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Posts posted by Bearofdistinction

  1. You’re part of the problem. I’ve expressed my distaste towards the attitude you hold in the Bourdain thread, but it is worth repeating.


    Can you even begin to imagine the pain that this person must have felt to end his life? I bet you cannot, because why else would you make such an asinine comment!?


    I knew him and loved him for 7 years and knew his whole history and his issues and his pain physical and emotional - As for asinine comments - judge not lest ye be judged -- so I will just ignore your comments and attribute them to the ass_________ (hole, wipe, hat, shit, rag, etc) that you have shown yourself to be.

  2. Let's think this through together.


    More than likely the maids only come to the room once. Some providers will ask for extra sheets or take extra sheets. Some providers will lay down towels. Some are ok with neither.


    Unless you are getting a hotel room for the provider for just you and him. Also it's a hotel room room, provider or non provider people have done things in that bed regardless of new or dirty sheets.


    It's sort of the elephant in the room. Hotel rooms can run hunderd to several hundred a night. On top of a provider If you are only going for an hour appointment. That will most likely only cover travel and hotel costs for a provider. More than likely they will have to see multi clients or have multi hour bookings to cover their costs and make it worth it to tour your city.


    This equals ==== Bring your own can of Clorox Disinfectant or Lysol Disinfectant Spray --- Or remember that your tongue will be up his ass in the first five minutes -- So what matters more on the clean scale???

  3. The 24 hours of 9 June I had to go to the bathroom to urinate 15x.


    Last night was okay. I went to bed at 11:15PM and got up at 7AM. I only went four times. Five if you include when I got up.


    I don't remember how long I've had arthritis in my knees. Several years. I had x-rays. My doctor told me not to jump or run. But it was not until February of 2017 that things began to get worse.


    But on the other hand some things are better. In May 2017 one evening when I stood up I was lite-headed. I called 911 and the ambulance took me to the emergency room. They didn't tell what was wrong. Several days later I saw my doctor. It was anxiety and he prescribed Clonazepam. I stopped taking it a couple of months ago. Now when I get up out of my chair, stand up, I bend down and reach out to the footstool to get my bearings and then stand erect; I am not lite-headed or dizzy.


    What you are describing is Postural Hypo-Tension

    That along with the thirst and the frequent urination it sounds like your diabetes is not under control


    Some peoples blood pressure and diabetes react with each other --- Time to see the Doctor --- BTW

  4. I enjoyed him in the gay themed movie "Twilight of the Golds"




    Brendan's Best and Bare


    SCHOOL TIES - Shower Scene as Puppies with Brendan-Matt Damon - Chris ODonnell - Ben Affleck --- Grrrrrrr - Did I mention NAKED


    GODS AND MONSTERS --- Excellent Performance with SIR Ian McClellan -- Hot - Hard - Naked - Well Acted


    GEORGE OF THE JUNGLE --- Brendan - Loincloth - Talking Ape -- Who Could ask for anything more!

  5. Stumble upon this site.

    Anyone know how legitimate it is?

    Since SESTA had shutdown many escort sites (like Craigslist and Backpage), this looks like an alternative.

    It mimics Backpage where you can only insert pictures - no text, and must have a profile link to a website (like your Facebook page).




    Yes the Site is for Uncut Escorts --- You Spread em Like Cheeezzzee Whiz

  6. I wouldn't come because you're not my type. But if you were my type and I found a PISS JAR next to the bed because you're too lazy to go to the bathroom I wouldn't stay. That's some Hoarders/Silence of the Lambs shit.


    Hello Clairesse Could you hear the Lambs Pissing when you approached to --- Make them into Excellent Edibles . . .


    Don't Worry Mikey I know for a fact that Rudy does not waste his golden gift in Coffee --- But he makes amazing Golden Delicious Apple Fritters!

  7. My limited experience with escorts visiting my city has been with guys who are in hotels during their stay. That makes business sense to me. I've had several situations recently where escorts have not been able to host because they're staying with friends. That doesn't sound like a good business model, but to each his own. Curious though, is coming to a city and being available only for outcalls a common situation in the escort world?


    I Generally prefer to host - with the Caveat that the Gentleman Caller is well reviewed with a good track record. Usually If I am engaging Callers it is for a Rocky Road rather than a Vanilla Session --- And I have way to much gear to travel with unless Nubian litter barers are available . . .

  8. That was a recent storyline on the British soap opera "Coronation Street". It was exposed as a fraud.


    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle the creator of Sherlock Holmes believed in it. Houdini the magician went about exposing them.


    On the late night radio show Coast-to-CoastAM they sometimes have guests who practice it.



    Oh yes -- Everytime I call Tech Support at Comcast/Xfinity

  9. As a physician, way too often. There are many reasons possible, but do not guess, get a medical opinion.

    Just as an aside, I placed a urinal in my master bath and night time peeing requires no aim, no muss, no lights. In fact, I do not even have to open my eyes. Consider it if you are redoing your bathroom.


    What is your Urinals Name? Mine was an add in so I just chained him into the party shower and since he is and does French I just call him Wee-Wee

  10. @Mikegaite I hope you have an amazing day... wherever you are. :D


    Hey Mikey === I hope you are going Deli for your Bday --- A Tongue up your ass - A tongue in your Mouth and a Couple of Tongues wrapped around your Cock and Balls ---- And of Course Tongue on Rye -- Happy Sticky BDay!!!

  11. I think my days of seeing a doctor are over. Since I fell in the parking lot back in April and the rescue squad had to come and get me back in my apartment I've not been outside since then. Because of the arthritis in my knees I can barely walk around my apartment. I had thought of a nursing home and made a few inquiries a month ago but no one got back to me.


    I try not to drink too late in the evening. But being a diabetic I get especially thirsty.


    NOPE -- You need to find out what services are available where you live --- GOOGLE BITCH GOOGLE -- In Philly we have Philadelphia Corporation for the aging --- Find out what services you are eligible for --- UBER and LYFT offer Wheelchair Accessible Rides at discount prices ---- GET TO AN ORTHO --- A Knee is an Easy Fix!!! Maybe you need a stairchair -- grabbars - etc ---- CALL YOUR DOC and SAY ---- I NEED SOME SUPPORT/HELP

  12. I met up with a couple guys who advertised bondage; the hotel bed was very challenging in terms of finding where to secure the restraints.


    Bed Bondage https://www.forttroff.com/product/ft-bed-bondage

    Writing Table/Desk - Usually 4 Post Legs and a Roll Of Duct Tap

    -Ottoman and Rope

    -Grab Bars Rope/Duct Tape in Shower

    - Rolling Room Service Table

    -Headboard and Rope

    -Ironing Board if Full Sized --

    =Old Hotels with Iron Radiators

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