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Posts posted by Dmitri

  1. I saw that too and it is concerning.


    The fact that he changed his name explains why the OP didn't find anything related before posting.


    Eduardo did not change his name. If you do a Search for the name "Eduardo" a link does come up on the first page at the bottom. Dallas is just the location I added. (as in Dallas, Texas)...although he seems to be a traveling masseur these days. The one thing he does change is his links, so if you click on numerous links in the posts I mentioned, his ad will not appear. Masseurs tend to do this if they have unflattering comments.

  2. Type in Search "Eduardo Dallas" Check the June 2019 post by thonglovertx in the comments for the correct link. Not very flattering comments. Always good to use the Search box before taking the leap. Also, he keeps changing his links. Not a good sign. Seems like he is aware of his bad reputation, and keeps changing the links to avoid being traced.

  3. When you arrive to the masseur's home and see the facilities, what kind of workspace, layout, or objects (besides a table) can give you a hint that you are about to have a professional experience or an amateur delivery provided by a college or inexperienced guy, so you can maybe call it off and avoid a bad experience? Pictures are welcome.


    Sure, a messy layout can be a tip off. But I have been to masseur's homes that sent all the right signals.....such as clean and professional looking....and received a terrible massage session. And I have also been to a few masseur's homes that left a little to be desired appearance wise and had a fantastic massage session. The hints you are looking for are BEFORE you arrive. Is their ad professional looking, are they prompt in text/voicemail replies, if you talk on the phone do you get a good vibe, what is their massage training , etc. Those are clues to tell the duds from the studs. Do your homework before, that way you won't have to leave once you arrive.

  4. Until there is a vaccine, it will always be a game of Russian Roulette. You can start venturing out and get a massage or two, and not be exposed to Covid 19, and start feeling like it is "safe" again to get back into getting massages. All it takes is just that one massage encounter where you get exposed, even if you have gone for 10 massages where you were not exposed. I understand we are all frustrated, but the virus has not gone away. The virus is still here and still highly contagious. It is still as much of a risk as it was in March. It really is Russian Roulette until there is a vaccine. Everyone has their own risk tolerance. You need to decide what yours is.

  5. WOW never heard of most of them. Are the masseurs on there decent/reputable?


    As reputable as on any other massage website. Every massage website has good and bad masseurs. I have had horrible masseurs from the more popular sites.....and great masseurs from the smaller sites. It is always a gamble wherever you hire from.

  6. I always have a problem with these fishing expedition type threads and what purpose they serve. I think the OP would be doing us all a favor if he’d post a review on Daddy’s Review site and enlighten us all on Dallas massage therapists. He’s indicated that he’s seen nearly half of what DALLAS has to offer. That’s a lot of people.


    Just my two cents worth. Feel free to attack my position. At this point in the pandemic I couldn’t care less.

    You’ve said it in a much nicer way than I could have. ?? Nice job, oh and I agree 100%.


    You both read my mind. I was thinking the same thing. Probably best if the poster starts a New Thread with a heading such as " Who Are Your Recommended Masseurs In The DFW Area?" You have already tried 16 masseurs and are unhappy. You already know the bad ones. Why would you want clients to rate their unhappy experiences? That is a waste of time. Seems like you would want recommendations on the great masseurs in your area so your next massage in the DFW area is a postive one.

  7. Agreed. Between his hairline and the general way he's aged, it appears he hasn't put much thought into his upkeep.


    The whole straight carpetbagger angle isn't too attractive to me either.


    Receding hairlines are not a reflection of neglect of upkeep. Male pattern hair loss is genetic, and something a person has no control over. Many 20 somethings have receding hairlines.....while I know a number of guys in their 50's/60's with a great head of hair. Hair loss is not a sign of neglect, just genetics.

  8. Still finding it increasingly enlightening that no one in the LA area has posted that they know ANYONE in our massage community, on either side of the table, that had contracted the disease?


    That is a good thing, in my opinion. Rather than a flood of people saying they know someone.

  9. So sorry for your loss ?

    Please accept my sincere condolences on your losses. Just clicking on an emoticon doesn't seem to cut it for me.


    Thank you for the condolences. Mom just passed this weekend and went quickly, so still in heavy grieving. What makes it worse, is because of Covid 19, I was not able to say goodbye, all us kids were locked out of the room. Like all the others in this situation, she died alone. :(

  10. Whether it is a masseur I know or a new masseur I would be interested in, the risk factor is still there. Close contact does not get any closer than massage. (except for escorts). And news reports are saying that antibody tests are kind of sketchy right now, with a substantial number of false positives, so accuracy is not totally reliable. In the beginning, if you read early threads ( Late February-Mid April) 99% of Forum members were anti-massage for fear of contracting Covid 19 and/or spreading it to others, especially the elderly. Now with the evening news showing daily stories of states "opening" , and protests of people wanting to end their lockdown, I sense the same mood starting in the Forum, of clients willing to start venturing out for a massage under certain conditions. In the past week I experienced the horror of Covid 19 up close and personal. My mother of 78 years old had a fever starting last Monday...it lasted until Wednesday when they tested her. She came back positive. She did have an underlying heart condition. She rapidly went downhill, and died yesterday, Saturday, May 2nd at 3pm. None of us (4 kids) or family were allowed in the room. She was surrounded by hospital staff (strangers) dressed in hazmat suits when she died. No one should die like that. I am shell shocked, seeing this up close happening with my own beloved Mother. No one knows how she contracted Covid 19, obviously through casual contact. After this experience, I will not get on a massage table again until there is a vaccine. It is worth the wait, in my opinion, after seeing your own Mother die from Covid 19.

  11. I don't agree this is a good time to give or receive a massage due the current crisis, but I feel that Miles (who is obviously working at this time) did a very respectful and classy presentation in his text copy of the precautions he is taking. For those willing to venture out for a massage, I think he struck just the right tone. I have seen some really lame ad copy from other masseurs who are working at this time when they address their Covid "precautions", but Mile's copy I think was very well done.

  12. So, I realize it's only been 5 days since I created this post, but I find it interesting that not a single member has posted that they know a client or a massuer who has had the virus. Especially in L.A.


    Anyone? Buehler? Buehler?



    You are correct. No mention in any posts on this thread, though I do recall a random mention of 1 or 2 in other threads. I think the reason is because whether it is a client or masseur, being infected in this pandemic is a personal health matter, one that most are not willing to share, except with a select few they are super close with. Especially in a situation as massage, where whether you are the client or the masseur, since it is such a close contact service, disclosing you have/had Covid 19 is not something you are willing to share for personal and/or privacy reasons. It is one thing in this forum to disclose it with anonymous people, but to mention it face to face is a whole other story. None of my friends who hire masseurs, or masseurs who I know have mentioned it to me face to face for the reasons I mentioned, mostly privacy and discretion issues.

  13. My high school (1970's) had totally open showers, fixtures on the wall or on poles in the middle of one big room. I'm not sure what the high schools are doing these days.


    The YMCA in downtown Minneapolis still has them. This isn't a picture of that actual facility, but it's similar.





    I got hard just looking at that picture.....

  14. Since Covid 19 is so highly contagious in the general population, I think it would be hard for a client who did develop symptoms from Covid 19 to pinpoint if they did indeed acquire it from a massage session. They might have stopped at a gas station before getting the massage and got it off the handle of the gas pump, or there could a million other places they got it before/after the massage session. This also gets tricky, since if an honest masseur as a courtesy contacts the client later to alert the client that they have now developed Covid 19 symptoms, maybe they acquired it from the client during the massage session, and not the other way around. The whole thing gets very hard to pinpoint.

  15. Since Covid 19 is so highly contagious in the general population, I think it would be hard for a client who did develop symptoms from Covid 19 to pinpoint if they did indeed acquire it from a massage session. They might have stopped at a gas station before getting the massage and got it off the handle of the gas pump, or there could a million other places they got it before/after the massage session. This also gets tricky, since if an honest masseur as a courtesy contacts the client later to alert the client that they have now developed Covid 19 symptoms, maybe they acquired it from the client during the massage session, and not the other way around. The whole thing gets very hard to pinpoint.

  16. Does masseurfinder even allow shirtless pics? I don't think so.


    Nope. Masseurfinder is G rated. No shirtless photos and squeaky clean ad text. One of my masseurs posted a photo in a skimpy tank top and they rejected it because it was to "revealing." Tank tops are allowed, but not to skimpy. He was warned if he submitted any other "inproper" photos he would be booted off the site.

  17. I definitely like to see an array of clear pics, for me face pics are super important but its nice if they show I’m a big guys so as long as you look strong and have a good physique I’ll be happy.. but definitely agree on the table and proper set up I hate going to a masseur and they don’t have good equipment


    I agree. I always like my masseurs to have good equipment :)

  18. To compare an offhanded 'joke' like "he needs some sandwiches" to the ridicule and mocking of gay men is absurd. At most it deserves a bemused shrug.


    You may not think the joke is funny or clever or even sensible. But to elevate it to this level of criticism is PC run amok. This is where the goofy term 'snowflake' may actually resonate.


    For goodness sake, he even labels himself a "twink" in his ad!


    I get what you are saying. But we are not sitting in a bar having a few drinks and some laughs. The purpose of this Forum is to exchange info and make recommendations on masseurs and our experiences. In the Terms Of Rules on this site it states "We will operate with the common decency that governs human interactions worldwide" and "We will always strive to treat each person with dignity and respect." That ain't happening here or in other posts. If you type "Owen LA" in the search box and read the 2 threads about him.....those threads were 10X worse than these comments. Someone even says he "looks like a fetus." Check out that thread. When I read this thread after reading Owen LA, it was the last straw and I had to speak up. We can't keep bashing and mocking these guys appearances for a few laughs. It is just plain cruel, and not the purpose of this Forum.

  19. Get a life and relax, as you stated its a joke....You need to be saying this in virtually every thread in the message center as there is always someone who's preferred sexual preference isn't going to be the fellow pictured. Relax and enjoy the show, don't fret so much and stay at home and stay safe.


    Thanks for the feedback. I do have a life, I am relaxed, I am not fretting, and I am staying home and staying safe. My point in my post was not about Forum Members having different tastes in men, as you alluded to. It was about mocking a masseur's appearance in insulting and degrading ways to get a laugh. I get that these comments are made as a joke. I just think we can get laughs in other ways without insulting each other's appearance, oftentimes in mean spirited ways. That's all I am going to say. I have to go live my life now, watch some hot porn as I "shelter in place," and enjoy my day. Hope you are home and staying safe also. We are all in this crisis together. Peace :)

  20. Hey guys, I know it is all in good fun, and good for a laugh. But making fun or ridiculing a masseur's appearance, whatever it is .....body type, fat/skinny, unattractive, ugly, etc. is not cool. I know mocking comments are made as a joke....but let's not have our laughs at their expense. I have seen this alot in posts, and find it sad. As gay men most of us were mocked growing up, so we know what it's like. Let's not bring that into the Forum. Aaron is a good looking guy, and looks like a sweet kid. Would hate for him to see this post body shaming him for how skinny he is. It would be great if we could stop trying to get laughs by insulting a masseur's appearance.

  21. Huh? He is super buffed, great face, beautiful blue eyes, flawless super smooth skin, and model good looks, yet people are criticizing his facial skin tone. (??) Wow...seriously?? I think this guy is super hot! After we are past this crisis, I will for sure give this hunk a try when I am in LA. Adorable! (especially think photo #3 is super sexy.....great face/eyes/arms shot! )

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