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Everything posted by Skip

  1. Skip

    BesTop in NYC

    I don't think I would agree with him....New York is a great place.
  2. I think he's Lady Gaga's little brother?
  3. Auron looks over 30 and straight. Byron on the other hand looks delightful, knows he's cute, but unspoiled. He's moved to the big city to seek his fortune. Well...that's my read guys.
  4. Skip


    He should post a face...I skip the ones without a face. I know I miss some good guys that are just discreet
  5. He's a decent guy...agreed to do it....and does it so well.
  6. He is a really nice guy that doesn't have another way to support his elevated lifestyle. Conflicted about escorting, but really good in the bedroom. Wants a contemporary not a sugar daddy....but rich ones are hard to find. And these days they can marry each other. Carter is in a bit of a pickle, understand but don't count on him.
  7. Skip

    Gavin Waters

    Well Folks HK....Hell's Kitchen has changed. I kept a weekend place up there for a year...Nice place Mercedes House...1BR $4,500 a month. Place was crawling with working boys.
  8. So you pick up your phone and text him.Then you tell us who live away before we fly or fly him
  9. Skip

    Gavin Waters

    get on a plane, go to Nashville, great town.
  10. Skip

    Gavin Waters

    Looks like he can do that new scene right in your bedroom. Agree on the age part, 38 is closer. BUT....say what you like about hair, ahge, where he lives....he's hot, totally and completely hot!
  11. Skip

    411 Enzo Paris

    Speaking of Enzo....go see The Art of Racing in the Rain. Unlike so many on this Forum, never disappoints.
  12. I wonder if he'll meet my plane....wow
  13. https://rent.men/BRUCE_BECKHAM He's a great guy. Fun to be with and interesting.
  14. I don't know....it could be a blessing sometimes
  15. I have good friend that says in his next life he wants to be born drop dead good looking, dumb as a rock, with a huge dick. Maybe Jack is just that. Meanwhile let's enjoy that he's available.
  16. This one looks like a scam...pictures are to pretty and the guy in them is not thirty. Monaco Monaco? yeah right. So he's jumping off some yacht in Monaco and showing up in NYC for 300-400. I'm not thinking so. I hope the guys that can search on the pictures and find out who he really is...a skill I have not yet acquired.The pictures are pretty though.
  17. Sometimes though...it's just worth it.
  18. Wow, good looking guy. Looks like the college guy on his own for the first time, making ends meet. But then who knows. If I were closer, I'd give him an evening.
  19. I'm with Jomo, I consider it a gift. I saw one guy regularly and paid him monthly rather than per visit. I upfonted him and let it slide a few times. But by that time we were old friends and he was really in need. No regrets.
  20. OK Tasso, stop being such a downer. In all my years of hiring and RENTBOY, RENTMEN , more ads are truthful than not, more nice guys than jerks. The only place I have seen a lack of truthfulness is sexual orientation. Not nearly so many bisexuals as just gay guys that haven't completely come to terms with it. As for gay for pay, well....they want to get paid but it's not really a huge stretch for most of them. Most are nice guys that either enjoy the work, or need the funds. So Tasso, try to be a little more positive. No need to sound like a bitter old queen, life is too short.
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