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Everything posted by Daniel84

  1. WTF.... I had 58 reviews now I am down to 8... All of my text is gone. This is BS.. at least announce the changes.
  2. LOL..... " Security we have a complicated orderrr" I was trying to use the Gif lol
  3. The site is down again... This is getting annoying
  4. I checked whois.com the site is hosted with godaddy. They don’t have any outages but the site has been offline for 4 hours or so. I wonder what’s going on?
  5. As Photographer myself love this thread.
  6. I have been jipped a few times. I never count money a client gives me I feel it's disrespectful to do in front of a client. As soon as they leave I will count it and if I was given a tip or even if I'm not I always say thank you.
  7. Ok I am sorry but the Photoshop..... I don't care if you 18 your skin is never that soft.. a little too much Gaussian blur
  8. What's crazy is if the reviews are flagged as a masseur we only have one chance. If we allow a review that is suggestive they will take review privileges away from us. I am a numbers guy I keep track of business income every day of the year. I can say with all of these changes since Rentboy was raided my business has dropped 30%. They also increased the price to advertise from 99 a month ( 7 years I advertised on this site) to 277$ I tried Rentmassure but I don't think I booked a client from there yet. 70% of my monthly income is from regulars and repeats. Which I am extremely grateful that I have them
  9. Thank you, It has been over 3+ years since I saw you last. Like a fine wine I matured with age :-)
  10. I am really sorry that I made you wait for me. In the past few years, I have addressed my faults of not always being on time.
  11. I would love if I could see again, I have changed my business practices that I make sure I have an extra 45 min between appointments. Thank you for your time.
  12. Hello guys, This is Danny the massage therapist this thread is about. I guess you learn some things about your Ex-Boyfriend that I didn't know till I started reading some of these threads. I will say a few years ago I wasn't always the most punctual but I would never cancel unless I had a valid reason or I would never flake on clients. I have had my fair share of Flakes; I know that my time and my clients time in not to be wasted. With respect to "Bigvalboy" I don't recall ever flaking on a client and not showing up. Having been a business owner for 9 years that is not how I run my business nor would expect anyone to be treated. If there was a miscommunication I do apologize for any inconvenience it has caused you. I have not been in Fort Lauderdale for 5 years. I hope all of you guys have a great 4th of July and have a great weekend. Your friendly neighborhood Massage Therapist
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