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Posts posted by Golem

  1. After the 4th text from the OP/client...who really knows about what those 4 texts contained?

    This, this, this. Making a decisive judgment about who is at "fault" is silly given how much information we don't have available to us. The OP got some helpful advice for how to make up his own mind about this situation, which is really all that can happen here.

  2. Why do people always blame us

    I really don’t know then why do you keep blaming us

    You guys didn’t blame them so much... Finally we have received much more blaming than anyone.

    No matter what we do or don’t do some particular people will keep blaming:( Even when we did exactly how did they want us to do they kept blaming.

    Probably too much of blaming for the idea of a free intensively growing site for everyone

    the only thing you want is to blame.

    no more conservativism here, just blaming

    However you kept blaming the site (or me)

    Please do not forget that other blaming appeared as well


    ...whatever we do you will keep blaming. You will keep blaming for the things we have already changed based on your opinions, keep blaming for something we have never done...

    new ideas how to blame are still with you... We offered Kevin to help to delete his profile since he keeps blaming us here... use the sites which do the same things you blame us for.

    ...these guys don’t let us go. Their blaiming activity is only increasing. Sorry, but I don’t want to see they blame us in murder in about a week.

    Try leave while haters increase their blaming using your absence.

    Because another blaming have appeared in couple of minutes. I preferred to delete, to answer the new blame and to post again. YOU ARE ALL ABOUT EMPTY BLAMING ACTIVITY...

    SOOO MUCHHH empty blaming from you Lol You post your venom... Then you create another blaming idea and post a new portion of your venom...

    his endless empty venomous paranoid blaming.

    For those who blamed me like why I haven’t deleted my account yet

    ...someone has already blamed us in this thread that we didn’t remove our accounts


    I do not think that word means what you think it means.

  3. Actually, reopening it like 5 minutes later. There was another goodbye message last night less than an hour before the one that was posted overnight; Boomxyz deleted it about 5 minutes after posting it.


    Angel, meanwhile, I will simply note writes in exactly the same style as Boom and SS. *shrug*

  4. Because you kept defending the practice!


    And, no, you didn't say you would take the existing ads down. You said you would use that idea, to ask before making ads public, in the future. Anyway, I'm glad you are now saying you will take them down. I look forward to comparing the provider list in a few days and seeing what has gone away.

  5. Action of what??? Do you have an example that we ever charged somebody?

    By your own admission, you still have profiles up on the site that you created, where you have not gotten a "sure, go ahead" from the provider in question. This is unethical, misleading, and problematic for all the reasons explained in this thread.


    One action that would immediately get me to take you seriously: take all those profiles down. Including the one that a forum member has specifically called out, and also including all the rest. When we see that has happened, that will be evidence of change.


    Instead, you keep defending your choice to put them up in the first place. Just take them down!

  6. You keep repeating the same ridiculous deflections.


    The thing is -- the people reading this thread will make up their own mind based on what they see here.


    All you are doing is missing an opportunity to course correct. Instead you keep digging a hole by defending your choice to implement an egregious practice, and blaming the people advocating for providers' autonomy for disparaging your name.


    *shakes head sadly*

  7. . Escorts we decided to create profiles for received the keys for the profiles. We received “thanks” in return.

    Does this mean that you do not make those profiles publicly available until you receive an affirmative response from the provider in question?


    If not, you don't know that they all "received the keys" -- and in all likelihood, given the reality of email today, many did not.

  8. The escort knows because rentboy sends them an email with an user name and password. With the user name and password they can edit the ad.

    Yeah, this is a good attempt, but unless they get a reply from that escort, they don't know the escort knows. What if it goes into their spam folder? What if it's an old email address? This is why, when you sign up for almost any web site these days -- even discussion forums -- you have to actually click a link in an email they send you to confirm that you got the email. Sending an email to an address you find on another web site doesn't mean anything in and of itself.

  9. In case we decide to create a profile for a person


    Wow, the operators of this site seem tone deaf to some really disturbing practices. Extorting free sessions under the guise of a review, using an insecure infrastructure, and posting ads without the escorts' consent both all show a true lack of judgement. I'm sort of afraid to see what comes out next.

    This. Posting ads without the escorts' consent doesn't just show lack of judgment. It shows that the site is willing to put its own growth ahead of industry members' autonomy and control over their information online.


    Frankly, that should scare providers and clients alike. I too want you guys to succeed, but defending this practice when the problems with it are respectfully brought up seems hard to get past.


    (It's also an incredibly misleading way to advertise -- implying that some providers have decided to trust you and use your services, when in fact they have not.)

  10. Sometimes it seems to me that Boston has the most expensive rent in the US. More expensive than Mnhttn or SF

    Not more expensive than either of those, but definitely one of the next on the list, probably fighting with DC over the #3 and #4 spots.

  11. I'm not the most trusting person out there, so perhaps I'm alone in this, but I am only feeling more uneasy now.


    Tristan, I worked for Rentboy.com, but I didn't rule the company. I will tell you a "secret". Some former Rentboy.com colleagues hate me because we differ in our opinions about everything. They also hate my child Rentboy.pro because they think like "Why me? Why not them?". Well, because my guys and I finally did it while our "friends" were lazy and scared...


    "Love for everyone" -- except your former colleagues. People don't usually "hate" each other just because their opinions "differ" -- let alone publicly criticizing their colleagues on the internet years after they are no longer working together. This is not the kind of thing that kicks a new business off to a good start. I have no idea what the whole story is, but this "secret" doesn't give me confidence.


    I know, you don't like us, Tristan, but we invite you to join Rentboy.pro for free and we are ready to give you a gold status on the site.!


    No doubt this is intended to be a nice gesture -- and I can't think of anyone more deserving of it -- but, nonetheless, this seems sort of emblematic of the problems with this review/verification system, where providers are handled opaquely (and, inevitably, inconsistently), at the discretion of the site operators.

  12. It is very hard to believe that something that is costing in perpetuity is being done altruistically. And even harder when you consider that there are multiple people involved in the site's operations/management.

    Yes, this is the key point. It's not that there is any reason to distrust the site in particular -- there isn't, and indeed several people have vouched for it convincingly.


    @latbear4blk observed at the start of the thread that rentboy.pro has "an aggressive business model" -- which I think must have been in reference to the efforts made to get its name out, bring it up in various threads where it's a slight tangent, etc. I think for me, that is part of what made me assume it would be monetized. It's really unusual to see that sort of repetitive and forceful (but often effective) pavement-pounding approach for anything that is strictly a volunteer effort.


    I was going to suggest to @Boomxyz that somebody just needs to lay out what their goal is with a little more detail, to make it more convincing. While I was typing, @SecretShopper appears to have done something pretty close to that. It's like ask and ye shall receive, except I didn't even have to ask! :cool:


    (That said, between the statement on the website and the various things said in this thread, I now truly have no idea whether we should expect it to start charging sometime, hehe.)

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