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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. I refer to my earlier post for my advice. It depends on your physical anatomy, who you're with, and how you feel.
  2. Too true, just look at your leather boot pic.
  3. According to the UK's Independent they are first year students at the Ulyanovsk Aviation Institute. And they were remaking a similar video done by Apparently, they were going to be punished severely, including possible expulsion, but the whole SatisfactionChallenge was a national protest response that succeeded in forcing the Russian government and the school administration to back down.
  4. I saw my daughter watching this and asked her about it. Her response, "daaaad, it's been around FOREVER." I apologize if y'all have already seen it. They can be my aircrew any day of the week. http://www.pinknews.co.uk/images/2018/01/youtube-Aleks-Jigurdinski-11-crop_640x345_acf_cropped.jpg http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2018/01/16/russian-air-cadets-in-trouble-after-scantily-clad-twerking-video-goes-viral/ The video is at the bottom and worth watching!
  5. Communication expectations and standards shift over time. We have been in a cultural shift for a few years now where things like "ghosting" are more common. But, who knows? Life happens. He could've been arrested. In an accident. Changed his mind about escorting. Found an exclusive sugar daddy. Won the lottery. I agree with @azdr0710 and @MikeyGMin. A call will probably not be answered. Texting is your best bet. Be calm, professional, and just say you're trying to confirm an appointment and if you don't hear back, you will make other arrangements.
  6. My massage dollars go mostly to therapeutic work when I need a massage. I maybe only buy an erotic massage a couple times a year. I have my short list of qualified professionals who I see for my issues and an even shorter list for when I hire erotically. There seem to be a substantial number of massage providers in the LA area and it doesn't seem to change very much. I suspect the market is saturated and it's difficult for any customer looking for erotic massage so they stick with the known providers. I also know some forum members have favorites in the area that they don't name. Presumably because those providers have asked for discretion. I wouldn't call it stale so much as a fully developed and mature market.
  7. And that's exactly why I believe Oliver in the movie much more than Oliver in the book. My wife and I enjoyed the book and the movie, but we both felt the book didn't read as well. The relationship between a 24 year old and a 17 year old probably wouldn't be as conflicted or complicated as suggested unless Oliver was from a very conservative family, which would make his academic choice strange because such families tend to push their kids toward professional degrees unless they're rich enough to indulge their kid's flights of fancy. I think the casting of Hammer really works because Oliver as a 30-something makes the hesitation and internal conflict believable while also turning the relationship into something legitimately challenging or questionable given the age difference, especially in the early '80s.
  8. It's not silly in the least. Who wants to help anyone objectify their own kids? Only a weird creep would do that, like 45 for example. Besides, you come across as a remarkably thoughtful, funny, and intelligent man. All very sexy characteristics that I imagine your sons have attempted or will attempt to emulate as they grow up. Throw in a uniform or two and you've got a recipe for overwhelmingly devastating hunkyness.
  9. Thanks for the update. The rarity of redheads tends to make them quite popular with whoever they're into because everyone likes rarity and there's something very compelling about very light skin tones with freckles and red hair. There's no need to describe your kids. I wouldn't. I can objectively say mine are healthy and probably appealing to many, but I was there when the diapers were disgusting, when they threw up while sick, freaked out about something, or melted down when they didn't get their way. There's something about seeing someone throw a tantrum that puts it all into perspective. I'm proud of my kids and wish them many hot, healthy, and safe times. I just don't want to think about it. Once in a great while, I regret our completely open "safe space" free range parenting. Some of the things I've discussed with my kids and their friends, a parent probably shouldn't have to think about or explain. But, that's what I signed up for so it's my life.
  10. I have really enjoyed reading so many thoughtful and supportive replies to this thread by @cautious. For me, I would say, you did nothing wrong. I wouldn't even think of it as a "mistake." You were authentically you. Yes, you may have "crossed a line" with an escort, but this experience has offered you an opportunity to learn something about yourself, this "hobby," and how you want to react and move forward. You may never know why he stopped communicating and honestly, it does not matter. It's your reactions, emotions, thoughts, and actions that matter. Take care of yourself. Lick your wounds. Heal. Learn. Grow. You sound like a sensitive thoughtful guy. I'm sure you'll be fine and have plenty of fun interesting future experiences.
  11. Having child porn will do that, hopefully. We'll see after he's served his time.
  12. Cuddling, like kissing, can be very intimate and personal. I'm sure some escorts would be fine with it, but I imagine some definitely won't be open to it. Your best bet is to ask upfront for what you want and see what they say. Or, if you're in a big city, you can check out some of the cuddle sites out there. I have no experience with either of these. They just came up after a quick search. https://www.cuddlecomfort.com/ http://thesnugglebuddies.com/
  13. This hits very close to home. Blaze was a smart kid. He had a bright future. Sam, sadly, was born into the wrong family. When conservative families raise their children with impossible demands, something is irreparably broken, and frequently great pain and anger take root. In this case, a thoughtful young man lost his life because he misjudged his former "friend" and went with him when he never should've been in that car.
  14. Please stop asking for his instagram. If he wanted his public instagram associated with his side-gig in muscle worship, he'd mention it in his RM profile. The first basic search I did found it, so there're plenty of clues on his profile. Please have some discretion.
  15. @DJla, a purely professional therapist would never allow their genitals to get anywhere near a client's body, beyond a true accident, such as a client moving an arm unexpectedly. What you describe OP, has already crossed multiple lines. Cheers to you for finding someone who actually knows massage, gives you a good massage, and is apparently more than willing to cross multiple lines to tease/entice you.
  16. I see it all the time in the gyms in and around Newport. It's pretty easy to tell by body language alone when a trainer is sleeping with a married female client. There are also the rumors that fly around different social circles. I know two couples in our neighborhood where they have an "understanding" because one of them travels nearly all the time for work. Hell, I actually know 3 couples, when I include my situation. I don't know about the "paying for sex part." After all, if he's straight and she's hot, there's attraction that may overcome other concerns. Similar to when two gay guys meet. How many times have we seen hot young gay guys post something on CL about what they're looking for, but the "generous" don't have to meet those criteria? It probably varies though. I've been told about a massage therapist at a very high-end OC resort who sleeps with his married female clients if they book his $500/hr massage. His boyfriend told me about it. So it does happen, but you're probably right that men might be more generous if only because the trainer's "lack of interest" must be overcome.
  17. I'm with @sniper. The stats in the USA are incredibly worrying and point to how inequality has created a looming crisis. Tens of millions of Boomers will have to literally work until they drop dead because they can't afford to retire. Some GenX will too. Many Millennials as well. https://www.fool.com/retirement/2017/02/04/retirement-in-2017-5-stats-everyone-should-know.aspx We are fairly strict with our savings efforts. We maintain an "emergency fund" separate from our retirement funds. We have budgets and generally stick to within 10% of them except in extreme situations.
  18. I've known two trainers over the last decade who use sex to sell. They both identify as straight but focus their marketing on bi and gay men in the area and they use their bodies and friendly banter to tease/motivate their clients. As far as I know, they do all of this because it's very profitable and they avoid the temptation of the married housewives who like to sleep with their trainers. It makes sense to0 because they don't want the hassle of being attracted to a flirty female client plus the trainer's girlfriend/wife would kill them if they cheated on them.
  19. This may be one of my favorite press pics for these two. They're still channeling their characters in it. http://famewatcher.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/timothee-chalamet-gay-in-life.jpg @jjkrkwood's pic above looks to me like they're tired or uncomfotable, probably of the same questions over and over again.
  20. You're welcome! If you try Moneyspire, please share your thoughts and experiences with the forum.
  21. Moneydance and Moneyspire are both on Mac and don't use subscription models.
  22. Mint isn't the same as Quicken. Mint was a competitor in its early years, but after Intuit bought it, it's now essentially a Quicken Lite. https://www.mybanktracker.com/news/mint-vs-quicken-personal-finance-apps-compared Personal Capital isn't even close to Mint in sophistication and features, but it's promising. I hope it develops into at least a match for Mint in 2018. I use both Mint and Personal Capital. Mint is more flexible than Personal Capital but not as robust as Quicken. I think the closest to a Quicken competitor out there is maybe Moneydance or Moneyspire, but I haven't used either so I can't speak to them based on personal experience. Moneyspire even promises to never create a subscription service "like some companies." http://moneydance.com/ https://www.moneyspire.com/ Some reviews: https://www.techjunkie.com/best-quicken-alternatives/ https://investorjunkie.com/34932/quicken-alternatives/
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