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    escortrod reacted to bnm73 in Being taken advantage of...   
    The rest of your sentence was irrelevant, to be perfectly honest. It's a rationalization that doesn't disguise the fact of fucking an unwilling person. It's the same kind of rationalization given by people who fuck the unconscious without their consent...."they didn't say no..."
    The guy shoved his dick into someone who gave no indication that he wanted to do that. Why would anyone assume that it's o.k. to fuck someone who 1) doesn't want to be fucked, 2) isn't asked whether he wants to fuck, and 3) has paid for services that DON'T include fucking?
  2. Like
    escortrod reacted to marylander1940 in Being taken advantage of...   
    Dude, you got raped by him.
    If you review him a lot of guys on here will hire him and expect the same, paying a masseur while getting the services of a BB escort.
    (that ain't sarcasm)
  3. Like
    escortrod reacted to Moondance in Uncut   
  4. Like
    escortrod reacted to + 7829V in Being taken advantage of...   
    No HIV test can detect HIV immediately after infection. ... A nucleic acid test (NAT) can usually tell you if you are infected with HIV 10 to 33 days after an exposure. An antigen/antibody test performed by a laboratory on blood from a vein can usually detect HIV infection 18 to 45 days after an exposure.
  5. Like
    escortrod reacted to + FrankR in Being taken advantage of...   
    You always have the right to say ‘no’ or ‘stop’. This is not a typical massage experience. If you have not been tested for STDs recently, I recommend you do so. It does not sound like, nor should you feel like you did anything wrong. The fact that you refused to play when he offered his dick for oral should have been a clear sign to him that you have boundaries. There is a word for sex without conset: rape. The guy took advantage of you. Name him and shame him. Be well.
  6. Like
    escortrod reacted to + 7829V in Being taken advantage of...   
    I could feel his penis rub against my ass, but it was a light touch so I did not think too much about it. Within a few seconds, however, he was inside me.
    This is when you say STOP, then get off the table and leave.
    Also, you should have taken PEP Post-exposure Prophylaxis and get tested ASAP.
    If you feel he assaulted you sexually, you can call the police.
    Seems like this is something I should say to a 18 year old person, but I'm sure you are much older.
  7. Like
    escortrod got a reaction from Shawn Monroe in Escorts Have The Best Of Both Worlds - Sex And Money!   
    Variable quality sex, exposure to potentially dangerous situations, possible arrest and criminal record (depending on jurisdiction), exposure to STIs, less money than one might expect, especially in light of the time spent arranging each meet... I could go on listing the disbenefits for an hour or more. I enjoy escorting, which is why I’m continuing to meet some regulars in my semi-retirement, but it would be misguided to think that escorts don’t earn their fees.
  8. Like
    escortrod got a reaction from Shawn Monroe in Escorts Have The Best Of Both Worlds - Sex And Money!   
    Fair enough. I also feel able to be a little more selfish when having unpaid sex. There’s usually less expectation on my partner’s part.
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    escortrod reacted to Rudynate in Escorts Have The Best Of Both Worlds - Sex And Money!   
    It's all sex. Making love is just extra good sex.
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    escortrod got a reaction from Shawn Monroe in Escorts Have The Best Of Both Worlds - Sex And Money!   
    Because one might enjoy the unpaid sex more.
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    escortrod reacted to gallahadesquire in Escorts Have The Best Of Both Worlds - Sex And Money!   
    And sometimes the money is bad
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    escortrod reacted to Rudynate in Escorts Have The Best Of Both Worlds - Sex And Money!   
    I was talking with one of my favorites about this. He's a long-time escort and he mentioned that his friends are pushing him to have less work sex and fit in a little recreational sex/romance, which he sort of dismissed. I said that I had never been a sex worker, so I could only speculate, but it seemed that work sex would be qualitatively different from recreational sex. He responded that he loved his time with clients and found it completely fulfilling. I said, "That's great - you're making money doing what you love." And I have to say, he does it very well.
  13. Like
    escortrod reacted to TruthBTold in Escorts Have The Best Of Both Worlds - Sex And Money!   
    I am sure that is true if the things that are gained are "good" sex and money. Otherwise it might be just like regular relationships - sometimes bad sex and money wherever.
  14. Like
    escortrod reacted to Vert in 411 On XXXLTOP in London Uk   
    Oh my! Make sure you have the ambulance on speed dial. Let's hope your colon isn't completely annihilated after seeing him. Please let us know how things went (so we know your survived).
  15. Like
    escortrod reacted to + lookingforfunny in 411 On XXXLTOP in London Uk   
    Well, he is a giant. Whoa! You're gonna get smashed kiddo.
  16. Like
    escortrod reacted to Epigonos in Tired of the transaction drama   
    Lucas it is safe to say that no one on this site should presume to tell you how to operate your business. How you do that is totally up to you and you alone. However, the one thing you should have learned, by now, is that virtually nobody on this site is sympathetic to or understanding of the manner in which you do business. Probably the best advise anybody here could give you is continue doing business as you see fit but don't waste your time posting here.
  17. Like
    escortrod reacted to josh282282 in Tired of the transaction drama   
    Hi Lucas.
    I'm a board certified physician. I graduated from a top quartile US medical school and residency program (I dont say that to brag, but to assure you I'm no under-achiever & actually know what I'm talking about). I've practiced Medicine for years. I've personally worked directly with & come across many physician colleagues and neither myself nor any of my peers have ever asked for a deposit. You are simply wrong.


    It's not about trust, sir. This is Business. The restaurant gets paid AFTER the meal. The Accountant gets paid after doing the clients taxes. And the Barber. And the housekeeper. And the Uber driver. And the physician like myself (see above). The list goes on & on. Guess what: you are also on that list, too. You get paid AFTER services rendered, not before.

    I'm sorry you had to go thru this, Lucas. No one deserves to be treated this way.
    You write the conversation got "heated", so ask yourself, as a professional, what part did you contribute to this debacle? Please reflect on specifically what you said and how (if at all) it added to the tension of this encounter gone bad. Please reflect with deep self honesty. I'm a professionaland & I've had to go this exercise in my career and no, it's not fun, but its important for growth. Clearly you need some, um, professional growith, also.

    Um, what does that matter.....????
    You sound really privileged, like you are demanding White Privilege. Just sounds bad all around. Like a pro-Trump supporter from the Alt-Right marching on Charlotesville. Please come to this forum and explain this statement cuz I'm sure you wouldn't want potential clients (like me) thinking you are a bigot. But I'm very open to a logical, non-racist explanation of your statement.

    Sorry man, but you cant rely on your clients for fiscal safety. Going out of town as an escort with all the extra expenditures that accrue are the risks YOU take as a BUSSINESSMAN. Trying to get clients to shoulder this risk will only get you a bad response (see this entire thread for an example), as you are learning.

    Wait, you wont trust us clients to pay but you expect us to trust that you a "man of his word"? We dont know you from Adam. Expecting us to believe/trust you on that is ridiculous and fantastical thinking on your part. Get over yourself, Mr Businessman. Guess what? I practice what I preach. I see a patient in my office and then bill accordingly and I sometimes DONT get paid, believe it or not. But it's part of my budget- I plan on a (small) percentage of unpaid bill's. It's called the Cost of Doing Business. Dude, take some business classes.

    No, you tarnished it yourself. From all you have said here, I know I'll never hire you. I NEVER pre-pay. Nor do my friends.

    No, it isn't. It's for clients, like me, to have a method and strategy to expose jerks and rough-trade who may harm us fiscally, emotionally or even physically. Are YOU one of those?
    I am fearful of the answer.
  18. Like
    escortrod reacted to bnm73 in Tired of the transaction drama   
    Something tells me I'm going to regret weighing in on this....

    In the US, at least, doctors asking for a "deposit" is largely unheard of. Maybe he's confusing a co-pay or office-visit fee as a deposit?

    If you're afraid of crime, then you're kind of in the wrong business. I mean, escorting itself is a crime almost everywhere in the USA. If your'e operating as an "internet-only" type of person, then you don't get a chance to see or meet a client -- and get a feel whether it's a good idea go anywhere with the.
    I mean, let's face it....people get held up sometimes. Pizza delivery drivers and cabbies are two famously frequent targets for hold-ups. I'm sorry if it's happened to you, but escorting is not historically a business for the skittish.

    Personally, I find it unreasonable to be expected to give money to someone whom I have never seen, much less met. My name isn't Charity. And why should someone trust you to show up after you have their money? If you don't trust someone to pay enough to show up in the first place, it kind of implies that you shouldn't be trusted to show up anyway.
    If the "charge a deposit" model works for you, then more power to you. That does not appear to be the standard business model of the industry, though, and (as you have experienced in this thread) it can leave a figurative bad taste in the mouth of people who think you're just jerking them around.
    Best of luck, but I'm not particularly sympathetic in this case.
  19. Like
    escortrod got a reaction from + glutes in Tired of the transaction drama   
    How is that relevant to asking for a deposit?
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    escortrod reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Tired of the transaction drama   
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    escortrod reacted to Epigonos in Tired of the transaction drama   
    This thread is absolutely, incredibly amazing. I simply can't believe some of the things I am reading.
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    escortrod reacted to Guy Fawkes in Tired of the transaction drama   
    Just like you're going to get Butt Hurt if I kick your ass to the curb. I would suggest that you tone your hurt puppy routine way down, way fast.

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    escortrod reacted to MikeBiDude in Tired of the transaction drama   
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    escortrod reacted to down_to_business in Tired of the transaction drama   
    Guess I have been lucky as never in my life has a doctor required or even requested a deposit from me.
    Experience has taught me, never never never send an escort a deposit for an hourly hire. Your best case scenario is that you might get it back or applied to your session.
  25. Like
    escortrod reacted to MikeBiDude in Tired of the transaction drama   
    LOL, what?
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