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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. You're welcome @Strafe13. I'm glad I could help. @VeryHappyCustomer, I've found over the decades that my wife finds me amusing and endlessly entertaining. A happy wife = a happy life in my not too humble opinion.
  2. Looks vaguely familiar but I could be imaging things since y'all primed the thread with the suggestion that his pics were posted elsewhere. None of them came up in basic searches. The number is a VoIP number using a Clark County, Nevada area code and it's flagged as "not safe" but that was over a year and a half ago, so it may not be related to him.
  3. What a great thread that's well worth discussing. Since I try to stay very discreet myself, I go to great lengths to minimize my possible exposure. I try to return the favor to escorts I meet. Since I do vet each and every escort I meet, I have run into escorts who after basic vetting, are revealed. Generally, and probably because I'm always looking out for people (my wife calls me a control freak), I ask them if they are discreet like me or if they don't care about being publicly known as an escort. Most of the guys I see say they're very discreet. If they say that, I give them a heads up about how closely related they are online when they use pics from their Instagram or the same cell number or whatever. Some guys say I'm a stalker or weirdo, but most thank me and ask for advice on being more discreet. Your mileage may vary. Every culture has different expectations about privacy and discretion.
  4. Tom Welling: http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/8889/44156416.gif
  5. The Game: (doesn't it look edited or photo shopped? ) Jay Z:
  6. Haha! I actually bought some bitcoins years ago kind of as a joke when they were incredibly inexpensive and promptly forgot about them. Converting them back to dollars was a "joy" and is getting even more difficult so for those who want to dabble, the ETF is the way to go, but yes, watching it requires either "balls of solid iron" as you said or an ability to take whatever comes without stress. The VIX wins were awesome because I've been trying to figure out how to really boost our returns (2 more future Trojans to pay for) so betting on market stability seemed worth a shot.
  7. It looks like some people are talking about different things. One factor is who manages your investments. Do you have a personal advisor, use one of the big firms like Fidelity, or do it yourself? Also, there are the automated investment "advisors" like WealthFront. The other factor is what do you invest in? Stocks? Bonds? Mutual Funds? ETFs? Commodities? Currencies? REITs? and on and on. Historically, it's generally smart to be diversified with your diversification varying based on your risk tolerance, age, plans, health, and life goals. We've done very well for many years with the guy who manages about 90% of our investment portfolio. The remaining 10% has done insanely well because the experimental investments have been crazy good. Sometimes things don't work out, but this year, we've done incredibly well with Bitcoin and Inverse VIXs, more than doubling our money in the last year. But, I suspect the VIX ride may end this year or so if volatility returns. If you're curious about ETFs, check out these links for a place to start: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exchange-traded_fund https://money.usnews.com/funds/etfs
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nico_Tortorella My wife started watching Younger awhile ago. She's thrilled about all the cuddle time and post show activities since I've enjoyed watching it too, largely due to this beautiful man. http://www.towleroad.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Screen-Shot-2016-11-29-at-1.19.09-PM.png http://ll-media.tmz.com/2016/10/18/nico-tortorella-photos-07-480w.png http://cdn02.cdn.justjared.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/nico-calendar/youngers-nico-tortorella-goes-shirtless-for-new-calendar-02.jpg
  9. While [uSER=9945]@funguy[/uSER] already corrected @lainent's false assumptions about cold sores, let's expand a little since these issues apply to anyone who engages in unprotected anal sex and ass to mouth activity. There are other infectious agents that can cause cold sore-like symptoms. Herpangina is a painful mouth infection typically caused by coxsackievirus or sometimes echovirus. These viruses can be found in GI tracts, which is why I mentioned ass to mouth activity. These viruses can be transmitted to the mouth by rimming or by sucking a cock that fucked ass without a condom. Fortunately, these infections are usually destroyed by the body in a week or two, but they can reoccur too. Aphthous stomatitis is a pretty common condition where benign and noncontagious ulcers form in the mouth, on the tongue, and possibly lips. In the USA, a common term is "canker sore." They usually heal on their own in a week or two and reoccur for a variety of unknown reasons. Learn what they look like and know if you have them. Stomatitis is an inflammatory condition of the mouth and lips with or without ulcerations. This is a general term that covers many specifics conditions that all fit within its definition.
  10. I'm curious, why? Given the false positive rates for the tests, why get tested if you've never had symptoms? Do you suspect you're an asymptomatic carrier?
  11. And [uSER=9945]@funguy[/uSER] ninja replied and beat me.
  12. HSV-1 and HSV-2 are for life. Once you're infected, they're always there and the virus is always being produced, but your body's immune system has reached a point where it can mostly manage it so long as you aren't under too much stress. That's possibly why sores appear, an infected patient's immune system is overly stressed. As @OliverSaks said, a person with HSV-1 or HSV-2 shouldn't assume they're only contagious when they have sores. Microscopic sores are nearly always there, just not visible to the eye, and producing virus particles for transmission. This is part of the reason why such a large percentage of the population is infected. http://www.webmd.com/genital-herpes/herpes-tests#1
  13. I'm sorry your friend experienced that. Nearly every modern drug has serious side effects for very smaller percentages of the population.
  14. @adventurous old guy, no. You may be one of those people who're completely asymptomatic. As the CDC says, most people who have HSV-1 or HSV-2 don't have symptoms. Read the CDC page about it and screening for more info. It's below. https://www.cdc.gov/std/herpes/screening.htm
  15. http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/news/20130423/deadly-meningitis-cases-worry-gay-community http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-meningitis-lgbt-20160707-snap-story.html
  16. AZT at too high a dose leads to anemia. It's easy to diagnosis and treat. The far larger issue in the 80s--medically speaking--was how frequently AZT was used as a standalone treatment for far too long. The cocktails and careful dosage management was the critical key that has so far made HIV/AIDS a manageable and livable disease for those who can afford healthcare and the meds. Numerous other studies examined the effect of zidovudine [AZT] monotherapy at various doses and in patients at various stages of HIV infection throughout the late 1980s and early 1990s.8 9 10 11 12 13 A meta-analysis of 15 of these trials by the HIV Trialists’ Collaborative Group published in 1999 confirmed these controversial findings of the Concorde Study - that zidovudine does not increase a person’s chances of AIDS-free survival in the long-term, although it does reduce rates of disease progression in the short-term. However, these studies revealed that adding another NRTI delayed both disease progression and death, paving the way for combination therapy in the treatment of HIV infection.14 [taken from aidsmap link below] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3299090 http://www.aidsmap.com/Effectiveness/page/1730905/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2013/12/10/what-dallas-buyers-club-got-wrong-about-the-aids-crisis/?utm_term=.a0ab34df9015
  17. I'm sorry your friend had the experience he had, but my perspective varies a bit from yours @loverboy95. As I have said in many other posts about the STD/STI topic, escorts are a high-risk population. Men who have sex with men are a high-risk population. Any sexual contact without condoms is less safe than that same contact with condoms. Remember, we're talking about a very high risk population. Lastly, many men are frequently asymptomatic. So for bugs like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis that gestate quickly, it's easy to see how someone who sleeps with even just one client a day, can easily be transmitting them in a week or two between their monthly STD/STI testing schedule. I believe escorts have professional responsibilities to be upfront and honest about their STD/STI status. I also believe they should be tested frequently and use safer sex (all vaccines, PReP, and condoms) when they are sexually active. But, I'm well aware they're human beings, so they probably sometimes lie just like all of us and probably aren't very consistent about their medications, or consistent in their sexual protections. That's just human nature. We all make mistakes. At the end of the day, each of us is the final arbiter of our health and whoever we have intimate contact with. If we decide to engage in sexual contact with an escort, we should educate our self of the risks and plan accordingly. HIV is a real risk. It's manageable at this time if you have money and health insurance. PReP even allows someone to go without condoms and be safer regarding HIV transmission than having sex without PReP. Condoms are still recommended even with PReP if you want the safest sex available for HIV transmission. HPV is a real risk too, even more so than HIV because so many people are infected with at least one HPV strain, but the vaccine provides decent protection from the cancer-causing strains if you get the vaccine before you've been exposed to those cancer-causing HPV strains. Even with the vaccine, you would be smart to use condoms because there are hundreds of strains of HPV and it transmits easily via unprotected anal, oral, and vaginal sex. Hepatitis is another real risk. Get the A & B vaccine as those are the most likely for transmission in sexual activity. Condoms are the best way to protect against Hepatitis since there are multiple strains and only vaccines for two of the most common. Chlamydia is easily transmittable via anal, oral, and vaginal unprotected sex. It's still treatable. There are theoretically resistant strains, but I haven't seen reports of these strains in the wild. Condoms are the only way to protect against chlamydia. Also remember that chlamydia is able to create localized colonies in the anal cavity or throat; so regular comprehensive STD/STI testing including anal/throat swabs is important. Without the swabs, it's possible to test as completely clean and still have localized infections that are readily transmittable via unprotected intimate contact. Gonorrhea is easily transmittable via anal, oral, and vaginal unprotected sex. It's still treatable but there are strains in the wild that are resistant to all known treatments. Condoms are the only way to protect against gonorrhea. Also remember that gonorrhea is able to create localized colonies in the anal cavity or throat; so regular comprehensive STD/STI testing including anal/throat swabs is important. Without the swabs, it's possible to test as completely clean and still have localized infections that are readily transmittable via unprotected intimate contact. Syphilis is transmittable via anal, oral, and vaginal unprotected sex. It's still treatable but there are strains in the wild that are resistant to all known treatments and at least one of these is spreading among men who have sex with men in America. Condoms are the only way to protect against syphilis. Meningitis has had some outbreaks in the men who have sex with men community in at least one large American city. Get the vaccine and again, condoms are your best bet for safer sex.
  18. That makes sense @BigRic. I must admit, his Daddy reviews certainly have me curious and muscles aren't a fetish of mine. Given his stats, it's completely reasonable for him to modify his RM pics somewhat to disassociate with his professional/personal life since he's undoubtedly discreet about his escorting.
  19. The facts in this situation are very clear and indisputable, which is probably why United settled generously and secretly instead of a drawn out public legal case that would've been terrible PR, established a hard precedent, and likely resulted in a much bigger payout. If you don't believe me about how blatantly United violated their own Contract for Carriage, then read this clear write-up from a lawyer: http://nationallawforum.com/2017/04/14/united-airlines-dr-dao-contract-carriage/ If you want a deeper analysis that further explains how badly United screwed up: http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2017/04/united-passenger-removal-reporting-management-fail.html And another analysis by a libertarian business guy who also agrees United violated their own Contract for Carriage: https://thefederalist.com/2017/04/11/did-united-airlines-violate-its-own-contract-by-forcing-that-passenger-off-the-plane/
  20. Thanks. I've seen those pics many times on bp and cl because he advertises in OC frequently. I've never contacted him, but if they're all him, he's a guy who's done massage and more for at least a year or more.
  21. That ad isn't listed anymore, so either he was just in LA for a quick few clients or he deleted it for some other reason.
  22. I wasn't offended. Terms like "keyboard justice worrier" are just an attempt at gaslighting, which is frequently bully or troll behavior. That's the only reason I mentioned it. What strangers think of me doesn't offend me since they don't know me.
  23. @MGTOW_Tx, "whore" isn't the only out of line thing you said. You also used the term "bitch" to refer to all women, falsely accused the video creators of expressing "disgust for men" and "trying to shame men for being a man," and you're now attempting to belittle me as a "keyboard justice worrier." If you truly are not a troll, please stop behaving in a trollish manner. Rational considerate men do not paint whole groups of people as "bitches" or "whores" or make completely false accusations. I completely agree, you're welcome to your opinions, but so am I and I will not stand by silently while any group of people is verbally assaulted online or in person. Yes, the word "manspreading" is freighted with baggage, but men still occupy a privileged position in our patriarchal society and to argue otherwise is simply false. I support equal rights for all human beings but I also recognize that our society has deep structural baggage that continues to oppress women, people of color, and everyone who's poor. There are many in the "men's rights movement" who are deeply sexist. I'm not accusing you, I'm simply stating an opinion after researching a great deal about "men's rights" over the years. Yes, there are real legitimate issues that men face nowadays, but much of "men's rights" is overblown and extremist based on "fake news" about some imagined feminist conspiracy.
  24. @MGTOW_Tx, are you intentionally trying to be provocative or are you a troll? Each of the following 3 posts by you have deeply sexist and misogynistic language in them. Why? Please dial down your woman-hating. Nothing in the article or video has anything to do with "manspreading." And even if they did, what's with the hostile language? What?! There's nothing in the article or video that expresses "disgust for men" or tries to "shame men for being a man." Unless, you're suggesting sexual harassment and assault are part of being "a man?" Because if that's your argument, you're full of BS. Real men treat women with respect and consideration. We don't need to or want to abuse them, harass them, or assault them. We recognize they are human beings just like us and deserve equal consideration and treatment. "Whores?!" Are you kidding? You must be a troll. There are no reliable statistics one way or the other. As statisticians say, these are "dark numbers" because our society is terrible about tracking, report, and measuring sexual harassment and assault, let alone the number of those reports that may be retracted for a whole host of reasons. Further, we know from decent studies that sexual harassment and assault are grossly under-reported because women--and men--who are victimized face crazy hostility and disbelief from people like you.
  25. I'm a polite kinda guy. It's how I was raised.
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