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Rod Hagen

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Everything posted by Rod Hagen

  1. The only living celebrity I lust after is Colin Ferrel. I'm not fond of his Tigerland days, too young and pretty for me, but I just about dropped dead when I saw him in Crazy Heart and again, even more so, in Ondine (I bet you missed that movie.) ondine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80HzX8UGEKM
  2. In all honesty, Patrick's was (is?) the tightest ass I've ever fucked. God I hope he starts using condoms again, because that hole is not to be believed and I wanna go back.
  3. I didn't say I was the Best, Lucky did. But...I'm pretty fucking good! :-)
  4. RE: "Boy Culture" I don't know which would keep me from fucking X that he says he's straight or that he did a few episodes of Star Treck Enterprise. Neither, probably. -Pee Wee
  5. I did. For what it is, awesome movie. Better than the book, surprisingly, which don't laugh has good mentions from the village voice and NyTimes (as does the movie.) >I didn't.
  6. Dude, these are awswome.
  7. >Looking for any updates in the LA massage scene. Think my >other post got wiped out in the computer crash. >Thanks in advance! Glutes your quote is mis-attributed. It's actually Steve Martin who said that originally (as far as we know.) However did it become attributed to Tom Clancy?
  8. >I recently set up an appointment with Rod and overall had a >positive experience. He claims to give the "best" massage, Good Morning. I claim to be "without compare" when it comes to escorting, and of course that's fairly subjective, but I don't believe any of my ads claim that I am the "best Masseur" in LA. If you find one that does (besides playful posts here of course) please let me know so that I can modify it, because there are many local masseurs who have YEARS of experience over me, and it would certainly be fucked of me to make such a claim. Thanks for the help. RH
  9. >I would agree, Rod is the best masseur in Los Angeles. How do you know? :-) But THANKS!
  10. http://www.thatmall.com/rod/ -Hagen
  11. Congratulations on your recent decision. Ther'es no problem w/part-time escorting. You will even be able to do overnights if you wish. No client was ever upset when I said, before we met, that I'd have to leave at 7am so that I could go to the office. Clients tend to be pretty understanding if you have another job. After all, so do they. Best advice to a new escort is that he reads. Read 1. Aaron's HOW TO guide first as it's the most practical. 2. Read Preston's "Hustling, a gentleman's guide..." which is somewhat out of print, but easy to find, to get a more classical perspective on the biz. 3. Read Ittel's "Consumer's guide to Husters" to become aware of how detestable the worst humans can be, and therefore to be more likely to avoid them. 4. Finish with Aaron's "Suburban Hustler" just so you can keep things in perspective. There are more literary books on prostiturion, but you can get to those later. Then, once you're positive it's for you, get a webapge, easy, avoid AOL, decide immediatly if you're top, bottom, versatile as an escort (I made the wrong choice at first and it was an initaial pain in the ass). Good luck and have fun. Email for more questions: leandream1@rodhagen.com
  12. Rod Hagen


    RE: TLA Thanks boys, it's ordered and on its way. Enjoy your commission Mr. Hoo. -Hagen
  13. Rod Hagen


    I recently finished "Boy in the Sand" about Cal Culver, AKA Casey Donovan. People I know who knew him describe him as a beautiful person, inside and out, and he was a superb prostitute. Since I find him most intersting, and BOYS IN THE SAND is labeled as the first really good porn movie, I have visited many local LA videostores to purchase this film. Everyone in west hollywood is clueless (in more ways than one), and I have had no luck locating it on the interenet either. I have no idea which company produced it in 1971, so I am at a loss and very frusttrated since this is the classic gay porn. Anyone who knows where I can find the original "Boys in the Sand" and not the sequel (called both Boys in the Sand II and Men in the Sand II), please let me know. If you have a copy, perhaps I could purchase it from you. Thank you so much. -Hagen
  14. Oh come on, that was an insightful observation delivered with impeccable timing: the very definition of wit. Are you that sensitive? You resort to equally witty retorts by the end of nearly every post you enter or begin. My fondest memory is the one where you wrote "there being no emoticon for puking" to defend your response to the escort who detailed his experience of hiring an escort. Now THAT was funny, but not necessarily progress. If this is just to upsetting for you, on the other hand, than maybe you should have excersised better judgement and not entered a string about "brainy escorts" since that is not your thing, even though you of course have every right to. I don't know I'm tired of the banter, you too? -Hagen
  15. >And, despite your pretentious claim of >knowing better, I have a >wonderfully warm & loving relationship >with myself. Do you use your left or your right hand for that?
  16. LAST EDITED ON May-22-00 AT 11:38PM (EST)[p]Aaron knows better than to entertain you. I have yet to learn that lesson. So, in his absence, let me know the title of your favorite Umberto Eco novel since "Foucault's Pendulum", and I will post a review for you in a couple weeks (you self-loathing twit). -Hagen
  17. > Compiled languages >are generally taken to be >"higher level" than assembly languages Right, hence the word "assembly". My assemby language code often ran 1000s of lines. At different stages I must have been sending it to some type of "optomizer", like you mentioned, and perhaps lumped it into my very involuntary habit of sending all programs belonging to other languages to the compiler nearly line by line. OR perhaps I did, or could not do, no such thing and that, combined with the girth of the programs, frustrated me so. I'm trying to put that part of Comp. Sci. behind me.
  18. Sorry, my example compeled you to respond early Will. What about my AT reference ignited the flame beneath your feet (hands)? He has some wonderful erotic, and non-erotic, stills. I was in Cambria, his home, this weekend enroute to my first-ever tour of Herst Castle, and stumbled upon one so stark and intriguing, I almost threw down the AMEX so I could bring it home (for an extremely princely some) just so I could study it at length and try to figure out just why it's so fixating. Because this was a recent sighting, I threw it in here assuming he must be integrated into some universities intermediate art courses. You dislike him? I agree that both How and Why are fundamental to a full human experience. And nobody, as Bilbo stated, needs to pit science against art. Yet that is exactly what people do when they dismiss one or the other. Thank goodness we, and the people we are drawn to, are better than that :-) >Call >it what you will, it's >the stuff of great lovers >and, consequently, of great escorts. ...and great clients. These traits are what escorts point to when they hope to differentiate between Hustlers, Prostitutes, and Escorts, linking the intellect and companionship escorts provide to that of Geishas and Courtisans of the past. I stay out of these debates because as stubborn as I was on the straight vx gay issue, leave it to other cynics, like myself, to cling just as stubbornly to a "prostitute is a prostitute" angle. And who can argue with that? Brains are hot. And brains on top of a hot body, are to many, REALLY hot. Others rightly say that they have friends and lovers for debates and/or companionship. They don't need the extra weight of a deep conversation with someone they are paying to titilate them. Different strokes for all the folks. -Hagen
  19. >But let us not >forget that assembly language programs >aren't compiled; they're assembled. >:-) Assembly language programs, i think the most laborious of all languages, can be "proofed" by using the compiler, just as you would do after writing in C, Fortran, Open GL, Pascal etc...
  20. >Folks who have concentrated all of >their learning on one area >are often too focused to >be much fun. Great Post BG. I agree, however nothing can prepare someone for really hard work like rigor. And nothing hardens a persons resolve like watching the sun rise and then set again from your chair in the computer lab while trying to get your Assembly language program to GODDAMN COMPILE. Or being required to spend 8 hours a week in the Organic Chemistry Lab, in addition to the 3-4 hours a day one must spend simply working out the equations. Carl Sagan wrote a wonderful book, which I loaned out and never received so I can not say much about the title except that it had the word "Candle" in it, where he discussed america's often proud ignorance of science and math. From what I observed while in a Economics track in International Relations, I have to agree. Just as so many science students will conspire to take only the barebones of liberal arts courses (shortsighted of course, because as you mentioned a second language and solid writing skills, can be most beneficial), i found that History and English majors were clepping out of chemistry and math, by taking a SPEACH or PHILOSOPHY class that counted. Biology alternatives came with snappy titles like "Earth in the Balance". Do they come out of these classes with any better understanding of the fundamental laws and equations that effect us all every day, such as physics and physiology? No! And the science majors are doomed to life of sports television and beer, because nobody taught them the beauty of Arthur Tress, or inspired them too see the world they would have learned about, had they made the effort, in History and/or Economics class. This, and the poverty involved with being a student, was the most frustrating aspect of Academia. Everybody is too busy focusing. BOTH liberal arts majors and scientice students. Of course the best solution is to double, or tripple (as I did) major. But who has the patience to submit to poverty for that long? Most people feel that education now, is for making money later. The quicker they are out of there, the better. Being an escort while in college is a genius idea and I tip my hat to those young men comfortable enough with themselves to do so. They will make more money than their friends at Starbucks, and be introduced to a world few get to see. All during study breaks. Oh dear, I seem to have appropriated this post. The original question is: You like brainy escorts, is that a turn on? I don't know about that, but brainy clients sure are. -Hagen
  21. LAST EDITED ON May-22-00 AT 03:03PM (EST)[p]Great topic Will. Of course I normally approach Brainy chit chat from a Science, or philosophy of Science angle. Bring up Evolution vs. Creationism, or why global warming is or isn't baloney, and I am INSTANTLY turned on. Unfortunately, here in Los Angeles, the majority of conversations deal with Abs routines, cell phone service, and the "new and exciting stage" someone's screenplay is at. "There's an election coming up? An opportunistically weak Euro? Superstring theory?" "That's well and good, but anyway, after I did 3 sets of 20 crunches, and was moving on to leg lifts, my phone rang, and you know how awful the reception can be in the gym. So anyway, I answered the phone and it was my agent, so I said Hello, and......." SIGH, get me outta here!! Graduate Degrees are perhaps not the most accurate measure of a man, but I have ALWAYS regretted not pursuing mine in one of my fields (Biology, international relations or Engineering). But how could I EVER return to the scrimping and saving of university life? I couldn't. Still I do appreciate them and no surprise, some of the clients I have the Hottest sxperiences are MDs; better yet, MDs who also hold Phd and/or is specialized, that is always a plus. Will, do you find scientists (escorts or not) are often limited in their range of conversation, or do you find Liberal Arts men, such as yourself, to be too sweeping in their claims with very little grasp of specifics to back them (not you of course)? Or neither. Example I just had a client who was a research scientist at UCLA, sounds right up my alley, but all he could talk about was his work. Like so many scientists he had an overinflated opinion of the importance of his work. On the other hand, I also had a client recently, arts and humanity degree, who could not grasp the idea that all objects fall at the same rate! Anyway, LOVE your posts. -Hagen
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