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Posts posted by ButchAtl

  1. I think if they show as "available now" 2 hours to wait is more than enough. Otherwise, then they really aren't "available now"

    If you are not looking for now, then 48 hours seems reasonable, but you could still reach out to others depending on when you're wanting to schedule.

  2. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph56abeac850653


    Nice video of being jerked-off while driving. Anyone experienced this and/or a blowjob?



    In Georgia there's a new "hands free" law regarding cellphone usage while driving whish permits only hands free usage to reduce "distracted" driving.

    I suppose this might meet the "hands free" requirement, but maybe not so much the "distracted" part, right?

    Yeah, I've been on both sides of this activity!

  3. Today I posted s review of a recent meeting on the RentMen site. It was received and approved within 15 minutes! I am mentioning this not because of the unusual speed of the approval, but also because the appointment for the meeting was made and confirmed totally without RM communication being involved.

    I had previously met this particular provider and had contact info. .


    I had previously read of guys trying to post a review only to be rejected due to a failure to communicate through RM regarding the appointment. (Maybe at some previous point I might have communicated through RM, which might have had an effect?)

    Change of policy? or ? Did the 5 star rating make a difference? What if it had been 1 star?

  4. Not a good sign...

    Interestingly, I have had similar responses to a couple of recent polite inquiries of both escorts and masseurs either visiting or new to Atlanta.

    Either its been no reply at all, or a reply not answering any of my questions and some unrelated reply like "hi"

    However, I've never had an escort just stop replying...especially after scheduling a meeting!

  5. I've been with Hunter a number of enjoyable times. H's very classy, great looking, professional, sexy, playful, and caring.

    Pretty much perfect for me, but I did like the perfect body a bit more before his current diet body, ha.

    As stated above, his video does reflect his personality.

  6. Nice looking enough, but I thought he had interesting choices for his travels...San Antonio then to Little Rock for FOUR days! He must have relatives there, ha. On second thought, maybe its a good choice to to lack of providers there.

  7. Probably showing my age here, but I thought it funny that member "Harvey" was the one who noticed his funny name.

    For the younger set, "Harvey" was the name of a James Stewart (google him) movie about a guy who had an invisible (to everyone but him) rabbit friend, Harvey.

  8. I was a child of the sixties and was always aware of music, movies and television of the past. Our family would watch silent movies at Shakeys. Listen to a wide variety of music. Little Rascals, Stooges, Marx Brothers were as much a staple as the cartoons of the era. Expose kids to some of the classics and you will be surprised how they may react. Hell I have even been revisiting TV from my child hood via Youtube. The Chuckles the clown episode of Mary Tyler Moore still holds up today, As do many of the Carol Burnett skits. There is value in the past, and yes somethings never change. I feel about Rap and Hip Hop the way my father may have felt about the Rolling Stones or his father about Glen Miller.

    I was a child of the sixties and was always aware of music, movies and television of the past. Our family would watch silent movies at Shakeys. Listen to a wide variety of music. Little Rascals, Stooges, Marx Brothers were as much a staple as the cartoons of the era. Expose kids to some of the classics and you will be surprised how they may react. Hell I have even been revisiting TV from my child hood via Youtube. The Chuckles the clown episode of Mary Tyler Moore still holds up today, As do many of the Carol Burnett skits. There is value in the past, and yes somethings never change. I feel about Rap and Hip Hop the way my father may have felt about the Rolling Stones or his father about Glen Miller.


    Ah, yes...Carol Burnett skits and MTM...wasn't that just on last Saturday night?

  9. http://bjroosters.com/


    went there only once on a quiet Sunday (Swinging Richards was closed :rolleyes:) during an Atlanta visit in 2016.....very casual, neighborhood feel.....had a great "private" with a very cool and remarkably honest (!) guy who I think?? was Latino? - don't remember his name.......


    grab dinner at the nearby well-known old-school Colonnade ("gays and grays") and gawk at the notorious Cheshire Motor Inn next to the restaurant


    from google reviews re: Colonnade:

    Good comfort food. Clientele is definitely on the elderly side. My biggest criticism is it's location. It's in a scary area of town. We we're approached by a panhandler as we were walking out the front door. Across the parking lot is an unsavory motel I wouldn't be surprised if you can rent rooms by the hour. As a female I would definitely not go there alone or with my kids without my husband and not after dark


    I believe Colonnade is only open at lunch these days...but then, if you're REALLY southern that's dinner, right?

  10. Marcos was therapeutic on my one visit. No hint offered for anything else.


    Update: He showed up today(6-26) on Rent Men as versatile. and offering a boyfriend experience.

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