. So I called for a Lyft ride since it was closer than the nearest Uber driver. I was going to my massage appointment. While in the car,the driver deicded to let one out (farted). Gross. He did not apologize either. I mean seriously? All windows are closed so it’s either him or me. Can he get back at me should I decide to give him a bad review? That was nasty. I just kept my window open. Ugh.


    Anyone else had similar or worse experience?

  7. Hi Drew, I've never been to Campus or stock bar. I'm thinking of going, was wondering where you prefer to stay when you go, for a fellow chicagoan.



    I actually stayed at the Omni hotel by Mount Royal Park. Some of my friends like to stay closer to the gay village but it’s not really that far. I pretty much took the train. As for the two bars I sort of preferred Campus over Stock Bar. But beware. Dancers and the bartenders tend to swarm around you even if you’re not ready for anything or a drink refill. I happen to ran out of Canadian dollars so I used whatever limited US dollars I had and that made me popular lol. You can still use US dollars anywhere but the exchange rate for you change may not be as good as when you get it from a bank or other currency exchange places.

  8. You really can’t help yourself...you have to add a little insult. Going back through this thread and counting the number of times you implied that a forum member was stupid, crazy or dumb... Not cool. Bye Felicia.


    Some people have nothing better to do I guess. I bet he’s one of those people who go out to dinner with a group of friends and orders the most expensive item on the menu. Drink as much as he can then asks to split the bill evenly. :rolleyes:

  9. Update: I saw him a couple days ago and it got interactive. He is such a talented masseur, I wasn’t going in with any expectations outside of an excellent therapeutic massage like I’ve gotten from him in the past at Sir, but was pleasantly surprised. Probably the best I’ve had and this time with extras. If you want to try him out I would hurry, he said he is only going to have his ad up for another week or so, then he is going back to school full time.


    Thanks, good to know.

  10. How do you deal with clients who cancel on short notice or no-show for appointments? Do you institute a cancellation fee (or kill fee) when they attempt to book with you again? Do you simply refuse to see them?


    That would be hard to enforce for cash payments. But even if you accept credit cards it would be hard to find repeat customers. Your ad should disclose that you intend to charge them for last minute cancellation. It would be a bad idea to do so without a fair warning. Even then, good luck getting repeat clients.


    As for avoiding the client? That’s up to you. Let’s say you’re experiencing a slow day/week and this client tries to contact you for an appointment. Do you still ignore him? My advice to you, and I am a client, is to just let it go. I would say yes if the client has done it to you multiple times. Word gets around in this forum as you know which could go against you.

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