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    seaboy4hire got a reaction from Jock123 in Which are you, glass half full or glass half empty?   
    Soak in a nice lavender Epsom salt bath with some candles and relaxing music.
  2. Like
    seaboy4hire got a reaction from + quoththeraven in Which are you, glass half full or glass half empty?   
    If you get a hot tub this wee lil otter would have a warm place to swim and do underwater tricks in. I could keep you entertained for hours.
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    seaboy4hire reacted to jackjackjack in Which are you, glass half full or glass half empty?   
    I can bring the chocolates. Damn, the floor is wet. I hope I don't slip in.
  4. Like
    seaboy4hire got a reaction from craigville beach in Which are you, glass half full or glass half empty?   
    If you get a hot tub this wee lil otter would have a warm place to swim and do underwater tricks in. I could keep you entertained for hours.
  5. Like
    seaboy4hire got a reaction from jackjackjack in Which are you, glass half full or glass half empty?   
    Soak in a nice lavender Epsom salt bath with some candles and relaxing music.
  6. Like
    seaboy4hire got a reaction from ny2222 in Book Forum, Anyone?   
    The Red Fox by Anthony Hyde and P.S. Your Cat Is Dead both fiction.
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    seaboy4hire reacted to JohnGerman in Question on gay companionship abroad, particularly the Caribbeans   
    Some years ago I saw a Charlotte Rampling movie (can't remember the name of the movie) about older European women went to Africa for vacations where they got young local African males for short term boyfriends. It seemed to be a rather established "trade" there and local men eagerly await such opportunities. Social-economic and moral issues notwithstanding, I have also heard there are places around the world similar practices are in place for gay tourists. I thought I even heard this kind of things happen in Dominican Republic or some other Caribbean regions. I wonder if any of you guys have any knowledge or experience on that? Please note we are talking about adult males of legal age, not children! PMs are also welcome.
  8. Like
    seaboy4hire got a reaction from + WilliamM in Book Forum, Anyone?   
    The Red Fox by Anthony Hyde and P.S. Your Cat Is Dead both fiction.
  9. Like
    seaboy4hire got a reaction from + Funguy in Oh lawdy! I got the vapahs!   
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    seaboy4hire got a reaction from craigville beach in Oh lawdy! I got the vapahs!   
    I don't care what the color is, sexy is sexy.
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    seaboy4hire got a reaction from craigville beach in Oh lawdy! I got the vapahs!   
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    seaboy4hire reacted to bigvalboy in Do you get hit (online or in person) by young men?   
    LOL...The trick of course, is to always make them think that they are winning the argument....well at least until after the bill is paid. And always drive separately, so you don't have to listen to them on the ride home.
  13. Like
    seaboy4hire reacted to + quoththeraven in Do you get hit (online or in person) by young men?   
    As a (half)Asian woman, I second this 1,000%. There is research that shows that Asian men are perceived as non-masculine/feminine. (I don't remember the specifics about study participants, but I believe the study was conducted in the US - it was definitely in an Anglophone country - so primarily college-age and almost certainly predominantly white.)
    This perception is related to many things, including Asian men not being romantic leads in movies, Asian men only appearing in niche porn (Van Darkholme works for Kink.com, which may be popular and well-known but is still niche; the only other gay site or studio I know of that features Asian models is Peter; and I've never seen or heard of Asian men in straight porn), and Asians and Muslims being the most stereotyped groups in popular media and culture. (Technically, most of the Muslims so stereotyped are themselves Asian. Food for thought!)
    In popular media/culture, a handful of black and Latino/Hispanic characters - overwhelmingly but not always male - are not stereotyped, and non-traditional casting usually means a black actor in a part not written for a black actor. It hardly ever means an Asian actor in a part not written for an Asian. It may be just as likely for a woman to be cast in a part written for a man, like Sigourney Weaver as Ridley in Alien and out gay woman Kirsten Vangsness as Garcia in Criminal Minds.
    TL;DR: Asian men/escorts are the Rodney Dangerfields of the gay world.
    We need ways of coping personally while acting to change the culture. As BVB says, it isn't helpful for those who are constantly on the receiving end of insults and stereotypes based on immutable characteristics, whether they be race, ethnicity, gender, orientation, or dick size, to become angry or defensive every single time it happens. They need to pick their battles. But sometimes that may mean walking away and avoiding toxic situations entirely.
  14. Like
    seaboy4hire reacted to + Truereview in Do you get hit (online or in person) by young men?   
    SOAP BOX ALERT - TR is about to dump out a lot of random thoughts
    @bigvalboy, great post above, buddy. I think you are hitting on a couple of points that connect: when you face bias or any "isms," point it out diplomatically, sit back, remain cool, don't escalate, and let them squirm. I think this is easier to do when you belong to the same group - i.e. racial group. My assumption is that you and your lawyer neighbors are the same race? If so, naming their behavior and laughing it off is somewhat easier (it still take balls though - so kudos there!). Even if you weren't, you have a certain thing in common (maybe being neighbors?) that gives you the ground to call it out.
    With that said, what I hear in @hunterlee 's post is "cumulative impact" - the emotional weight that builds after the sum of being the recipient of bigotry, racism, discrimination, and/or even subtle bias. It begins to weigh so heavily on the recipient that simply laughing it off actually adds more negative impact - you can't laugh something that is slowly but surely eroding your own identity. To me, posting about it in a safe environment - actually venting your feelings - is a good way for the carrier of cumulative impact to begin to deal with the weight. Sh!t, I'm doing that as I write!
    So how does this connect to being hit on by younger folks? Methinks this situation can also can have a cumulative impact - you may start thinking people your own age or older don't see you as worthy prospect. That could lead to negative feelings and so on. What do I take from all this? Every action has an impact, and being introspective is helpful, yet you also need a peer group (even if anonymous) to fully deal with impact.
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    seaboy4hire reacted to bigvalboy in Do you get hit (online or in person) by young men?   
    Well it is Florida after all, you should expect that...LOL...People seem to forget that once you leave Broward County, you're really deep in the south. You kinda have to expect the racism and bigotry. It goes with the territory, literally. This is only my take, so no letters please, but in LA the racist comments seemed more mean spirited, almost angry, like they wanted to make sure you knew that they hated you, but here, it's hard to explain, it's more 'off-the-cuff' sort of second nature, and people here seem quick to apologize if you are offended, they still mean it, but are somehow surprised if you took them so seriously. (Go figure)
    The other night, my neighbors, both lawyers mind you, insisted that I join them for dinner and drinks, their treat. After the wine started to flow, two of the guys started telling me how Obama was the 'anti-Christ' and that he was personally responsible for all the Muslims who had come here, and he was somehow protecting them, "Think about it" he said, after all, he knew it was true, because he had read it in a book somewhere...well alrighty then... LOL ...I just poured myself another glass of some very pricey wine they had ordered, picked out the most expensive appetizer and told the waiter (very cute by the way) to bring me the filet, medium rare, then proceeded to tell them that they were all crazy, then just sat back and watched as he worked himself into a little tizzy. It was better than going to the theater.
    The point of all of this? Sometimes Hunter you just have to laugh it off. It is what it is. There will always be bigotry and intolerance, and mean-spirited A-holes who make disparaging comments to hurt and insult you, but it's your choice whether or not you allow it to derail your life and happiness. You will never ever change their minds, or convince them of anything other than what they already see as their reality.
    All the best...Oh yeah, and the Boca thing, that's not entirely accurate, we have our share of crazies down here also...
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    seaboy4hire got a reaction from Donpat in Do you get hit (online or in person) by young men?   
    Scratch the right spots and I can purrrrrr lol
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    seaboy4hire reacted to geminibear in Do you get hit (online or in person) by young men?   
    Younger guys not younger gatos
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    seaboy4hire reacted to + Truereview in Do you get hit (online or in person) by young men?   
    Hey sexy...you sure looking muy guapo today....puurrrrrrrrr
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    seaboy4hire reacted to Floyd_Taylor in Do you get hit (online or in person) by young men?   
    I get hit on by younger guys all the time (at my age, on the apps that's almost everyone). According to my stats they have available on Scruff, about 10% of the guys I chat with are between 18-25 and another 20% are between 25-35. There is a daddy culture out there for a lot of young guys. I don't hit on anyone young enough to be my son (basically anyone under 40). But if they contact me, game on. And so last night I played with a 21 year old college student who has been after me for almost a year. The week before it was a 25 year old. But at MAL, it'll be 50 year old with a daddy fetish. So it covers pretty much all ages. And the shirt in my avatar seems to really draw them in too. One of my escorts first told me I'd be really popular as a daddy. I thought he was nuts. I joined Scruff merely to prove him wrong. He wasn't. And one of the sexiest men I know is a forum member in his early 80s. It is a great time to be a daddy. If you are confident and don't buy into this crap about being sexually dead at 40, it's a great time.
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    seaboy4hire reacted to MrMiniver in Do you get hit (online or in person) by young men?   
    I suspect that that has to do a lot with what one means by "out" -- a word I struggle with myself from time to time. For some, being "out" means talking about being gay ALL THE TIME. These people I can't abide. I had a group of younger men (20s) over to my house in the country for a party not too long ago and no matter the topic being discussed one of the guys brought everything back to sex and penises. Heck, if we had brought up terrorism he would have asked about the penis size of the Boston bombers. It was annoying.
    There are "professional" gay men and there are gay men who are "professionals." There's a big difference. There's no question that it's easier to be out and work in the theater or fashion or a university rather than an office or in a bank. But if you're not going around wearing a caftan and talking about your latest fuck I wonder how hard it would be to fit in anywhere? Just asking.
  21. Like
    seaboy4hire reacted to maninsoma in WHEN will rich older guys learn???????   
    I don't understand going for gay for pay in general, but for the sake of argument I will write that I don't think it's fair to put all G4P pornstars in the same boat as someone accused of murder. It's also quite possible that someone could be murdered by a "kept boy" who is gay, and while I don't think anyone is going to find true love and devotion from a guy who identifies as straight, I assume that most of the time the straight guys just take what they can get and then move on. It takes a special kind of evil to purposefully kill someone hoping to inherit all of his assets.
  22. Like
    seaboy4hire got a reaction from Moondance in BIG BUSH: All Natural, Untrimmed, Apolitical!   
    @Moondance you just made my pants tight and wet.
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    seaboy4hire reacted to Moondance in BIG BUSH: All Natural, Untrimmed, Apolitical!   
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    seaboy4hire reacted to + dutchmuch in One can only hope karma eventually catches up with this creep...   
    Speaking of enema water:
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    seaboy4hire reacted to mike carey in One can only hope karma eventually catches up with this creep...   
    If so Greg, it shows what a complete tool Shkreli was to gloat about increasing the price of a drug that was out of patent. He destroyed the ability that the company clearly had to sell it for $13.50. If he had said nothing (and done nothing) noone else would have likely bothered to set up production and eat his lunch.
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