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Posts posted by Xavitv

  1. Does almost 35 count as elder ish in the gay community? 
    I didn’t come out until I was 23-24 so I’m trying to experience things I prohibited myself to experience when I was younger. I feel I might be able to offer some sort of guidance, but I still feel like a teen in the gay community and enjoy learning from others. 

  2. 1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Sad isn't it ? I live in NYC in the heart of Greenwich Village. The outrageous costuming and ridiculous behavior I witnessed this weekend at the "Gay Pride Parade" was really nothing to be "Proud" of.  Why do so many gay men willingly turn themselves into a joke ? Would be nice if gay men and women would just feeling comfortable being people instead of cartoon characters, built from the worst of what straight people think about them.

    Pride is not about pleasing straight people or to fit whatever concept they have about us.

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