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Kody S

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Everything posted by Kody S

  1. Marco: I had a great massage experience with him a few months ago. I know others have suggested his massage was perhaps not the best, but in my experience his masssge was quite good and it went the full 90min, good pressure, thorough, and nice experience. I would repeat.
  2. Stelly is great. Consistently good in my experience.
  3. Hey... try Pasha. I have had consistently great experiences with him with what you are looking for. For me, he is gives a massage that is worth the money. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/6076/
  4. Are you talking about the Brad that lived up in Inwood/Manhattan?
  5. In my experience, the very best masseurs I’ve had who travel use a table. The others who use the bed are a mixed bag. Having said that, the two worst experiences I’ve ever had have been on tables with guys who don’t travel at all. So there you go... lol.
  6. While rare, I’ve had the following happen: A masseur stopped after 40 minutes of a 90 minute session saying he was tired and then proceeded to talk my ear off about this that and the other thing. I paid for 40 min and left. A masseur stopped at 50min of a 90min session saying he really needed to pack up and get on the road. Charged me only for 50min which was ok but sort of a weird situation.
  7. For me, it is frustrating and unprofessional when your masseur doesn’t give you the time paid for. If the fee is $100/hour then you should get the hour. How that hour is structured may vary but that is up to you and the masseur to negotiate or at least be informed about. The very best massage experiences I’ve had include the full time paid for, an excellent massage experience, and no sense of being rushed. Good masseurs who know what they are doing can manage time and client expectations quite skillfully. But granted... things happen, people have bad days, and sometimes sessions need to end early for different reasons.
  8. Yes! Scott was my go to guy when he used to live in NYC (prior to Boston). Saw him regularly. Fantastic deep tissue massage (therapeutic only) and a super nice guy! I highly recommend him.
  9. Another one that is counting on clients being attracted to his physique. Too many out there like that...or maybe it’s a ymmv situation?
  10. That is very unprofessional... to be on the phone (or doing anything else) while massaging.
  11. Also try Josh... he’s quite good. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/32263/
  12. PM if you want and I can give you some thoughts on Dallas (which I’m not far from) and yes, a group that has changed over recent years.
  13. I totally get what you are saying (doesn’t sound stupid at all
  14. @BigNoiseDallas @fm0322 I hear you. It has happened to me and it can be disappointing. But in reality there are gazilions of reasons. One masseur who I had sort of become friendly with got into a relationship and had to stop and went off the grid for a year or so, others have family issues or job issues, who knows. It’s probably rarely ever about he clients. Plus it’s easy for clients to get more attached to the masseur than the masseur to the client. They see many a day / a week, and we see them in a more focused way. It’s an interesting dynamic actually. But again who knows the reasons? Best to move on.
  15. There are 1001 reasons why a masseur may not respond inside of 24 hours. Especially if they are traveling, sometimes their plans change or they aren’t sure when they will arrive in your city or have other things to juggle. Usually if 48 hours pass and then nothing, I might text again. I will say that 90% of masseurs I contact respond right away or within 2 hours. Those who have been longer (many times, not all) generally apologize for taking so long. A few are flakes but it’s rare.
  16. Many of my favorites and repeats are Eastern European, former Soviet Block countries. The really good ones have stellar techniques that are second to none. I actually like the fact that they don’t talk much because I want to enjoy the experience not listen to someone blather on. It’s like anything else I suppose, there is good and then not so good/bad.
  17. Yes the lack of business savvy for some (not all) is stunning at times. But some are quite fastidious when it comes to money and keep really good records and ledgers about who they saw, when, where, and how much they received. Some have told me about their tracking system. Usually I confirm the rate when I confirm the appointment so that there is no misunderstanding. If the rate is significantly different than what they post on the website then we talk about that. It’s usually no big deal. What makes me crazy are those who upsell in the middle of the massage. I don’t repeat if that happens.
  18. Also... do not ask the masseur personal questions or be overly chatty if it is clear the masseur does not want to talk. Respect their boundaries both physical and emotional.
  19. I have an appointment with him this weekend...
  20. The price tag is too expensive for what he appears to provide...red flag.
  21. I’ve seen him a couple of times. PM me.
  22. Yes but... also hit and miss.
  23. Ryan is one to avoid. I hired him a while back for a 90min session and he stopped after 40 saying he was tired. What? Ok maybe... but still. Thanks @Capitano for info on Mario. I’ve always wondered about him.
  24. I’ve very rarely had masseurs not respond at all. But the ones that have not, I’ve later discovered that it wouldn’t have been a good match anyway. Not to skate around bad manners, bad luck, and bad timing (all of which it could be) and not to be too mystical but on the no responders, the universe was just saying « not this one » for you today (for whatever reason)
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