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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. You're welcome @Lance_Navarro. @josh282282: Respectfully, when I read your reply, I felt it was defensive, especially since his comments weren't explicitly directed at you personally. In general, I agree with @latbear4blk. These kinds of things are a spectrum not an on-off switch. You may be much further along in tackling your internal biases--which speaks highly of you and your therapist--but everything I've read and experienced leads me to believe it's not possible to completely eliminate our internalized fears. All we can do is "turn down the volume" and reduce the "power" they have over us. By developing awareness, we can adjust our thinking and actions so that our fears don't impair us or negatively affect us and our relationships. Anyway, it's hard to talk about this stuff. It makes me personally uncomfortable sometimes to process such heavy topics in only a textual exchange because it lacks the vast majority of cues our species use to communicate.
  2. @Lance_Navarro, thanks for bringing this topic up. It's always worth discussing our internal biases because raising awareness helps us unpack them and hopefully put them away for good. By the way, hemophobia is a fear of blood. I'm guessing whatever autocomplete/spellcheck used may have some internalized homophobia. We all have internalized bigotries. It's impossible to be human and not have some because of our lovely biology. The key is being aware of them so we can respond accordingly. I know I have some internalized homophobia that centers around stereotypical "fem" representation. I have a real thing for "masculine men." Exploring that interest and trying to understand why I feel that way and how it manifests has given me years of self-reflection.
  3. Who is this? He's stunning. I'm mesmerized by his torso. The work looks beautiful and fits thematically. I want to explore every inch of that beautiful man because of his ink. EDIT: Nvm. I found him. He's a Spanish model named Victor nuñez: https://www.litmind.com/283620
  4. I agree with this assuming the client and escort had enough of a planning conversation about the session that they both had similar expectations. If the escort knew he was going to be on a multihour "date" that involved hanging with friends of the client and agreed to do it for whatever compensation he negotiated, then he should've fulfilled the agreed upon role or informed the client when he felt unable to do so.
  5. I'm not on the bandwagon necessarily. I've not hired him. I just shared the link since people were mentioning Clark without one.
  6. https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/clark_massage.shtml
  7. I agree 100% with that last sentence. Thanks. I try. At the risk of being labeled "irrelevant pseudo science," what you're describing are two experiences where the complex cultural factors of our species layer onto our lovely biological factors. These firemen "in their uniform" present a stereotypically masculine "hero" image that enhances their inherent appeal. If they were also physically attractive (height, deep voices, facial hair) then of course everyone's eyes were on them. The same goes for the "big hulking guys" at the NFL combine. That's what makes the whole argument fascinating. Our species from an evolutionary perspective does not have an "Alpha" as traditionally understood in other species, but we clearly have some cues that culturally read as "confidence" or "naturally assuming control." There are cultural and possibly biological "keys" to "command/leadership" and in Western culture, they overlay with our stereotypical "Alpha." For me, I'm with @Rudynate, an Alpha that catches and holds my attention "feels entitled to...and naturally assumes control." The funny thing about our species, depending on contextual cues and the situation, healthy individuals shift between "Alpha" and "Beta" roles and positions with some fluidity.
  8. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/head-games/201412/are-alpha-males-myth-or-reality https://www.theguardian.com/science/brain-flapping/2016/oct/10/do-alpha-males-even-exist-donald-trump The concept of a human "alpha male" is disputed and inconclusive based on our current understanding of our species. But, as a sexual fetish, it's exciting to me. My interests tend toward the stereotypical and were probably influenced by growing up around many military men who were stereotypically masculine. I like confident somewhat quiet men who "take what they want." Body hair is appealing. "Swagger" works well to catch my eyes. Tattoos do too, probably because of their historic roots in multiple cultures as "rights of passage" and also adoption by military over the years for similar reasons.
  9. Haha. You're right. I was cut-n-pasting rapidly to try and respond while between clients. I'll update that and keep looking, because now I'm curious given many conversations I've had with MTs over the years. Interestingly, if you look at California's state law that established state-wide certification, it limited what cities and counties are able to regulate. I think it's essentially saying they can't interfere in the scope of practice and they mention draping. http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201320140AB1147 (4) Impose client draping requirements that extend beyond the covering of genitalia and female breasts, or otherwise mandate that the client wear special clothing.
  10. Sounds like he needs some customer service training.
  11. It is not Federal as far as I know. Massage is regulated state by state and even some cities and counties have regulations too. Also, I believe the national professional organizations and the national standard testing body also have a "code of ethics" or professional standards that each person signs and is supposed to uphold to grow the profession. Here's from the regulations for a city in the State of California: 5.40.070 paragraph M: The patron’s genitals, pubic area, anus, and female patron’s breasts below a point immediately above the top of the areola must be fully draped at all times while any employee of the business or establishment is in the massage therapy room or cubicle with the patron. No massage therapy shall be provided to a patron that results in intentional contact, or occasional and repetitive contact with the genitals, anus, or areola of a patron. Here's the relevant part of New York's: the provisions of Section 29.1(b)(5) of this Part prohibiting immoral conduct shall apply in the practice of massage therapy. Massage of genital areas and massage of a client who is not properly draped for massage, or by a massage therapist who is not properly dressed, shall be considered immoral conduct; It looks like Texas allows draping to be optional for adults if it's in writing and client consent is clearly documented. The exception is for minors, who must be draped. Here's a link to all the other states. Feel free to check the states relevant to you. Maybe they don't explicitly mention draping like many big states seem to do. https://www.abmp.com/practitioners/state-requirements Last year in Alaska a MT was fired and charged because of his "inappropriate contact and poor draping." And here's a site that discusses accusations against other MTs and how risky it is for MTs to work undraped, because all it takes is one client complaining to lead to problems. http://www.massagetherapistaccused.com/ Here's an article from that same professional organization talking about draping and how nowadays it's pretty much the national standard. Thanks for asking about this topic. I'll try to clarify my comment above. http://www.massagetherapy.com/articles/index.php/article_id/1772/Draping:-Uncovering-A-Touchy-Subject
  12. I love tattoos and a well inked man with facial hair and some body hair on his chest and abs and I'm a goner. Piercings are not acceptable to me accept maybe well done ears, but even that starts to be too much. I'm ok with very well done prince alberts so long as they're not too big. But, that's it for me.
  13. A good therapist can drape and undrape an area very quickly and some spas are very strict about blankets because the sheets are sheer or any number of other reasons. Plus, if you're actually interested in a therapeutic effect, keeping the soft tissues warm is critical to achieving certain outcomes. But, we're all on this website for erotic/friendly/fun activities, so I'm not surprised many don't like blankets. Also, every professional code of conduct I've read for massage in the USA specifies proper draping, but on sites like massuerfinder, the majority aren't trained practicing therapists. A professional massage therapist will almost certainly have signed one or more professional codes of ethics and conduct that included proper draping. But, again, on sites like massuerfinder, it's mostly amateurs providing bodywork with extras. There's nothing wrong with that if a living can be made, everyone has fun, and no one is hurt or injured. I'm a stickler on this one because men are a minority in massage and in my limited knowledge, they get only "1 strike" and they're fired if an employer learns they're doing anything inappropriate. Since this thread was about a real therapeutic massage, I felt it important to be firm about this because we're talking about someone's living, license, and possibly even criminal record if it all goes wrong. If you really want undraped therapeutic massage, go to many different countries on Earth. We're prudes in the USA.
  14. In the USA, draping is frequently required by law. Check your local regulations because massage is regulated at the state and sometimes county and city levels. Any actually certified/licensed massage therapist who fails to drape, may have their certificate/license revoked, lose their job, or even face charges if they're caught. It all depends on where they work.
  15. I'm a big fan and admirer of good tattoos on male and female bodies. I've been known to worship a beautifully inked body in a way that's probably familiar to muscle worshipers who kneel at the altar of muscle.
  16. Don't we all? The risk, the excitement. It's a great time!
  17. By trying them out and seeing what sort of experience you have with them. The website is already suggestive and less professional than truly professional massage websites, but there are some actual therapists on sites like massuerfinder. It all just depends on what you're looking for and also how y'all interact with each other. If there's a vibe/chemistry, even truly professional massage therapists can be tempted. They're human too.
  18. It's all about risk tolerance and yes, gains aren't real until they're realized by selling for more than was paid. The market seems to be based on a few huge themes: significant influx of foreign investors, record-setting profits in many industries, a promised massive tax cut (worth about $6 trillion/10yrs right now), and the presumed repatriation at a special low-rate followed by large stock-buybacks & dividend hikes.
  19. Well, today was unexpected. We've sold out of our Bitcoin because the threshold I set was hit for awhile today. I'm incredibly pleased with our gains this year, which are now real because we've finally realized them. This leads me to another "investment lesson:" gains (and losses for that matter) are not real until they're realized. In other words, you can be worth millions "on paper," but until you actually sell your positions and get the money, the gain isn't real. It's just a number on a screen.
  20. Definitely. That's the advantage of youth. Time to take risks.
  21. Exactly. Budgeting and planning make all the difference.
  22. I'll tell you what I've told my kids. Feel free to do with these words whatever you wish. 1. Life isn't fair and the overwhelming wealth of resources are in the hands of very few. 2. Don't expect anyone or anything to ever care more about you and your future than yourself. 3. In terms of financial topics, know your expenses. Understand what you spend, where, and why. 4. Understand that your time has value. Remember to account for that value regardless of what you're doing. In other words, you have one life, time is the most valuable resource you have, use it wisely. Regarding investments, understand your whole situation first. figure out your expenses and create a budget. There are loads of apps to choose from so make the most of your smart phone. Mint, Personal Capital, and Clarity are some decent places to start to understand your financial situation. Avoid apps like Acorn because the fees take too much of your money. If you already have a decent amount to invest, you might want to check out one of the algorithmic investors: Aspiration, Betterment, OpenInvest, Wealthfront, etc. Save as much as you can without sacrificing too much now. If you want to manage your own investing--helps lower the fees--then you need to do some research. Unless you plan to spend considerable time & energy on managing your investments, start with some good low-cost index funds. If you want to jump into stocks or other financial instruments, do your research! Some "old school classics" that are worth reading to start your investment journey: The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book On Value Investing by Benjamin Graham, Jason Zweig and Warren Buffett One Up On Wall Street: How to use what you already know to make money in the market by Peter Lynch The Future for Investors: Why the Tried and the True Triumph Over the Bold and the New by Jeremy Siegel Rule #1: The Simple Strategy For Successful Investing in Only 15 Minutes a Week! by Phil Town
  23. Lingam is the Sanskrit word for the male organ. It roughly translates into "Wand of Light." In Tantra, an orgasm is not the goal. It's sometimes a side effect though. A true Lingam massage will include manual manipulation of the penis, testicles, perineum, and prostate. Such a session can go on for some time. Like many Eastern massage modalities, a Lingam session would usually be anywhere from 30-120 minutes, depending on the desired meditative duration, the skill of the people involved, and the desired outcome. The video also showed some modified Nuru, the Japanese full body massage style created to provide full body relaxation through compressive stimulation of as much of a client's body as possible. That's why the whole body is used. Sex is not part of it traditionally, but no doubt happens sometimes. These types of massage are illegal in most of the USA because of the genital contact. They're considered a form of prostitution. The only legally operating places I know of are in Nevada at licensed brothels.
  24. Thanks for this thread. I was curious about this guy, but after Mike's comments and the way he was at the beginning of the video shared by Joey, I think I'll pass.
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