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Posts posted by AdamSmith

  1. @purplekow I couldn't agree more. I wish they had left this alone. NBC probably sees the uptick in SNL ratings due to Baldwin & Company with the political climate and thinks W&G will follow that trend. I predict a horrible return and a short and embarrassing run. I hope I'm wrong.

    Yes in spades.


    The structural failure of the original (in hindsight) was that, to make gay safe for mainstream audiences, they had to put all the gay content into the sidekick joke characters, while constructing endless character and plot reasons why Will Was Never Seen Getting Any.


    In today's entirely different Brave New World, why not simply put the development and production effort into a new thing attuned to contemporary times?

  2. So the novice young nun escapes the convent, goes into town, walks into the liquor store and nonchalantly asks for a fifth.


    The counter clerk, somewhat taken aback, recovers himself and asks, "Uh...er...Sister, are you sure the Mother Superior will approve?"


    The nun leans close and whispers confidentially, "Actually, it IS for the Mother Superior. For her constipation, you understand."


    Clerk: "OH! Sorry! Say no more. Here you go."


    Couple hours later, at closing time, he locks up the shop, starts to walk down the street -- and right around the corner spies the young Sister sitting on the sidewalk, propped up against a doorstep, clutching the empty bottle and completely blotto.


    Shocked clerk: "SISTER! Look at you! And you said that was for the Mother Superior's constipation!"


    Very sloshed Sister: "But it is. When she sees me like this, she's gonna shit!"



  3. Warning: Not everyone will think this is funny.

    My ex for instance. He was one time at a friend's house taking a poop. It turned out to be a big one, he decided he'd better flush mid-go to guard against clogging the antiquated toilet -- and the water unexpectedly rose to engulf more than the tip of HIS dangling snake! :eek:


    He came home and told me the story in the most disgusted tone I'd ever heard him use. It had me laughing the rest of the day. (This still being the good first half of our relationship, that was the expected & acceptable reaction.)

  4. And the worse moment when you realize...."Yes. Yes I do." :eek::confused:

    If anybody actually believes and accepts that, he is indulging what Arthur C. Clarke identified in his Profiles of the Future as either a failure of imagination, or a failure of nerve.


    Grow a pair, construct the reality you want, and move in.

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