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Everything posted by 510guy

  1. I am not afraid of snakes and have a snake around me before. If it was free I would do it but just get a sense this is some mystic massage. I rather have some hot guy slithering on me.
  2. The person I talked to said business is still good. Its probably getting new customers or business for travelling masseur will be much tougher. Hoping this will get masseurs to up their game as depending on returning customers will be ever important.
  3. It may not necessarily be a name change but part of MF changes. I noticed a few others whose names got generic. Or could also be that he is wrapping up to go back to Taiwan so just keeping it generic.
  4. Avocado oil. You can also use almond oil but pricey and not everyone will like the taste.
  5. I don't bookmark either, just typing in m4m-forum.org is not too big a deal.
  6. Well, you know what you will get with Karl. The spa will be a crap shoot. The ironic thing is Karl said he has never gotten a sensual massage before so he doesn't know what it feels like. He must have some good instincts to know how to do some of those things.
  7. FYI, saw Karl Kang today and he told me that William Eric will no longer be doing massages. He is moving back to Taiwan and plans to give up this line of work. Btw, my time with Karl was great as usual.
  8. I have never see your ad but for some reason you seem to be getting the creepy ones.
  9. That is a good way of putting it "full body massage", most masseur would know what customer is implying.
  10. I agree. I would never ask for any one to ahead of time agree to do anything as I know each experience is different. I guess the only thing if I am paying $120-$170 I would want to know is if he will be nude and HE. Other than that I don't ask and realize each person has his boundaries which I need to respect.
  11. As someone who just goes the sensual/erotic massage route it has gotten tougher to find out who does what. Aside from asking here and even that is harder since the links and names are so generic now in MF do I: A) ask the masseur if he does sensual or therapeutic only? Some masseur are put off by this question or will have a very vague answer. And ads can no longer give any suggestions of types of massage. Understably both parties will not be explicit b) go escort route and see if they charge a lower route which not all do since it is for time spent only or they know some are being cheap. But I am just am not willing to pay $250-$300 for a massage. What to do?
  12. Wanted to see if anyone else has seen this guy.
  13. Well at least now we have verification he is real. Any indication of Photoshop vs. real thing?
  14. Unfortunately the answer to this is harder now with M4M and MF being much more limited in what is said in the ad and the reviews. At least before you could read between the lines and even get hints from the reviews. Some masseurs are hesitant to talk about this over phone or text. I had one person who turned me down for asking saying he is not the right guy but though he does get erotic but it seems only with establish clients.
  15. I only hire for massages and often for erotic massage. I take it to mean that the masseur has boundaries and please respect it. Don't assume he will go farther, sometimes he will sometimes not but don't just grab.
  16. A California lawmaker tried to make it punishable by jail or $10,000 fine for a dining establishment to give out straws unless a customer request it . He admitted there was really no intent to pursue jail for these "lawbreakers" but just wanted it in the books. The lawmaker as a result had boxes of straws sent to his office.
  17. Absolutely! In Japan a canteloupe costs $60-$100 US . They are meant to be given as gifts. Sorry, not giving anyone a $100 piece of fruit. I can see some fruit puns coming soon.
  18. Probably true. It's not so much paying less that intrigued me but more the self entitled attitude people have about expecting tips in America. How often do we hear about some millennial posting on FB about not receiving a tip.
  19. From some of the restaurant in the SF Bay Area it seems to be mixed results. Though they are upfront about it the sticker shock to see the prices on the menu is a turn off. In San Francisco there is a 2.5percent health surcharge which is supposed to go to paying medical benefits for employees but a study found that employers were not putting it towards that but instead kept much of it.
  20. It's the Spirit Airlines approach. The base rate looks good but after adding on the fees for every little thing it ends up costing just as much and end up walking away frustrated and upset .
  21. Yes, understand your point. I know they have tried it in some restaurants, basically tacking on a service fee. I know the mentality of America does not quite work that way. There is a Korean restaurant near me that is known for yelling at people for not tipping at least 10percent and saying that minimum.
  22. So I recently came back from Japan where you don't tip...for anything. Well, at least not your standard things. Having been in the restaurant and on some tours I came to appreciate a society that actually looks down on tipping. At one restaurant a customer kept calling over a waitress and actually felt bad for her but yet each time she came over with a cheerful attitude, knowing full well she would not get any extra money for it. From what I understand even if you try to tip they may refuse as it comes across as you are paying them for what is expected from them anyway. US is completely opposite where you would be called out or looked down with scorn for not tipping. How different things would be if we all shared the attitude of I will do my best and be pleasant because that is what is expected not to earn extra tip.
  23. I agree that M4M is useless now and has been for a while at least for us on this board. But even before they became so sterile, I disliked them because of all the fake masseur the site actually put up to lure you into buying photos of masseurs that didn't even do massages but just to get you to buy photos. You never knew who was actually a masseur or who was a pay to to view ad.
  24. Have not really been following this thread. Just glanced over this just now. I am Asian and have never felt the need to disclose that in any situation. I have encountered the looks, being called ching ching Chinaman, had people make squinty eyes in front not me. Yup, all that. But who cares. Life goes on, move on and don't dwell on it. Perhaps the person is prejudice, naive, undereducated but either way, I don't dwell on it. Maybe it may bother me a bit but as long as I am not physically assaulted ( which I never have) then just move on.
  25. He has been talked about plenty, do a search for Roman. Though there is often a debate about whose who between Roman and Alex as they are twins and apparently have differing boundaries.
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