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Everything posted by Typical

  1. I’ve never seen Jacob but saw “Scott” about 10 years ago and these same photos were out of date then. As others have noted it was terrible. I should have just paid and left. He went heavy into the “sensual” aspect of the massage and I had absolutely zero interest in that with him. Zero.
  2. Photo 2 is interesting, if paying close attention.
  3. Like a lot of service industry businesses there was a huge uptick in demand following COVID restrictions and now that demand has normalized. There will be a readjustment period.
  4. His English isn’t strong. Sometimes the subtlety of how things can sound and be interpreted by a fluent speaker isn’t fully appreciated by ESL folks. He’s a nice guy.
  5. If you do get to see him you get a very, very, very lackluster and pointless experience. It’s not with your time much less your $200.
  6. Yeah. Very lackluster and uninteresting experience.
  7. It could be worse. Watch Tinder Swindler.
  8. For a $5,000 processing fee and access to your banking details they will also transfer an unexpected $10 million inheritance into account!
  9. I recommend Peter McPherson. He has his own booking website that's easy to find.
  10. Why book at the last minute? Why not? What's the problem of a polite request? If you can't or don't want to just say no. If you don't want to be bothered by requests turn on an auto reply that you are not available and maybe add that you will take appointments at x or y date or time. I sometimes book last minute because unexpected time in a busy schedule becomes available. Or the mood strikes. Or I find myself near a therapist's location. The bigger annoyance is masseurs who use the "Available Now" indicator and then respond that they can see me "tomorrow" or "next Thursday". The word now actually has a very specific meaning in the English language. It means "at the present time".
  11. I doubt anyone knows whom or what you are talking about.
  12. I have never met him but his ad and photos have been around for many years. I would say those photos are 15+ years old.
  13. I think it is a "lost in translation" issue. Not native speakers often don't perceive subtle messages or intent with word choices. I doubt it's meant in any condescending or offensive way. At least that's my take on these funny little phrases.
  14. I have no idea where cryptocurrency prices will go in the future and neither does anyone else. But it looks like, so far, the big "pump and dump" event in Miami a few weeks ago has not payed off for its sponsors as cryptos have only fallen further since the hype. I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of bored "investors" with stimulus funds really inflated the market for awhile, feeding off of each other's trades. That is obviously not sustainable. Don't gamble more than you can comfortable lose.
  15. This is all fake, you all get that, right? I hope so.... If you don't get it that.....Then I'm Melinda from Nigeria and I want to send you $10 million! But first I need a $10,000 processing fee, your bank account number and your social security number. Let me know when you want to wire the funds.
  16. The militant left is just as bad as the far right. They feed off of each other. When I look at the police photo associated with the attached article I see like 90% people of color and women. And the super woke crowd can't even be happy about that! You just can't please them. They need and thrive off of controversy and aggression. And as you can read, they will just as happily violate democratic norms and choice as will hard core conservatives. I say a pox on both ends of the spectrum. This year's parade now has so much negative energy associated with it it should be cancelled and revisited next year after they get their shit together with a whole new executive committee.
  17. Not really comparable. And that has been remedied. Now that the organizers have announced police will stand back and their private security (mall cops?) will be on hand, I really wouldn't get anywhere near it. (Not that a trail of bland, corporate branded "floats" and a half dozen hopeless political candidates is remotely interesting, anyway.) The super woke groups are jumping the shark and endangering their silly selves and everyone around them in the process. I would avoid.
  18. The Gay Pride parade hasn't been relevant for 25+ years. The super woke organizers should just end it. P.S. The NYPD has kept the Pride Parade safe from skinheads, fascists, religious nuts, etc., etc., for decades. Good luck for the future! I wouldn't get anywhere near it.
  19. Bernie Madoff kept his game alive for 20 years, so just about anything is possible I suppose. But when this crypto currency mania ends, and it will certainly end, it's going to be an amazing mess. A friend of mine swears cryptocurrency is here to stay and is taking over the world. To listen to him is like hearing an evangelical preacher certain of everlasting heaven. It's practically religion to a whole lot of people. They literally spend hours each day thinking or talking and/ or speculating in....cryptocurrency. Something that does nothing. And that's what makes it so crazy and ultimately dangerous. I own some cryptos. They aren't an investment, per se. They are gambling. I haven't bet the farm. I hope I recognize when to get off. We'll see! And of course big banks are getting involved. They are setting up funds (primarily or exclusively with other people's money, BTW) and trading operations that earn commissions. But are they holding the stuff in any sort of material amount on their own balance sheets? OF. COURSE. NOT. Yes, there is demand for alternative payment systems (a whole lot of it illegal). But who says that medium is going to remain cryptocurrency? And who in the hell says a unit of Bitcoin is worth $55k or will remain at $55k? The price is random depending on any recent waive of enthusiasm or pessimism. If Mercedes will sell you a low end model of their cars for one bitcoin today, which as a "value" of $55k, when bitcoin drops to $27.5k they are going to charge you two bitcoins for the same product. And that is because they immediately change the bitcoin they receive into real money and that is how they price their product. Crypto is a bubble like no other.
  20. I'm not sure I would go to just anyone to do that kind of work - it's a razor blade near sensitive areas. But Hush Manhattan on West 47th Street does all kinds of grooming. Just call them and tell them what you want. In my several years of experience going there anyone they pair you with will be competent with both waxing (sugaring) and trimming/ shaving.
  21. Wise words, indeed. Toys.com was all the rage. Right up until it wasn't.
  22. Depends. I saw a very good and hot therapist a few times before asking. He would put my hand on his chest while massaging my arm. On the third visit I told him that part of the session would be so much nicer if he removed his shirt. He smiled and replied that he agreed and took the shirt off. Things took a very nice turn. You will know when to ask. Don’t pass up the opportunity. Ask nicely. And with humor.
  23. The one thing I am certain of on this topic that that most, if not all, crypto "currencies" will some day go to zero. The two questions are (1) how high will they go and how much volatility will they experience in the meantime and (2) WHEN will they finally go bust. Great fortunes will be made and lost during the ride whether that ride be 24 hours or 24 years. Bitcoin is widely accepted by legitimate businesses now, but, with rare exception, upon receipt they IMMEDIATELY convert into a national currency. They do it to appease their customers who wish, for whatever reason, to trade in crypto. I have money in several crypto currencies. I do not consider it an investment per se. It's essentially speculation or gambling. Nothing wrong with doing either, but just don't bet the farm. Have fun at the casino! And good luck.
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