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Kody S

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Everything posted by Kody S

  1. Hey guys... Going to be in Palm Springs soon. Any 411 on these, or another you would recommend? Josh https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/15428/ Justin https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/25284/ Marco https://rentmasseur.com/MarcoCMT Frederick https://rentmasseur.com/Fredrick Thanks Kody S
  2. In my experience, Anthony is a really nice guy and has always provided a great massage. I knew him in Austin before he moved out to LA. I haven’t seen his film, but I can see why the reviews would be what they are both good and bad. But still... great guy in my experience of him.
  3. @nycman and @Bacon Excellent advice
  4. Well looks like we have a winner! I’ll have to give him a try if he ever comes out my way, which is probably never. But if I’m in NY or LA... but those rates? Evade. I don’t doubt he is as good as everyone reports, and I’m sure I’d be about as taken with what he does, but still. And the video... (where’s the delete button?)
  5. Think I’ll pass. It sounds sketchy...
  6. Does anyone have any experience with this masseur who is traveling? https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/euro_masseur.shtml
  7. As we are the paying customers, there’s nothing wrong with negotiating the price if it seems too high. I agree with the $100/hr as a reasonable price. I’ve had some success being respectful but honest: I really would like to try your massage but your rates are a bit more than I can do right now, would you be ok with $x/hr?. Most often they will agree. It’s business. Sometimes masseurs new to the scene need to have some sense of what the market in their area will bear (particularly travelers in non-major cities). Also, my experience is the higher the price the less thé massage skills.
  8. @Dmitri is mostly right and so would agree. If you live in a big city like NY, DC, LA, Chicago Miami area there are enough good stable local guys you don’t need to hire a traveler. But when you live in a city where there aren’t very many at all to choose from locally then travelers become more important. Sorting out the good ones is a trick. So my test on hiring a traveler is where they are from and if they have a good following in that city in the base case. This forum is very helpful with that intel. The best ones (and they are a few) travel because they like to every now and then, but not as a rule. Travelers I‘ve hired « just to see » usually haven’t worked out and have few-to-no skills and cheat you on time. Although an exception would be Alexei who has been much discussed on this site. He was wonderful.
  9. Try Pasha in NYC. He is wonderful all the way around. https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/pasha.shtml
  10. Hey! Try Julian. PM me for details. He is a very nice guy and gives a great massage when he is in Amsterdam. https://rentmasseur.com/massageandmore
  11. Right? That is what I would have expected.
  12. I have used it in my city (not one of the majors) and it was ok but wouldn’t repeat. Certainly nothing exciting and kind of boorish. The guy Soothb sent over arrived in a big van that had the name of his Massage business on the side. Parked in my driveway, it advertised to the whole neighborhood that I was getting a massage. Kinda funny actually but weird and indiscrete. Not doing this. Maybe it is different in other cities.
  13. Also Hunger Grace in Chicago, but his link on RentMasseur is down now. He was amazing.
  14. Best in 2017? Thomas in Paris https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/sanerelax.shtml
  15. Well I can tell you what is not cool (in my opinion) is for the masseur to give you signals through his Massage techniques or the placement of his hands or body that he is willing to do more, only when you respond positively for him to then try to upsell you and ask you for more money. That has been rare in my experience. However on one occsasion, it happened mid-Massage, I declined because I didn’t want that, but the guy continued to give me a hard sell (pun intended). I ended the session, To echo what has already been said, it’s important for both sides to be respectful. To the extent you can negotiate exactly what you like up front that kind of stuff shouldn’t happen (and of course the extra protection is to check on this forum first to see people’s experiences and/or cautions). My experience with most masseurs is far more positive than not.
  16. https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/jaym4m.shtml
  17. I saw him twice. The first time he acted bored and was talking up a storm with the weird questions. I gave it a second shot when he came through my town because I thought it might be different. Nope. Same thing, but this time he acted even more bored.
  18. But yes it is an ethnic reference more commonly understood in decades past as a slur. That, along with other ethnic slurs that I will not voice here have fallen out of common use.
  19. Sounds like a tease... and for that price? No.
  20. The opposite has also been discussed here before I think— when the masseur is really hot and gets nude suggesting the possibility of something more interactive but never goes there, or anywhere close, no MT or body contact. The whole thing winds up being frustrating and feeling like a tease you didn’t ask for. There can be a charge wondering where it’s going, but when it winds up being DIY or just cold as ice... not good. Discussion up front of course helps set boundaries and expectations but that doesn’t always account for all the body “negotiations” that go on during the actual Massage. I find it get gets more complicated than I want.... which is to relax! Lol.
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