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Posts posted by sexymonk

  1. Thanks and that does help. I am trying to really determine the kind of guys that really are compatible with me. I'm finding the insatiable ones or ones that requires other twinks are the ones I need to stay away from. I have about 3 regulars and one I do not pay except maybe every third or fourth time. He is from Grindr that doesn't know I do this with others. The trouble I also need to learn to get over is not saying no. I didn't contact the 20 year old who came over he hit me up. Im not going to have him over again.

    Ohh. If you already have pool of guys then why do you need more? Chastise yourself by wearing caged Indy to keep yourself in check! ;)

  2. Hope you feel better. Things like this have happened to most people and we all bounce back. Personally I have learned to think of escorts/masseurs as business arrangements, not friends.

    So true!

  3. Not sure what I expect here. Just curious what others think.


    I frequently use Rent Men and Grindr as a generous guy. I have met some great guys that I think of as friends. I define friends as those few that contact me and vice versa for no other reason than to visit about everyday stuff. Recently, I had an escort hit me up wanting me to fly him here for a few days. He gave me a rate of $1200 for Wed thru late Friday. He is 20 and I'm 51. He has an insatiable sex drive. I can only go at it once a day. We have in the past used his Grindr to find a third or fourth to join us. I was reading the group chat he had going on and once my pic and age was given, there were a lot of hateful remarks made by those guys. They were asking if could leave so they could all use my place, etc.. I usually have thick skin but this time several things hit me. I told him they couldn't come. My escort was disappointed as he really wanted to have an orgy. I wasn't able to get it up that night or the morning. I had him charge to an early flight on Friday morning. I feel worthless for having a dick that doesn't cooperate, feel like I wasted money even though we had sex twice and I feel like a gross old man. Today is kind of a low for me.

    You don't need to feel bad. Remember that here it is all monetary transaction at the end! Never expect much from this type of interaction except for good time for the time you are paying! If you can't get up more than once then use viagra and that will help you. At the end be your own friend and don't rely on others for happiness. Eat, drink, sleep, fart, watch Netflix, at times watch hot men, take viagra and enjoy!

  4. Maybe he wants to make a few extra bucks on a part time job.



    Exactly! Easy money is hard to give up.... So many escorts have retired and come back months or a year later.


    (BTW it's only easy money if they have what it takes)




    I'm looking for that extra fat...



    It is all tied up with the dopamine chemical in the brain which is responsible for lust, greed, addiction! When it rides and controls brain, it is hard to give up all the materialistic pleasures and means! Nonetheless, all these men come back unless they have found something more rewarding!

  5. Indeed, I noticed that. The body pics and the shower video are exactly the same as in the 2015 ad. What gives me pause are the face pictures. The 2015 Zach would never ever post face pics. The face pics of the 2019 Zach seem a bit ... off. I understand that people and their hair styles change.


    I could be entirely wrong about this.

    3-4 years is enough for facial feature to change!

  6. ME:


    DID you say $1,000 is for a one hour session? Nobody in NY charges that. Good luck. I wish you the best.




    I don’t sell hours. I sell experiences. And yes we do. I also enjoy being tipped and treated like generously. I’m the real deal.

    The guy must be definitely high on something- at least on his ego!

  7. I love receiving a good wet long rim job. What providers do you all recommend vin NYC for this that are still working?

    Wet rimming? The anal mucus will seep out in the process and has to be licked? I never understood rimming thing.

  8. Just contacted him about seeing him when he's in Boston in August. $400/hr. Much as I want to meet him, I just can't see paying that. I may give it a thought, but I don't think it's gonna happen.

    I came to realization that I just won't want to pay absurd amount whatever these providers ask! I believe that if I wait and have patience then by law of statistics I can find good guys as these one out there! I believe that in these big population if one good guy has popped up then likelihood of finding another good guy exists who can quote much lesser amount and is win win for both! In short if the provider however good looking, hunk or good at is, but deviates from average quote then I say him bye bye!

  9. Don't you mean "some" clients?


    All due respect, blonds do nothing for me. Most of my friends feel the same way.

    Under blond I was covering up the hot guys with dark blond hair guys too! Haven't you seen Germans, Slovaks? Many belami studs are blond. Just look carefully!

  10. Several awesome bodies on display--but are the ads legit?


    For example, Robert Rio: some great body shots, but at least one of the RM reviews waves a red flag.





    And how about Ilias? He has only five star RM reviews, and he has awesome body pix. But the ad itself is not very revealing: his narrative is perfunctory and general, and he clicked all (or almost all) the activities, which can be a bad sign. And one of the RM reviews has a disturbing narrative: the reviewer gave him five stars (perhaps to prevent the review from being vetoed?) but maintained that his pix are stolen. The reviewer left immediately and posted the review. So maybe not Ilias either.




    ManMax is probably legitimate. He does not claim the awesome body of the foregoing escorts, but he seems to be pretty sexy, and his RM reviews are nothing but encouraging. (There is one guy who has reviewed him four times!) Any experience with him?



    I like manmax. He is probably legit and I believe he will deliver!

  11. You'd think that his 18 reviews on the rentmen site would set me at ease, but something doesn't feel right. :p Totally hot, but anyone have first hand experience? Thanks.



    It is quite interesting to see that he joined rm in March and in 4-5 months he got 18 reviews! I think I have seen the second pic somewhere!

  12. This type of relationship if it happens is pure business, pure out of materialistic desire for money! Providers may ask for pre nup, arrangement and deals. Are these relationship fundamentally based on trust, compassion, love? No. Once agenda is served providers or client may look for exit door and the relationship is likely to fail. Also, money or material object is a peculiar thing which hijacks brain due to production of dopamine chemical- same effect it produces for list, greed, power! And guess what? The "want more" thing kicks in and unless you get more than previous instances then no excitement or interest. I would say don't go that way! Keep these relations professional with human touch and simply enjoy the time. If you got one good attractive provider on rm then as you meet more guys then statistically you will hit more nice providers! Enjoy them! Just make sure that in this your wallet is full to have buying power and enjoy the life! ?.

  13. Here is the funny part;


    The client states he dialed the code ( He did not). Now he's asking for " Complimentary hour for free" because I didn't buzz him up...


    I have a feeling this client's MO is to flake on a provider and then ask for a free hour.

    Ok say if the client buzzed and there was no response then why he didn't called you on phone? Clearly, the client is scam artist!

  14. Here is a mini-rant,


    I have been a massage therapist for about 8 years or so. I relocated from LA/SF to DC to help take care of my mom who is suffering from lupus. I started Escorting on and off for a few months. I just don't understand people; I was scheduled with a client and confirmed today. Fifteen mins ago he said I was flake because I won't give out my apt number to clients off of Rent.men. I have had issues where clients would be high or just creepy. As a business owner, I can dictate my hours and how I operate for my own safety. When I confirm with a client they have my address and the code to buzz in. I always meet the client in the lobby for the safety of both of us.


    I am starting to question if I should even bother advertising on Rent.men. I never get this many no show or flakes practicing massage.


    I am pleading with clients if you have second thoughts, or you decided that you don't want to hire someone. Just send an email and cancel with notice. In my case, I am using this money to take care of my family and would rather book clients who actually respect me and my time.



    Thank you


    You're Friendly neighborhood Spiderman..... ( Massage Therapist)

    1) I would say that simply treat every new request as flake until they show up.

    2) manage your time and for quality sake take 2-3 clients each day. And that means book 5 clients assuming 50% will flake!

    3) stick to regulars.

    4) in every business even when buying or selling products, clients flake/ there is no show up. Get over it. This is business and don't get emotional.

    5) set up strategy for your income target and you will see result.

    6) at end deliver. That thing goes far than what you can imagine or expect!

    7) an approximate address like building number or corner is enough for first timers for safety reasons. Once you meet the person or seen the person then you can give buzzer code/ apt number!

  15. I can't agree with ops view anymore! The guys in pnp can't perform well, have weak erection, lost from reality and zoning out repeatedly. I saw it in well know escorts who are no more on rm. but what I do is say bye bye! If anything happens in session then I may be in legal trouble which should be avoided! So takeaway is stay away from those providers!

  16. I am pretty sure Peter's face is not what earned him his reputation. ROMANI appears to have it all in the looks department.

    Yes you are true. Peter has a very handsome and good looking face that you can desire in a male! His reputation is due to his skills, engaging and service centric attitude, maintaining his same tempo year after years without degrading his skills!

  17. Ahh but Peter used to show his face. If he hadn't, I never would have been interested in him. We aren't just a few. There are many people who won't hire a headless escort, and considering how many are out there who do show their face, we won't even bother asking for pictures of escorts who don't.



    So Romani used to show his face too! I don't think that Romani is headless! He has just blurred 20% and still face is quite visible! Nonetheless, peter has no face today and many new people are interested in him! I agree to you for completely headless pic but not for pic of Romani!

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