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Everything posted by 510guy

  1. Yes, you are. We are taking his word for it. We could be getting played to so just accepting it for gave value.
  2. We very well know that a dozen people won't start 30 posts. Like I said, it is up to administer how to handle. Right now he is not breaking any rules. So to say we are making an exception is inaccurate because no rules have been broken. We can banter back and forth but as far as I know administrator has not asked for our opinion. And if any rules were broken it is up to administer. Note to administer: this is not meant to be at all a critique of you and sorry if it is coming out that way.
  3. Ultimately it is up to the administrator to decide how to run this forum. We all have our opinion but in the end its up to administrator to decide. I was initially critical of the initial constant posts and sometimes inappropriate questions, remarks. But after getting a bit more knowledge of what is going on his life, it seems this forum is the closest he has to human interaction. "Before criticizing, walk in another man's shoes"
  4. He used to be based out of SF and Seattle. He is probably around 40ish. It was alright. Nice guy. Liked having his nipples played with.
  5. So does this mean we need to insist on providers to send five finger selfie with so we can dertermine if gay or straight?
  6. Not sure but is that a different Amir? The amir you referenced has been talked about.
  7. You can't have a better tomorrow if you're thinking about yesterday. You could always PM at least your state to those who have reached out to help.
  8. Question is does he want help or just want to be heard.
  9. @Avalon of course it is up to you what you reveal but just seems a bit too much paranoia. Anyways, since it seems being on a computer is almost your whole life maybe you should look into a forum for people with similar situation where people can actually help and you won't be so afraid to identify even which state you are in.
  10. You should have a post dedicated to your life.
  11. Cows have four teats on the udder but only one calf so your logic does not prevail.
  12. Does this discussion now qualify as hijacking a post? Went from escorts to chinese history and dialects real fast.
  13. SF Chinatown is basically all Cantonese speaking.
  14. Interesting we have quite a few people passionate about Chinese history. This discussion got me curious about the Guangzhou verses Canton if they were the same city. Seems like it is with a similar history to the Beijing verses Peking.
  15. Yours is a much more detailed answer and probably much more historically correct. I had an oversimplified version. I grew up in a Cantonese culture and we still in general say Peking but with a Cantonese phonetics.
  16. The Chinese government wants people to call it Beijing since that is the pronunciation in Mandarin and pinying which which is the phonetic writing adopted for Mandarin. Peking is the cantonese pronunciation of it. You probably will still here people in Cantonese still refer to it as Peking though officially it is Beijing.
  17. I see it now. I guess I was looking at body if text. NVM, yes feel stupid. I might have been distracted by some pictures. ☺️
  18. Too bad that's a ways off. And too bad the SF area does not have many ice rinks that are are appealing especially one where you could do a triple salchow in the buff. Also noticed your ad does not say you are Asian but maybe you prefer not to advertise that.
  19. So I take it that you would not recommend. ☺️
  20. His rentmen is basically the same as his rentmasseur ad.
  21. That's too bad. I have a feeling he may have written two of his reviews as it has similar broken English. Is there anything worth going to him? Pm if you like. I don't think he quite understood the questions in some of the interview.
  22. 510guy

    411 on kev

    Hmm, both like enticing. You going to keep letting your curiosity keep going?
  23. True. My method does result in a dense egg. I may just give your method a try
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